After they were well-rested, they set off for Highblock Halls. When they were halfway there, the sky suddenly turned dark, and Valorie looked up worriedly, "Looks like it's going to rain soon, we better hurry." "I agree, I don't want to catch a cold when I'm fighting Arch-Illager!" Hex said. "Did you have to say that?" Hedwig asked. "Indeed I did Hedwig," Hex said mockingly.
"We made it, finally," Valorie said. And as if on cue, lightning streaked through the sky and rain started to pour down, "And just in time too," Hal said shivering. Then Hedwig said, "Well, let's get going, and stay focused, especially you Hex." "Ok ok," replied Hex, but his mischievous grin gave him away. Valorie facepalmed and said, "It's not like he would listen anyway." "It was worth a shot though," Hedwig sighed.
The mansion had many illagers guarding it, so they had to be careful. They fought mostly pillagers and vindicators, but sometimes they would also come across raid captains, evokers, or royal guards. Just as the heroes thought that there couldn't possibly be any more kind of illagers in this mansion, they saw another kind of illager, it was an unusual illager because it was...hostile chefs attacking with spatulas???
The heroes were surprised at this sight, but they snapped out of it just before the chefs could attack, (iron spatulas could still hurt, you know) so the heroes ended up running, which caused a bunch of chefs to follow. While being chased, Hex said, "Maybe the chefs with to share a special recipe with us?"
"I don't think so," Hal replied "Even if they did want to share one, we would have killed them already. "Oh yeah...whatever," Hex said killing the chefs. After the chefs were cleared, Hedwig couldn't help but point out, "You don't know how to cook anyway, so the recipes would have been useless to you Hex." "Ouch Hedwig." Hex said. "That's what you get, for mocking me earlier," Hedwig said playfully. Hex sighed, "That fair, I guess..."