Bestie Talks.

While holding the lecture material given by Professor Gu, Gin sat while daydreaming about the events of the past few days.

Although the unexpected meeting was enough to make Gin suspicious, after seeing that nothing strange happened the next day, Gin finally didn't think about it anymore. Whether it was Jiyu remembering something and trying to clarify or just finding out, Gin thought that was enough for Jiyu to satisfy his curiosity. Gin narrowed his eyes. She hoped there wouldn't be another meeting like that in the future. But even though it happened again, Gin wouldn't let it slide easy.

"Excuse me, Song Sunbaenim. Am I bothering you?" said a girl waking Gin from her daydream.

Gin raised her head and looked at the short-haired girl who looked at Gin shyly while holding the thick paper in her arms.

"What is it?"

When meeting Gin's piercing gaze, the girl became more nervous. "Sunbae, can… can Sunbae help me to check the paper I made for Professor Gu's class?"

Gin raised her eyebrows. "I don't think the task is that difficult," Gin said, but still raised her hand and the girl immediately put the paper into Gin's hand.

The girl smiled shyly and her cheeks turned red. "Actually I had a hard time with the sub-topic so I got bad marks in the previous assignment."

Gin nodded. She took her glasses and read the paper seriously. Perhaps Gin was being too serious that made the girl become more nervous. She was staring at her with fear and was preparing to be criticized by the famous Sunbae's sharp tongue.

In fact, what was feared did not happen. After efficiently reading the entire paper, Gin took off her glasses. Then she pointed at a certain paragraph on a page with her index finger.

"The topic you chose, even though it's quite common, is at least acceptable. Your analysis in this section is not in-depth so it has not been able to answer as a whole as you meant in the problem formulation. I suggest you read XX's work in YY's book or BB's. It helps you to understand the issue XX discussed with the topic you chose."

The girl listened intently and immediately her eyes lit up. She looked at Gin with admiration. Then nodded her head in understanding.

Gin smiled slightly at the girl's overly enthusiastic behavior. She glanced at the name on the cover of the paper. "It's good that you understand, Kim hoobae-ssi."

The girl gasped, not expecting that Gin would call her name. The girl smiled shyly again and bowed deeply.

"Thank you Gin Sunbae. This really helped me!"

Gin nodded slightly.

"So Sunbae, as my gratitude, how about I treat Sunbae coffee?"

Gin shook her head. "It's just a small favor."

The girl looked at Gin with a sad face. "But I really want to treat Sunbae to something."

This kid was quite stubborn, Gin raised her eyebrow.

It was not like her usual but Gin was patient enough to talk with this junior. She propped her chin. "Alright, I got it. How about you come back after you get at least B+ from Professor Gu then I'll let you treat me then."

It was not that Gin underestimated the girl's abilities but by Professor Gu's standards, it was lucky enough for the girl to be able to get B+ on her assignment. Gin was also not that good person to correct the entire contents.

At first, the girl was sad but after hearing it, she was excited that she jumped like a puppy. She returned a small bow before leaving Gin with hurried steps.

Gin shook her head then went back to reading the material.

Just a few minutes reading, the vibrating tone of the cell phone in her jeans pocket stopped Gin's activities again.

Han Jun Idiot was calling

"Yo~ do you miss me?"

[...are you delirious?]

Gin stuffed her materials into her bag. "Do not be shy. Just tell the truth, Buddy."

[I'm at cafe 98. Let's have lunch.]

Gin smiled. "Is my damn Buddy possessed by a demon today? Where does this generosity come from to worry about me?"

[If this makes you die if you are silent just for a second? Stop spouting nonsense and get out quick."

"Yes yes, gongju-nim."

[What did you just-]


Gin smirked in satisfaction as she abruptly turned off the phone. She glanced at the time on his phone and saw that it was already lunchtime.


It didn't take long for Gin to find Jun-woo. Her damned buddy was always out-standing. Gin walked and sat in front of Jun-woo who was staring at the menu with a waiter who kept peeking at him. Seeing Gin just arrived, Jun-woo just glanced at her and read the menu he ordered.

"Is there anything more, sir?"

Jun-woo was about to shake his head when Gin was preceded. "Add a beef sandwich with double-cheese. Just a little mayonnaise. Oh, don't forget the meat must be fully cooked."

The waiter nodded her head and left the place before she still managed to glance once more at Jun-woo. But unfortunately, Jun-woo had never even looked at the waiter.

Gin couldn't help teasing his friend. "Hey, don't be too cruel. The maid was already trying to make you notice her"

Jun-woo grunted. "What does it have to do with me?"

"Yes, yes. I can't compete against a love slave like you."

Jun-woo glared at Gin. "Looks like you want to die faster."

Gin put on a victim look but she said sarcastically, "Why are you blaming me? It's true after all. Who was the boy who used to shed tears while showing an expression like an abandoned dog when Yiyi Eonni left that time? If I could remember, I think the name of the child is Han Jun-woo or something similar like that"

Jun-woo would usually always respond with his poisonous tongue but when a certain person's name was mentioned, he would become a completely different person. Look at this moment, he couldn't even hold back his embarrassment causing both of his ears to turn red.

"Stop your bullshit. Did you think I didn't know you were trying to change the topic this time?"

Gin snorted. She folded her arms while leaning on the chair staring blankly at Jun-woo. "Come on, I'm too lazy to think about it."

Now it was Junwoo's turn to snort. "Hmph. Keep being oblivious. Don't you forget it was you that said you still like the boy so much that you're becoming helpless or anything that makes me sick to hear?"

"Aih~ so annoying. Let's just say he knows me, then what? Is that something I should bother with?"

"You know that's not what I mean," said Jun-woo.

"Look how confused you are to respond. Actually I myself also don't know what to say about that man. He had changed a lot. He used to be so cute and clumsy that I really wanted to take him home but yesterday, he indeed still looked innocent but from his eyes that he deliberately didn't hide, it was obvious he is a wolf in sheep's clothing," said Gin.

Jun-woo raised his eyebrows. He was impressed when hear Gin's long grunt. "So what will you do if he comes back to see you again?"

Gin raised her eyebrows as she looked at Jun-woo with a calculating gaze.

"I might be able to tolerate it once," Gin said as she licked her lips. "If we meet again, I hope he doesn't blame me since he digs his own grave."

"Well, do what you want."

Gin chuckled. When the awaited meal had arrived, they immediately stopped talking and focused on eating their lunch. For a moment the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Gin remembered something so she raised her head. "I'm going to the Sun tonight. Do you want to join?"

Jun-woo frowned for a moment. "Why are you still going to such a place after so long."

Gin shrugged. "I do not know. It's just that I feel I need something fresh."

"What good things will be there," Jun-woo said disapprovingly.

"Just wanted to. I'll just sit there, perhaps. But I don't know for sure if I'm really going there."

Jun-woo sneered. "Sometimes I don't know what's in your head."

"The brain of course. How can you be so stupid that you don't know the basic knowledge." Gin smirked.

Jun-woo snorted, displeased how this woman always joked about everything with him. Jun-woo didn't bother asking further and finished his food.

"Alright, stop frowning like a little girl. If you want to come, just come straight to the Sun's."

Jun-woo mumbled, not knowing whether he agreed or not.

After leaving the cafe, Jun-woo went straight back to campus, while Gin chose to go home because there was no class in the afternoon. Gin didn't walk hurriedly since her stomach was full enough. On a fairly busy street, it was inevitable that some people would bump into each other and so did happen to Gin.

"Sh*t. Are you wearing the eyes just for display, huh?" The person next to Gin cursed at her.

Gin didn't bother to look at the source of the voice. Besides, it was ridiculous since the one who had the right to curse should have been Gin because it was that person who nudged her. But Gin didn't want to pick a fight with some idiots on a busy street like this. So Gin kept walking and immediately got into a taxi that was dropping passengers off.

The person was still cursing as he stared at Gin's back, intending to find trouble with her. But when Gin turned to enter the taxi, the person finally could see Gin's appearance. Even if it was just a side profile, he was very certain she was someone he knew.

"F*ck. Turns out it was Song Gin! Damn it!"
