The Storm

Jo left around 9pm as we have work in the morning. I text Jack before I go to bed

-Just wanted to say thank you again for the wonderful weekend! Goodnight- (A)

-You're very welcome, I can't wait for the next time we go! Goodnight Baby- (J)

Throughout the week I got text here and there from Jack, nothing special he just texted to ask me if I was okay, how my days went and to tell me goodnight. I know he's busy, even the Mayor look super stressed and busy at the office. It's Thursday today, I wonder what happened between to jack and his parents. Has he spoken to them, I didn't bother asking as I didn't want to come across too nosey, I'm sure he'll tell me when he is ready.

"Anna, you okay?" The mayor brings me back from my day dream.

"Yes, i'm okay thank you" I smile

"Mayor Preston, I- Have you hear from Jack today?"

"Ah yes, he's very busy with the last bit of the campaign. And you know he told me what happened with Cathrine and Conrad. I'm very sorry about them. They are very- They can be hard work. But please don't mind them" he smiles at me

"I'll tell you something though, since you and jack have been together, it is the happiest I have ever seen him" he squeezes my shoulder. I grin at him.

I finally finish work and make my way home. I notice a black car parked outside my building. I park my car and climb out, to my surprise jacks mom gets out of the back of the car. She smiles at me while walking my way.

"Hi, Anna right? I was hoping we could talk?" (Cath)

"Hi, Erm sure, is jack here?" (A) What the actual fuck, what is she doing here, why does she want to talk to me ?

"No, just me." (Cath)

"Okay, lets go upstairs" I lead the way.

"Would you like something to drink?" I ask politely, she is scanning the room, she doesn't look too impressed. she has her arms crossed.

"No thank you, I'm not planning on staying for long" she says, her tone cold.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I lean against the counter. I have a feeling she's just going to be rude again.

"I know that you think you and Jack have something meaningfull. I know my son, he unfortunately is a lot like his dad. He's very good with women. Trust me when I say this, you won't last long" (Cath)

"You don't know anything about me and jack " I rebel

"I know, you think it's special. But trust me, jack is wasting his time, sooner or later he'll realise that he needs a girl more fitted to his lifestyle. He has a big and bright future ahead of him, but he needs to stop wasting his time here" (Cath)

"How dare you? you don't even know me!" I spit out

"Oh i'm sure you are a lovely girl but you just don't fit in his world darling. Jack deserves a girl who comes from his world and you, you deserve someone more suited to this" She says waving her hand around the room. My eyes open wide, It's insult after insult with her.

"I'd rather you two end things quickly so the jack can get back to his real life. Seems you're what's keeping him here. Look if its about money" she opens her bag and takes out a piece of paper and hands it to me. I take it and look down at it. It's a cheque for 50 grand. What the hell! does she really think im after jacks money.

"I'm not a gold digger, I'm not after money" I shout at her. now I'm pissed.

"Just take the money and leave Jack. Your relationship with him is bound to end anyway wouldn't you rather be 50 grand richer and do it sooner"

"How dare you? Get out"I hand her back the cheques.

"You need to leave" I open the front door . She bends down and puts the cheque on the table.

"Think about it"she leaves

As I shut the door, tears stream down my face, I feel so humiliated. I take out my phone and call jack but it goes straight to answer phone. I call a few times but it goes to voicemail. I text him

-Call me when you get this- (A)

I jump in my car and drive to his apartment. I make my way upstairs, wipping the tears away from my eyes. I ring the bell, after a few minutes the door open. A tall blonde girl is standing in front of me wrapped in a towel, her hair was wet like she had just hoped out of the shower. she has piercing blue eyes, full lips which appear to be fake, so were her boobs which were bulging out of the towel. I stand there paralyse, my mind filling up with I told you so's. I can't believe it, I thought he'd never hurt me. Is that why he didn't answer his phone, he was with her?

"Can I help you?" she smiles at me.

"erm, no, yes. Who are you ? I ask, I know the answer already but i'm hoping I am wrong. but it doesn't matter if I am wrong my heart is still in pieces, He cheated!

"I'm Alice" I instantly feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"Sorry , I got the wrong apartment" I say turning on my heels and walking back to the elevator.

I feel like everything has crashed around me, there's a knot in my stomach and my heart hurt so much. How could he? I drive home and pack my stuff. I don't want him to find me, I never want to see him again.

I call Jo-

"Hey, can I come over?" my voice crackly and sad

"Oh my god, are you okay? yes of course! what's wrong Anna?" (Jo)

"I'll speak to you soon Jo, I'm driving" I hang up

It takes me about 15 min to get to her house. I knock on the door and she opens it. As soon as I see her I break down. Tears streaming down my face, she wraps her arms around me. I pull back.

"I've been a fool!" I say through my tears

"What do you mean? Did jack do something ? come sit down, i'll bring you some water" I sit on the couch wiping away my tears. she hands me the glass and I take a sip and put it down.

"His mom came to my place"(A)

"why?" (Jo)

"She came to tell me that I wasn't good enough for her son, she said I don't fit his life that he would eventually leave when he gets bored. " (A)

"Are you serious? What is wrong with these peopler?" (Jo)

"She then handed me a cheque for 50 grand to end my relationship with jack. I said no and she left

"I then called jack and he didn't answer so I went to his place and " I close my eyes and sigh.

"Alice answered the door, in a towel, soaking wet" a look of horror spreads on her face

"Oh Anna, oh my god! I'm so sorry. you don't deserve this!" she pulls me in her arms and hugs me.

"Did you speak to him?"

"No I left before I even saw him, I couldn't face him" I place my head in my hands and exhale hard

"I'll be fine, I just want to be away from it all" (A)

'I know you do honey, I really thought jack was a good guy, you two looked so happy together!" she says her tone sad.

"Look, you don't have to go home, I'm leaving tomorrow to visit my parents. You can stay here as long as you like" (Jo)

"Thanks Jo" I sniff

"What you going to do about work? you're going to see him eventually?" (Jo)

"I'm going to quit" she looks at me shocked "I don't want to see him again jo, I can't. I don't want to be there. if I want to heal I need to cut all connections to him" she nods

Jo calls Becs over and after she has been caught up with it all, she was furious and wanted to confront Jack, but I asked her not to. I want to pretend like the last few months never happened.

We spent the night drinking, Jo invited a few friends over and we had pizza. Even with friends around me and tipsy from alcohol I couldn't shake Jack out of my head. I retreat to Jo's spare room where she had put my bag. I curl up into a ball, I still can't believe what happened, this is the second time someone has cheated on me. My heart was officially ripped into pieces, I lay there thinking about the time we had, every kiss, every touch. It all meant nothing to him

I fell in love with him and this was what I got more heart break, I was insulated and treated like a gold digger. Maybe I should just let him explain? No, what's the point he would probably try and fill my head with lies. Once a cheater always a cheater right? His mother was right he finally got bored and got back with Alice, I was just a means to an end nothing more.

I open my phone and look at the picture we took together on the boat, he has his arms around me and the biggest smile, my head on his chest. Little did I know he would do this to me. I delete the picture along with his number.