Back to reality

I'm woken up by the sound of birds outside the window, I slowly open my eyes. Warm yellow rays of sunshine were peaking through the curtains, giving enough light in the room. The fire had died during the night and there was a slight smell of smoke in the room. I look beside me and there he was, his hair all tousled, half his face buried into the pillow. His arm was draped over my tummy and his long leg laying across both of mine. He looked so care free and boyish.

I stare at him reminiscing about last night, It was amazing, nothing like I have ever experienced. My body was slightly aching and a little bit sore but I didn't care last night was incredible. No guy on this planet has ever made me feel this way, I can't get enough of him. I couldn't stop myself from falling for him, I am falling hard and quick. I turn on my side and kiss his lips softly. He moans and murmurs something under his breath.I kiss him again and his eyes flutters open.

"mmmmmmm" He moans

"Good morning baby" hey says sleepily trying to open his eyes.

"Good morning" I smile at him

"You sleep okay ?" he smirks at me, I blush.

"Mmhmm, Yes I did and you" I grin

"Oh I had a very very good sleep last night" he smirks, his eyes pooling with desire and mischief. He rolls me on to my back and climbs over me. His mouth showering my body with kisses.

"I. thought. we. could. take. the . boat out today" he says between kisses. I giggle

"Yes, I'd like that"

After laying on the floor for a little bit longer, wrapped in each others warmth, we get up. I shower and get ready. Jack is waiting for me outside

"The boat is waiting by the docks" he says pointing behind the house, we walk around hand in hand. His boat, or should I say 'Hope' was beautiful. Not that I know much about boats but the interior was very modern. I am super impressed at the fact that he knows how to sail.

We decide to stop in the middle of the lake, the view is amazing Although it was a bit chilly, the sun was out and I intend to make the most of it. We sit at the front of the boat, Jack laid down a panic blanket and brought some wine and food with us. It is so perfect, the view, him, everything.

"Come here" he gestures for me to come under his arm. I do just that, resting my head on his chest.

"This is perfect, I wish I didn't have to leave" I smile looking up at him, he bends down and kisses me. His tongue exploring my mouth, he tastes of white wine.

"I'm so greedy, I want to lock you up here and have you all to myself" he says with a smirk on his face.

"Have you tied up" he closes his eyes and laughs. He kisses me again his hand wraps around my neck pushing my chin upwards. His mouth devoured mine. He kisses me with so much want and passion. He pulls away and wraps his arm around me again.

"Unfortunately, it's back to reality for us soon. I'll drive you back to yours okay?" (J)

"Yes, thank you" (A). I want nothing more but to have one more day of peace and be like this with him. I'm pissed that our time here started badly with his parents crashing our plans.

After a while on the boat, we sail back to the docks and pack our stuff. I take a final look at the house, I don't know why I felt so nostalgic about leaving. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was coming our way.

We drive back to the city and Jack drops me home.

"Thank you for the weekend, I loved it, I loved every minute of it and the food and the wine" I give him a warm smile.

"Even me?" he smirks at me, wait? did he just ask me if I love him? No, he's probably just teasing me. He laughs

"I won't be in the office all week, I've got a few things to wrap up and I have to sort my parents and" he trails off

"That's fine, Just call me, erm or text" (A) I don't want to come off too needy. He leans over and kisses me

"Yes I will, see you later baby" He smacks my bum and climbs back in the car.

"See you later " (A)

I drop my bag by the door and grab a drink from the kitchen. Is it normal that I miss him already, feel that there's a knot in my stomach. I smell just like him, I take a deep breath. I try and take my mind off of him by tidying my place up.

I get a text from Jojo.

- Hey babe, how was your weekend away?- (JO)

-Hey Jo. just got home, back to reality for me. but It was amazing, we had a great time there. had a rough start but we made it though!- (A)

-What do you mean rough start- (Jo)

-Well his parents showed up and tried to crash our plans, honestly it's so long to explain. Why don't you come over?- (A)

-don't have to ask me twice, on my way!- (Jo)

After 20 mintutes, there's a knock on the door- It's Jo. She walks in with a bottle of white wine. She hugs me and we make ourselves comfortable on the couch with our wine.

"So Spill, I'm dying to know!" she has her arms crossed, patiently waiting for me to spill the beans.

"Ok- where do I start? We got to the cabin, it is abosolutely beautiful. Jack showed me around then we just went for a walk. Erm he then" I pause building the excitement, she is on the edge of her seat

" What?spill" she says eager to know

"He asked me to be his girlfriend" she gaps,

"OMG, what. You guys are finally officially, oh Anna i'm so happy for you?" she says with a large grin on her face.

"Well that's the good part, we got back to the house and his parents were waiting for us. Weird part is when you and Bec came back from your vacay and we all went for drinks I spotted this guy outside the DEJ, he just looked dodge. Turns out he works for his parents, who had sent him to spy on Jack" Her mouth drops open, she looks at me like a gaping fish

"Nah you're shitting me?" (Jo)

"Nope, it's all so crazy, but anyway we went in, his mom ended up calling me the maid. so did his dad , they were super rude, I didn't stay in the room cause Jack wanted to speak to them alone"

"What? girl tell me you at least listened in"(Jo)

"You bet I did, after how they treated me. But I kind of wish I didn't to be honest." my voice sad

"They called me a scruffy no name girl, and apparently jacks old flame, this girl called Alice, still has hopes for the two of them. They kind of want him to be with her, she's more suited to his life, their life.I don't know. They were just trying to convince him to come back and work for the family company. Oh and get this apparently I'm after jacks money too" I say sarcastically

"I can't believe this, did jack defend you?"(Jo)

"No he didn't, we had a massive argument after they left about the fact that he just stood there and said nothing, but according to him defending me would have caused more harm that good. We argued about the fact that he is, well was still speaking to Alice."

"I'm not really rooting for him anymore, he could have at least ask them to back off. Is he still into her?" (Jo)

"No he isn't, they weren't even in a relationship, their parents made it seem that way. Anyway on a night out with Tyler he was drunk and slept with someone else. According to him he felt bad because he know he hurt her and they just kept in contact" her eyes grew wider

"Wait so he's friends with Tyler Hemmings?" (Jo)

"was I think they fell out some time ago" (A)

"Look Anna, I'm not telling you what to do I know you're a grown woman, but please be careful. I know you've been hurt badly and I do not want the same thing to happen again. It took you four years to finally be able to put yourself out there" she says concerned

"I know Jo, and I appreciate you saying this. But Jack is different he feels different. Every time I see him or kiss him, I just. erm it's" I struggle to get the words out.

"OMG, you're totally in love with him aren't you?" she gasps with a smirk on her face

"Erm no no, where did you get that from?"(A)

"I know you too well, look how red you are. don't even deny it!!" she laughs

"Okay, maybe I love him a little bit" I hide may face

"Please be careful" she says placing her hand on mime