Chapter 59

Chapter 59:

Its been two weeks since we found the remains of the dried up corpse of the templar knights inside of that frozen cave.

It's also been two weeks since my father called for a meeting due to the discovery of the existence of corrupted creatures.

And since then, the entire Florentine city was put on the highest alert, and strict curfews were also implemented every night, to make sure that everyone is safe and properly following the security protocol, especially now that we are facing an unknown enemy.

Once the curfew has started a platoon of soldiers can be seen patrolling every nook and corners of the city, to make sure that no corrupted creatures have entered or hiding inside the city.

And it's been three weeks since the fog have appeared and trapped us all inside the wall of our city, and due to the growing danger outside. I was forced to teach our people to do an emergency drill, to keep them all safe in case of an attack from the corrupted creatures, and the results are gratifying.

The drills that I taught them are composed of lessons on what to do during an attack, where to go, How to keep yourself safe, what are the things they need to bring during the evacuation.

I conducted this drill on the city for an entire week and every citizens of the city are required to participate. Making sure that everyone is properly train on how to react in case of an emergency.

I also dedicated several buildings in different part of the city into an evacuation area, and I forced most of our powerful knights to become a temporary construction worker in order to dig a huge underground place that could hold a lot of people in case of an attack. A shelter were our people could hide for safety in case of an attack from outside the city wall.

We are short on time, okay, If I would used normal soldiers to dig up this massive underground shelter, then it might takes us months to finished it, but if I used the knights and utilizes their aura in digging the ground then our speed would be phenomenal.

And at the same time, although it might sounds absurd to prepare all of this things, for something that didn't happen. It's still much better to be ready than not.

To be honest I just don't want to die again at a very young age of 11, besides I still haven't seen enough of this world. So, dying is not an option especially, now that I have a bright future waiting for me.

Aside from that there's still a lot of things that I want to do, out there in this world. I can't just be contented on this place, even though our territory is big there's still nothing can compare to an entire world.

At the same time, I still want to see the things that I only heard from the stories of people in the tavern and I also want to explore a lot of interesting place.

I also want to build an empire of my own.

I guess that's one of my dreams in the future, and I think everyone who transmigrated would also do the same thing that I did.

I mean, I also want to quickly modernized this medieval world and bring a lot of technological innovations into this place.

Not just because I'm missing the comfort that a modern life can bring to me but also because I wanted all of this people to experience the convenience life of a modern world.

But before all of that, I know for a fact, that we are now our own. And it would not be easy for us to defend the entire city against the siege of corrupted creatures, especially now that our connection with the Turox kingdom is cut off. It's impossible to expect for any reinforcement coming in.

As long as we remain trapped inside of this fog, non of us can relax as we please.

In addition, during this past few weeks a lot of unusual things started to appear and it was reported to us by our patrolling soldiers inside the fog.

That includes the report about some huge parts of the forest that suddenly died down for unknown reason but immediately came back to life in just a matter of day.

At first we thought that our soldiers were just suffering from hallucinations brought by the fog.

Since everytime we inspected the place that they have reported, we didn't find the dead forest that they claim to be dead but as more and more reports comes in, the official knights of the territory finally get involved.

And finally, after several days of waiting we finally confirmed that all the reports of our soldiers are true.

Somehow, there's seems to be something that's sucking out all the vitality of the forest, corrupting everything within its reach, but there's also a strange power that's stopping the corruption from spreading further as it always restore the forestry around the territory to its former glory. We can inly attribute this strange phenomenon to the power of the enchanted forest itself as it's a place that's full of mystery.

Aside from this unusual phenomenon my father have finally allowed Sandra to further investigate the magic rune hidden underneath the city. At first, Sandra was really happy because of this but just after 3 days of research she immediately gave up and reported to my father that it's too impossible for her to uncover anything from the ancient ruin.

Because she can only make assumptions on what are those runes are for, but she can't really test it out since she is only a scholar not a magician. Furthermore the runes that was engraved on the walls are far too ancient that she can only discern a few of them based on how they were arranged.

Sandra said that in order for her to have a progress on the research of the ancient runes we must first, find a magician who can test out all the rune inscription that can describe the capability and power of each runes.

Runes are considered as the oldest type of magic known to man as every runes signify the consolidation of different types of magic. But due to difficulty in writing this ancient runes, people have started to ignore this profession and shift into another causing the collapse of knowledge about ancient runes to a point that huge part of it has already been forgotten.

Aside from this, it's already been two weeks since I started to practice and create my own skills using the concept of the cultivation technique of the Stratnan family as they can easily construct a barrier anywhere around them without having any physical contact with it, which I can used on my own advantage.

Well, at first, I thought it would be easy but It took me two weeks to succeed in creating my very own long range attack.

It's a sword made up of pure aura covered in the power of lightning element since it is the main element of my family's cultivation technique.

I didn't even realize that it took me this long to create this skill of mine. I was so engrossed in learning that I lost track of time.

But that's not what important right now, although I successfully created an original skill, I can't still used it as I like. I can only used it as a hidden trump card since it takes a toll on my body every time I used it.

A massive amount of mental strength is needed just to condensed one lightning blade, and with my current strength I can only condensed one lightning blade before I run out of mental energy but that is already enough to ensure my safety if I used it wisely as the damages that it can do surpassed any skill of the same rank.

I named this skill of mine as blade of destruction. I know it sounds grand but this is what my skill really do it destroys everything around it touches.

I still remember the first time that I try to used this skill outside of the city as I want to test out the power of this attack and it doesn't go as I plan.

It seems like there was something wrong with my preparation causing the accumulated mana to dispersed in the surroundings.

It took me another week of research before I figure out what goes wrong and it was because the skill is consuming its own power before I even formed it. So this time, I finally thought of a solution on how to solve it it just that I haven't tested it yet.

So we are here right now outside the city wall to demonstrate my original skill.

"Master Lucas, are you sure about this?" Michael asks apprehensively as he follows me outside the wall of the city.

"How many times do I have to tell you that this time, I am sure that I can finally shows you this awesome skill that I created."

"But have you already forgot what happen to you last time when you tried to do this?" He said worriedly as he put both of his hands on his head.

Michael is pertaining to the things that happen to me this past two weeks everytime I tried to use this skill.

Since I still haven't completed my skill sword of destruction at that time, I always suffer from some kind of minor backlash due to the failure of casting my skill.

Everytime I failed on casting my skill I would always suffer from some kind of mana backlash that affected my body, like a mana blockage on my veins or a small mana explosion inside my body though it sound simple but the pain I felt everytime it happen is terrible.

I even need to forced Michael to hide this secret from my father since I know that once he found out about it he would immediately stop me from experimenting on creating my own skill.

"Don't worry Michael I already learn my lessons and this time I'm sure that I would definitely succeed." I said with determination as We decided to go a little further from the wall enough to be face to face with the sickening fog.

"But this is also the 4th time you told me about this Master Lucas, we can even considered our selves lucky that we were able to hide this secret from your father for such a long time, and it's even a miracle that Ethan still managed to heal you despite the situation you were in during those times." Michael said worriedly as he also take a defensive stance to guard me.

"I know what you are worried about Michael, but as long as Ethan is with us then I'll be fine." I said in a calm manner as I started to focus my mind on releasing my skill.

"You are fine because Ethan uses those precious potion to heal your body, and didn't he also warn you about the danger of what you're doing in creating your own skill?" Michael said in frustration.