I apologise

"So can I come in ?" He ask pushing the coffee in front of me.

"Fine only for bit, I'm busy" (A) I grab the coffee from him. I shut the door behind me and watch him. He's scanning the place. The living room and kitchen are connected. My room is on the right of the living room. It's small but it's mine.

"Nice place! Smells very nice" he says

"Thanks, I'm making creamy Shrimp pasta" his head spins back to look at me instantly and he gives me a big smile.

"Oh I love pasta" I know exactly what he is doing.

"and you do owe me right?"(J)

"You're kidding right? " (A) I roll my eyes.

"Fine, you can stay and have some I guess" (A)

"Oh, Why thank you" He laughs. he pretty much invited himself.

My mind wanders back to Jess. Did he have sex with her this morning then decided to hang out with me, are they a thing? She seems to be smitten with him.

"So you and Jess ?" I say walking into the kitchen.

"There's no me and Jess, we had a casual thing when I first joined. Now we are just friends"(J) I question whether I can actually believe him. I mean they seem close.

"Didn't seem like just friends in the coffee shop"(A) he chuckles

"For someone who is so unaffected by me you seem to be very jealous"(J). I let out a sarcastic laugh

"Me jealous? Never" (A)

As I turn around to face him, I bump into him my hands landing on his chest. I thought he was standing by the couch. He place his finger under my chin lifting my head to look at him. I could feel the heat of his body under my palm. His heart beating so steadily. I stand there paralysed unable to take my eyes off of his beautiful green eyes. The smells of his cologne made my head hazy.

He leans closer to my face just inches away. Usually I would look away if a guy ever done that, I always get too shy. But I couldn't break eye contact I wanted to keep looking into his eyes which searched mine.

"Tell me again you're not jealous"(J)

My throat was dry there was no way I could force out any words. He pressed his hands on my back and pushed me closer to him and in one swift motion his hands slid down behind my thighs, he picks me up and sits me on the counter.

"What are you doing?" I manage to force the words out

"This" he replies gently before bending down his eyes holding mine hostage. His lips met mine, I've only imagine how his mouth, his lips must taste like a thousand times. I feel like I'm melting away. His lips were soft and warm, he pushed his tongue gently inside my mouth. My limbs giving up on me, my legs were turning into jelly. His hands were gently placed around my neck lifting my head up so he has better access to my lips. He tasted me and I tasted him.

He breaks the kiss and I slowly get back to my senses. I inhale deeply trying to make light of what just happened.

"What was that?" I swallow hard

"Something I've wanted to do for a very long time" (J) he's still between my legs his hands haven't moved, still loosely wrapped around my neck, his thumb skimming over my lip. His mouth descends on mine again I quickly accept him my hands roaming his hair. His tongue tasting every corner of my mouth. I can't believe this is happening. His mouth moves to my neck slowly kissing, sucking and bitting leaving tingles in their wake, I let out a soft moan.

Wait what am I doing. Do you want to get your heart broken again.

"Jack, wait" I plead.

"What's wrong?" His voice soft

"I don't think we should do this. I'm not use to jumping into bed with just anyone. I just can't, besides I don't know who or many girls you are sleeping with. There's jess.. she's clearly" he pulls back instantly.

"Is that what you think of me? That I'm just sleeping with loads of girls" his tone of voice changes, he almost sounds hurt.

"well umm, I " I mumble, he looks pissed. I may have crossed the line.

"Actually I've got to go, I'll see you around" his hands fall by his sides. He grabs his jacket before slamming the door behind him.

Okay maybe I was a bit harsh. Great just what I needed. I run to my window which overlooked the front of the building. He climbs in the his car and drives away. His face so serious. I spent my Saturday stressing over what happened, he probably won't speak to me again, probably for the best though. I know how it ends when you get involved with someone like him. I can see myself falling for him, only to be hurt, no not again.

It's Sunday, I am arguing whether or not I should text him to apologise for what I said. Maybe it's best to leave things the way they are. If someone said the exact thing to me I would be absolutely livid and probably wouldn't want to hear from them again. I spent my Sunday cleaning and feeling like shit about the whole situation and stressing about seeing him on Monday. Every-time I think about Jack I feel like my heart is in my mouth.

I arrive at the office around 8:30am. I sit down at my desk trying to focus on my task for the day, I can't help but feel eyes on me. I look up and Jess is sitting on her desks, with a pen in her mouth. She's doesn't look too happy. Maybe he told her what I said, I don't have time for this. I give her a quick smile and go back to focusing on the tasks at hand.

Lunch time, I walk past his office and he doesn't seem to be there. I ask Georgina, who has been assisting him, apparently he was away all week due to come back on Monday. Not going to lie, I wanted to see him and knowing he wasn't in at all made me feel at ease but at the same time I missed him. How is that even possible?

It's finally Friday, this week has been long. I cannot wait to go home and take a nice hot bath. After the 3pm huddle I start clearly the meeting room. I pick up the cups and plates that have been left behind. As I am bending over to unplug the projector, I hear the door close and footsteps coming towards me. Before I had the chance to turn I could smell him. I had turned into a bloodhound addicted to his scent. I turn around and find him standing by the table, he looks amazing. He's wearing a crisp white shirt, with the arms rolled up, His hair all tousled and a smile on his face. I stand there like a statue, I couldn't tear my eyes away.

"Jack! Hello" I say surprised to see him.

"Hey, how are you?" He ask

"I'm okay, Thank you and you?" I reply politely.

"Yeah could be better" he replies quickly. The room fell silent and the next second we both started speaking at the same time.

"You first" he says as he walks towards me.

"erm, I-I'm sorry, about what I said" his eyes are on me and he is taking small steps in my direction

"it wasn't fair. It really isn't any of my business who you are with or how many erm.. how many" I struggle to get my words out. He is getting closer and closer, his eyes like a predator waiting to pounce on his prey.

"I just, I didn't want to rush and " I take another step and my back hit the wall. There's only a few steps between us.