Chapter 17 Another Black Material

The news that Shen Yuxin met with a strange man at night and hugged him on the street then spread all over the internet.

Some people pointed out that the man was suspected to be Jiang Yiyun, but his fans did not admit that and said that their idol was filming elsewhere, and let Shen Yuxin kind of bitch stay away from their idol.

But at this time, Jiang Yiyun sent a tweet: The world will not be dark forever, there will always be a day of dawn! Go for it!

Many people said that he was refuting rumors for himself.

At the Aria Clubhouse, Yin Chongnan was so angry that he kicked the table hard: "She's so bad, and it didn't stop her from hooking up with men, why is this woman so cheap? Is she unable to live without a man?"

Someone joked, "Yin Chongnan, you haven't given up yet?"

Yin Chongnan looked over coldly, and no one dared to speak at once.

Gu Tingwei lightly tugged his tie and picked up a glass of wine, his was calm and no one could see his inner irritation at this time.

"The week is almost up."

Yin Chongnan smiled confidently: "No hurry, I still have time, she was terminated by the company and chased for debts, I just don't believe Shen Yuxin can still hold on!"

The sober eyes of Gu Tingwei did not fluctuate, as if he did not care about the loss or win of this bet.

At the St. Marcos Hospital.

The doctor told Shen Yuxin that her grandmother's brain had been deprived of oxygen for a somewhat long period of time, and it was likely that she would become a vegetable and never wake up, and even if she did, she might face the physical paralysis.

She was at the bedside for two days and nights, and her grandmother finally opened her eyes.

When the old lady saw her, the first thing she said was, "My granddaughter has been wronged!"

Apparently she already knew about Shen Yuxin.

One sentence defeated all of Shen Yuxin's defenses, days of injustice, helplessness, panic were all released in front of her grandmother!

The only person in this world who loves her unconditionally and believes in her was her grandmother.

The grandmother woke up and passed the danger period, but it was difficult for her to stand up in the future.

The doctor said that she must take a good rest and must not be irritated any more!

Shen Yuxin felt strange, she had clearly instructed all the medical staff in the hospital to keep her affairs confidential, why did her grandmother still know about it.

But she did not dare to ask, afraid to irritate her grandmother again.

Shen Yuxin took care of the old lady in the hospital for two short and peaceful days, as if she forgot about the bad situation outside!

But soon, the more cruel reality abruptly pulled her out of the escape state.

Shen Yuxin peeled apples for the old lady and accompanied her to watch the TV series. After an episode, entertainment news was inserted in the middle, and she subconsciously wanted to turn it off, but she was stopped by the old lady.

The old lady said, "Let's take a look."

Exaggerated voice came out: "In addition to the exposure of Shen Yuxin's black material in the entertainment circle this week, the biggest news is that Qiao Xue, the national first-love goddess, is the eldest daughter of the Shen family. The situation of the two best friends is now the comparison between heaven and hell! "

On the TV Qiao Xue stood between Shen Yaotian and Tian Fulan, the three cut the cake together.

As if, they were the real family members...

Shen Yuxin was stunned, staring dumbly at the TV, "what does this mean?"

Qiao Xue, was Tian Fulan's daughter?

The best friend was the daughter of the stepmother she hates the most?

So, Qiao Xue knew early on that she was Shen Yaotian's daughter and approached her on purpose?

Shen Yuxin suddenly felt a chill in her back, like a poisonous snake entrenched behind her..

The fruit knife cut her finger and she didn't even notice!

Blood flowed out drop by drop, staining the snow-white sheets.

The TV switched to the image of Qiao Xue being interviewed at a business event.

She wore a long sky-blue dress, sweetly smiled, full of gentleness and kindness.

A reporter asked her about Shen Yuxin.

"Yuxin is my best friend, and I always believe in her, and I hope everyone will be more tolerant of her."

"Shen Yuxin seduced Fan Shujie's boyfriend and forced her to commit suicide, what do you think about this matter?"

Qiao Xue was at a loss, she bit her lower lip, slowly said: "In fact, I have not been able to contact Yuxin for several days, I am very worried about her, I have been deeply regretful about Fan Shujie."

If the things ... online are true, I hope Yuxin can come forward and be brave enough to take responsibility and not run away, and if they are false, I hope even more that she can come forward and tell the truth to prove her innocency ."

This statement was equal to the fact that Shen Yuxin forced Fan Shujie to die was true.

Shen Yuxin stared blankly at the TV, her heart was dripping blood.

She thought fiercely of all the things that had happened during this period of time. A fine thread appeared in her mind, which was linked one by one. Perhaps it was all designed by her good stepmother and good friends!

She was fooled like a fool for so long!!!

No wonder she sent a message to Qiao Xue, she did not return and answer the phone, because Qiao Xue was the one who sent her to the bed of a strange man, she lost her body as a result.

No wonder at the party with Gu Tingwei, she was just coldly watching her jokes on the side, and even more so when she was slandered by the whole network, Qiao Xue only said those words that made people misunderstand her!

Maybe the people behind Wang Zhigang were also manipulated by this mother and daughter! If there was no benefit, how would Wang Zhigang come forward!

It was as if Shen Yuxin had been slapped by someone with all his might!

It was at this moment that she really came to her senses.

Shen Yuxin gripped the fruit knife in her hand. With bloodshot eyes and aching heart, a revenge plan suddenly sprouted in her mind and gradually developed.

"I won't let anything like this happen to you again, Grandma."

Shen Yuxin looked up at Qiao Xue's face on the TV: "After so many years, what they owe my mother, what they owe me, should be paid back."