Shower at mine?

He takes a few more steps until he's towering over me. I look up at him through my lashes, feeling vulnerable because of this gorgeous man who is looking down at me. His look so intense, his eyes dark, full of lust and desire.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since I left your apartment. I keep thinking about your mouth, how I had you panting on the counter" his voice rough and sexy. I bite my lip and take a deep breath.

"All I want to do right now is pick you up, pin you against the wall and taste your sweet mouth again" his voice is calm, his eyes never breaking eye contact. My heart is racing, my breathing was laboured as if I just ran a marathon.

Seeing how he is affecting me he carries on

"I don't know what it is about you, but I just can't get enough. You're not like anyone I have ever met before. From the moment I saw you something clicked inside me" with that said He crashes his lips on mine, I kiss him back fiercely. His tongue exploring my mouth, his arms are snaked around my waist holding in place and tight against him. I have never been kissed like his, with so much hunger for me.

Suddenly there's a knock and someone pushes the door open, bringing us back to reality. Jack quickly moves away from me trying to make it look like he wasn't just kissing the shit out of me. I, on one hand couldn't hide it at all, I couldn't even breathe, my face was red from embarrassment. Looking at the door I see Jess standing with her arms crossed, a look of disappointment and resentment washes over her face.

"Jack, Mayor is on the phone for you" her tone blunt

Jack clears his throat "Right, so Anna I will speak to you shortly. Wait for me after work please?"

"Yes. I will " (A) my voice came out crackly. We both walk past Jess. Jack retreats in his office and me behind my desks. 6:30pm I start packing my stuff and head for the door, I pass by Jack's office but he isn't there. Maybe he left? As I walk out of the building there he is leaning against his car. As soon as he sees me he opens the door.

In the corner of my eye I catch Jess and two other girls giggling and talking while watching Jack. I climb in.

"You okay?" He asks

"I'm good, just a bit tired" I sigh.

"I thought maybe you could come to my place, I was thinking of making us a nice dinner and talk?" (J)

"Yea that's fine, oh but I need to shower so need to stop at mine first" (A)

" You can do that at my place. We'll go to yours to grab your stuff?"(J)

"Okay, Thank you" (A)

We stop at my apartment and I quickly run up to grab change of clothes. what am I doing, this is so unlike me, but after what happened in the meeting room I wanted more and besides we need to talk about it. I make my way downstairs. Jack is on the phone, he doesn't look too happy.

"Everything okay?" I ask curious as he hangs up.

"Yes, yes, got everything?" he doesn't dwell on it and changes the subject.

"Yes". After 15 minutes and a silent car ride we get to his place. He drives into the underground parking.

We get into the elevator and as soon as the door close, Jack turns to me. He pushes me against the cold metal wall, I drop my bag and he pins my arms above my head. I am trapped. He licks his lips and takes a deep breath. My heart is in my mouth, I want him to kiss me so badly.

"Do you know how good you look like this, helpless and at my mercy" his eyes moves to my chest then to my lips. I watch carefully as he closes his eyes and murmurs something under his breath . He suddenly lets go of my wrists, my arms fall loosely next to me. He runs his hands through his hair

"I need to be patient" he says as he clenches his jaws,

"Good things come to those who wait, right" at this point I can barely speak, my heart is beating so hard, I feel like it'll fall out of my chest.

The elevator dings, he picks up my bag and leads the way. We walk into his apartment which is on the top floor. I look around impressed, the walls are mainly floor to ceiling windows. The view looks amazing, it's the skyline of our city. He looks in the direction I am looking

" Beautiful isn't it?" he says

" Yes, it really is" I reply in awe, it's dark so all the lights look like stars.

"while I sort things out here, why don't you jump in the shower?" (J)

"Yes, please. I'm desperate to get out of my work clothes" (A) he smirks. oh I didn't mean it in that way. I blush.

"Come"(J) the bathroom is covered in white marble tiles, the taps, shower, towel rack and the holders are all black. He turns the knobs and sets the temperature

"That's all ready for you" (J)

"Thank you"(A) I wait for him to leave the bathroom and strip. The warm water feels so good, I lean my head against the wall trying to gather my thoughts. I cannot believe I am in Jack's apartment, in his bathroom taking a shower. A week ago I would have called anyone crazy if they told me I'd be here.

I could go home and leave this all behind me, I'm scared he could hurt me. I don't want my heart to break even more, it's already in pieces. But I couldn't help but want more, I'm drawn to him like a magnet. Just being in his presence knowing that he wants me makes my heart skip a beat. After a while I turn the water off, I realise I don't have a towel. Great! I call out for jack. He knocks on the door but doesn't come in

"You okay?" (J)

"yeah, but I don't have a towel!" (A)

"Oh right, one sec" (J).

"I'm coming in" (J)

" Wait what? why? just leave it on the floor" (A)

" I won't look" (J) he has his hand over his eyes, once he's closer he moves his hand from his eyes and opens the towel out in front of me. I turn around and let him wrap it around me. His hand brushes against my skin sending shivers down my spine. He opens his eyes and stands back

"You look so hot wrapped in a towel". Before I know it he wraps one hand loosely around my neck pushing my chin up. His mouth is on mine devouring and bitting my lips.

His mouth moves down my neck, licking, sucking and bitting. I hold on to his arms to steady myself. I can feel his muscles tensing under my hands. In one swift move he picks me up and slams me on top of the sink counter. His big hand wraps in my hair, he pulls my head back and starts kissing my neckline slowly with so much passion. His mouth doesn't stop its sweet torture. I feel his other hand resting on my lap, squeezing my thigh hard.

Everything around us becomes a blur, my heart is pounding. I kiss him back taking everything he gives me. My arms wrap around him pulling him into me. All the sudden he stops his sweet torture. What, why did he stop. Staring at me with hooded eyes

"Let's press pause I'd like to do this properly" only then do I realise the doorbell is ringing.

He leaves the bathroom and I stare at myself in the mirror. My curly hair falling either side of my face, my cheeks and lips blushed from excitement. This is crazy. I've never met a guy who drove me this insane. I quickly get dressed and make my way to the kitchen. His eyes instantly find mine. I blush with embarrassment, replaying how he was just kissing me.

"Feelings fresh?" he asks with a hint of mischief in his voice.

"Yes, very" I reply shakily. He walks over to me.

"I'm going to grab a quick shower too" he says. He bends down and kisses my lips lightly. "Then we'll eat" well that was quick, what did he cook. He looks at me as if he knew what I was thinking

"I didn't have much here so I got takeaway" he points his head to the counter where a large bag is sitting on top of the counter

"Make yourself at home" (J). I smile up at him.

I wander around the living room looking at the photos and the view. I open the door to the balcony, the cold breeze erupts goosebumps all over me. But that doesn't bother me, I needed the fresh air. Looking at the view, my mind drifts to Jack. Is this just a casual one time thing just like Jess? Does he actually like me?

I'm lost in my own thoughts, i'm quickly brought back when strong arms wrap around my waist bringing me closer.

"So beautiful" he says looking down at me. I take a deep breath, taking in his scent in. He smells so fresh.

"Jack?" I says his name softly

"What's going on? Why am I here?" (A). His arms still wrapped around me

"I told you, I can't stop thinking about you Anna, I've had my eyes on you for a very long time now." (J)

"Then why didn't you ask or try anything sooner?" I ask

"because I was told there wasn't a chance in this world you'd ever look my way, and to be fair you rejected all my advances" (J). Yes it's true, I did reject all of it but purely because I thought he was like this with all the girls and he would just get bored then throw me to one side.

"Why do you want me? Why me? I know Jess is smitten with you, so why not her?" I ask. He turns me so I look at him. "I-I, To be honest with you from the moment you walked into my office mumbling you caught my eye. You're beautiful and everyone only has good things to say about you, and forget about Jess. It was never like that with her" (J)

"what do you want from me, I don't want to play any games. I've been there before, messed around and hurt" (A)

"All I know is I can't seem to be able to stop thinking about you. I mean I've never done the whole relationship thing. I want to go with the flow, see how things..." (J)

"So you're hoping to fuck me and throw me to one side, great I get it" I push myself out of his hold.

"Hey wait, I never said that's what I wanted to do. You don't know how hard last couple of months have been. I have been watching you and I know you're not the type of girl any man should play with and throw away! I wouldn't do that" (J) watching me ? What does he mean.

"Look it was stupid, I shouldn't have come here, I don't know what I was expecting but last thing I want is to get hurt. I think it's best we stay away from each other" (A)

what was I expecting, he's probably trying to get me in bed that's it. I start walking into the living room when he grabs my arm and pulls me to him.

"Don't go, please let me finish. I promise I'm not just trying to fuck and throw you away like a toy" his eyes searching mine.

"I have never wanted to be with any women like I've wanted to be and have you. From the moment you walked into my office, I was drawn to you. I've since then asked about you and tried to learn as much as I could" he voice serious

"Even my uncle, told me not to waste my time, he knows you're not easily impressed and to be honest he warned me to stay away"

"but you're different, every time I thought fuck it I'll leave you alone and saw you with a guy or someone flirting with you, I would feel my blood boil" he says with a bit of anger in his voice "My uncle was right, I saw just how unimpressed you were with other guys, so I had to take my time and wait my turn"(J)

"I knew if we at least became friends first maybe I'd have a chance to show you I'm not a player or an asshole"(J)

"Now that I've tasted you, I want more. I'm dying to have more" (J). I gulped. Before I say anything else he catches my mouth and kisses me violently. I kiss him back losing my sanity again.