Screw A.J! Screw Zach Frost!

"No, this isn't right", Esmeralda grumbled with a deep frown on her face.

"Put that away woman! You've been going at it for hours", Dylan complained from behind her. It was late into the night and the two were in bed. He was trying to sleep but Esmeralda had different plans.

"But it's just... Have a look", she turned to him and showed him the device she was holding.

"You edited A.J and George's picture into one frame?" His mouth hang open, shocked that that's what she wanted to show him.

"I wanted to see what they look like together. Ugh! I don't like her but if I were her, I would have gone for the big boss", she said with a dreamy expression.

"Zach Frost?" He arched a brow at her.