Birthday Girl

I wake up with a massive headache, I had too much to drink last night. It's 9:30am. I make my way to the living room and call out for Jo. She isn't here, there's a note on the table

-Good morning sunshine, I've left early for my flight. Becs will be by later on to check on you. Text and call me if you need anything at all. We love you!! xx- I smile

I have some coffee and start writing an email to the mayor.

Dear Mayor Preston,

It is with regret that I have to inform you of my immediate resignation.

Due to personal events that have taken place, I will not be able to work at the town hall anymore. I apologise for any inconvenience cause. I will be sending Jess all of my notes and current work I have finished along with a Handover by the end of today.

It was a pleasure working with you.



I send the email, after a few minutes the mayor replies straight away. Usually he doesn't reply this quick.

Hi Anna, thank you for your email. I'm very sorry to hear you are resigning to be honest I am sad. I enjoyed working with such a bright and intelligent woman like you.

But with all the fomalities to the side, is everything okay?

Henry Preston

I didn't know he cared about me that much to want to know if I was okay. I was angry at jack not him but I couldn't help myself.

Hi Henry,

It is because of Jack that I have had to leave, We are not a good match and I cannot be around him anymore.

Thank you Henry

He replies instantly

I see - I'm terribly sorry! Well if you need any recommendations or anything else I'm more than happy to help!

I don't reply back, That's it I can move on. I spent the day apply for work and finishing the handover and send them to jess, I'm sure the mayor will fill them in. Even jess was right about Jack, he just uses girls to fill up the hole.

I stayed in bed, not eating or drinking. I feel like my life is over, there's a not stretching in my stomach, my heart heavy. I contanstly have to remind myself that I have been through this before and I will get through it again

It's been a week since the whole ordeal happened, I'm back at my place There's a knock on the door, it's Becs she has been dropping in here and there to make sure I',m good.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask as I open the door

"Hey! tired! I need wine" she sighs. she walks to the fridge grabbing the wine bottle.

"Erm, Jack was there today" her voice low, as if she's trying not to upset me. After I found Alice at Jack's, I never heard from him again. I suppose he feels ashamed, guilty or just doesn't give a shit.

"Oh, yea?" I clear my throat, the subject of jack had been none existent lately, I just didn't want to dwell on it or talk about him.

"Yeah, erm he announce that his work with the campaign was done and had his office cleared out" My heart dropped

"He's moving back, I overheard him talking on the phone about taking working with his dad' she says while pouring the wine.

"Oh, I guess they finally got him back" my mouth pressed into a line

"Yeah I guess, he just didn't look like his normal self though, he seemed miserable and stressed out" she says softly. My heart sank at the thought of him being unhappy or stressed. I still cared about him no matter how much I forced myself to hate him.

Me and Becs chilled together before she went home, when she's here i'm okay, it's when she leaves and the place falls silent. I feel alone, I never felt alone before but since Jack I haven't been able to feel like myself.

It's now been two months since I saw Jack, I haven't heard from him nor did I try to contact him. The pain he left was still there, I was broken but I didn't let it get to me I numbed myself, pretended not to care. It's my birthday today, I'm going out for a fancy meal with my friends.

I get out of bed and have my breakfast. My door rings and I answer


"Come up" I reply. I open the door and the delivery man walks up with a huge bouquet of roses. He hands it to me.

"Thank you" I say with a smile "Have a good day ma'am" he nods

I close the door and walk in the kitchen to put it in a vase. There's a note on the side.

-Happy Birthday. I Hope you have a great day. Jack-

My heart was racing, all the sudden I feel like I was in a black hole of sadness, I sit on the stool and stare at the card. I smell it, it doesn't smell like anything. I would give anything to be able to smell the scent of fresh linen and mint again. I smell the roses, they smell sweet. I put them in a vase and leave them on the counter. I'm not going to look into this too much.

After chilling at home all day, I get dressed to meet my friends at the IVY. I'm wearing a black strappy dress which showed off my curvy body and black heels. My makeup light and my hair cascading down my shoulder. I look beautiful.

I call a cab and make my way there. Becs and Jo are already waiting for me outside.

"Hey guys" I call you

"Happy birthday! Girl you look amazing! " They hug me.

"Come on, lets go in" Jo says exited

We sit down at our table and scan the menu. I am starving.

"We have got a little something for you, we know how hard things have been. We think you deserve so much. So me a Jo got you this" she hands me an envelope. I open it and there's a ticket to Maldives. My eyes open wide and I gasps.

"You're joking? Guys this is too much" I say

"No it's not. You have always been there for us and you deserve this " Jo replies with a big grin.

"Thank you guys, this is the best birthday honestly" I give them a warm smile.

"Okay okay let's order, I'm hungry!" We order some drinks to start with. As I am sipping my expresso martini. Jo stops and her mouth drops. She looks at Becs who turns to me

"What? " I ask

'Don't look behind just yet but Jack just walked in with the Mayor" She whispers. At the mention of his name my head gets dizzy. My heart racing and my palms sweating instantly. I slowly turn my head, There he is, standing by the door talking to someone. His wearing a shirt and jeans. He face looks stern and serious. I couldn't tear my eyes away, this is the first time I have seen him since he dropped me to my apartment before everything went down.

He glances over and catches me staring at him, he looks shocked to see me here. I guess he didn't know we would be here. The mayor sees me too, he gives me a big smile, I smile back. Oh shit they're walking this way. What do I do? I look at Jo and Beca whom are just gaping at me. Guys! help me! I plead with my eyes. Too late

"Hello girls!" the Mayor says to us. My heart is pounding, god I don't want to be here.He follows his uncle over to our table.

"Hi" we reply back looking at the Mayor

"How are you Anna? How's the new job?" the Mayor asks politely

"Oh it's good. I really like it there" I say softly trying to avoid eye contact with Jack

"Hey" he moves by his uncle and gives Becs and Jo a smile and turns to me

"Happy birthday" His eyes meet mine, I feel like all the air in the world has been sucked out. His eyes fixed on mine. The atmosphere almost uncomfortable. The mayor clears his throat breaking his spell

"Thank-Thank you" I reply softly.

"Well, we'll Leave you to it" he says quickly and retreat to their table

The mayor looks at me, his lips pressed into a line, "Happy birthday Anna" he says and leaves

"That was awkward" Jo says. I gather my thoughts and down my Martini

"Whoa there girl" Becs laughs

"It's her birthday let her, plus Jack is here she needs amo" Jo pats my back

After our food arrive, I excuse myself and go to the bathroom. I walk past Jack's table, his eyes meet mine briefly before I bow my head. I open the door to the bathroom and take a deep breath. I wash my hand and look at myself in the mirror. Get yourself together Anna. you're fine, you'll be fine.

I open the door and find Jack leaning against the wall. I gasps I wasn't expecting him to be there.

"Can we talk please ?"(J)

"Jack..I" (A)

"Please it'll be quick" (J)

"Okay" I whisper. He grabs my hand and leads me to an empty room at the back on the restaurant. He closes the door behind him.

"You okay?" he asks gently

"I don't know anymore" I say sad his eyes widen, he takes a step towards me

"You look beautiful" he says, his eyes looking at me up and down

"You left " I say changing the subject

"I didn't have anything left for me here, so I left" (J) my heart sunk, tears welling up in my eyes.

"You had me" (A)he sighs loudly.