Chapter 16 Reporters 

Shen Yaotian looked at Shen Yuxin's red and swollen face, slightly stunned for a second, and was angry again when he remembered Shen Yuxin's words, "Well... then I will not care about you anymore, from now on, you have no relationship with me!"

Shen Yuxin said in a cold voice: "From the moment my mother died, I no longer have any relationship with you!!!"

"Don't you regret it!"

Shen Yaotian was so angry that he slammed the door and left!

Shen Yuxin slowly slid to the ground against the cold wall, curled up into a ball, biting her fingers hard, tears sliding down the corners of her eyes, but she never made a sound.

Since the appearance of that woman Tian Fulan, everything had changed, she and her father, could no longer return to the past!

Less than ten minutes after Shen Yaotian left, the knocking of the door sounded.

Shen Yuxin climbed up and saw uncountable paparazzi with cameras through the peephole, it seemed that the people outside the door tried to smash her door down.

She was so shocked that she took a step back, how did the paparazzi find her?

Was this what Shen Yaotian said not to regret?

The police came several times, but these paparazzi came back just after the police left.

Her agency, Tianhe Media, had announced the termination of her contract, especially the owner of Tianhe Media, Zhou Cheng, asked her to pay an astronomical compensation of 550 million.

Shen Yuxin had been pushed to the edge.

But just then, she received a call from St. Marcos Hospital, her hands trembling as she repeated the last sentence, "What did you say, doctor? What's wrong with my grandmother?"

It was the only family member in the world who still cared for her.

Grandmother lost her daughter in her later years, leading that her body and mind suffered heavy trauma, and in recent years she was more weak. But, how, how could she be so agitated that her oxygen tube fell off? When she was found, she was already in a coma, and now, grandmother was still not out of the resuscitation room!

Shen Yuxin was not afraid of being taken away for the first time and being framed, but now her body was shaking.

If grandma were to go, she didn't know if she would be able to hold on much longer.

The doctor sighed, "Shen Yuxin, you'd better come to the hospital as soon as possible to see her, if your grandmother can't be saved, perhaps, this is the last time you see her ..."

Shen Yuxin's eyes were red, her tears had dried up. The last time? But now she could not even get out of the door!

Shen Yuxin called Su Fei, but Su Fei had been sent abroad overnight by the company and there was no way to help her.

Then she called Qiao Xue, but she didn't answer.

Finally she found Jiang Yiyun, one of her only friends in the entertainment circle.

The call was through quickly.

"Shen Yuxin you are really amazing, I only went out for a few days, you made such a big deal, I sent you so many messages, why didn't you return?"

Jiang Yiyun said in a hurry, he was the top stream in the circle with good reputation, acting, and many fans. He was a handsome and elegant person, it was rare for him to speak in a hurry.

"My grandmother is seriously ill and in the hospital, I have to hurry to the hospital, but I can't get out now because there are many reporters outside, can you do me a favor?"

At this point Shen Yuxin's voice was already trembling badly.

"Wait for me, I'll figure it out, don't worry!"

Jiang Yiyun's voice was gentle and carried the magic of soothing the heart.


Half an hour later, someone shouted outside the door, "Shen Yuxin is over there!"

The reporter turned around and saw only a suspected figure of Shen Yuxin, so they all chased her.

Shen Yuxin took the opportunity to go out, and after two steps, she looked back at the house and her heart jerked!

On her door, someone wrote big blood characters in red paint - Murderer!

Sooner or later, she would throw the word hard in those people's faces!

Shen Yuxin wiped her face and turned to leave.

She didn't dare to take the elevator, so she went down the stairs for 13 floors to the parking lot on the B2 floor!

A black car, soon drove to her side and stopped.

"Get in the car."

"Why did you come in person, aren't you afraid of being photographed by reporters and getting into trouble?" Shen Yuxin didn't expect Jiang Yiyun to come over personally.

He was wearing a mask and a hat, covered himself very tightly, only revealing a pair of gentle eyes, "A girl who would rather drink until her stomach bleeds than be forced to have sex with influential figures, a girl who dares to beat the producer, I can't believe you would be so cruel!"

Shen Yuxin's eyes were sore: "Thank you!"

Jiang Yiyun looked at her with a doting look in his eyes, "What are you being polite to me for?"

The car drove out of the community and stopped at an unoccupied roadside, and the two got out.

"You drive away, I've filled it up!"


She didn't know what else to say except thank you.

At this time, he was the only one who could trust her and help her without caring about things on the Internet.

Jiang Yiyun looked at her reddened eyes and opened his hand heartily, hugging her: "If there's anything I can do to help you, just tell me!"

Suddenly, he saw a car coming not far away, and one person peeked halfway out of the car window, holding a camera.

He immediately said, "Get out of here!"

"How about you?"

"I have a solution, you hurry up and go!"

Shen Yuxin gritted her teeth and quickly got into the car and stepped on the accelerator, then the car rushed out!

It took her four hours to drive to the hospital. She drove to the maximum speed and arrived at the hospital before dawn..

Grandma had come out of the resuscitation room and the doctor told her that the rescue was successful, but Grandma was not out of danger yet.

Shen Yuxin saw her grandmother with white hair, lying on the hospital bed with tubes in her body, and she could not hold back her tears any longer!

"Grandma, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I wanted you to see me happy and get married, but I messed it all up, I'm sorry ..."

She cried like a baby, but Grandma couldn't hold her in her arms like she did when she was a child.
