Chapter 60

Chapter 60

"Listen Michael, I know that you are worried about me, but I'm really trying to concentrate over here, so would you mind giving me a few moments of silence?" I said in a displeased tone as he keeps on reminding me of my past failure.

"But I haven't done anything yet." Michael's exclaim in defense behind my back.

"Just give me a few minutes then I'll speak to you, later!" I retorted back to him as I can't focus my mind on controlling my mana, and his response to my outburst is just a gesture of zipping his own mouth while giving me a defeated look.

After that little fiasco, I was able to finally concentrate and put all my thoughts to what I need to do, although it might sounds simple and easy to condensed all my mana outside of my body but the truth is, it wasn't that easy at all.

And as much as I want to describe it in words, it was too complicated and complex to do at all. Since it requires tremendous amount of concentration, and mental strength to accomplish. Which is especially hard for someone like me who hasn't yet mastered this skill.

Maybe even, Callisto can do a much better job than me, since he already has the knowledge and foundation regarding the main concept of this experimental skill of mine since this skill is based on his family cultivation manual. But the difference between the two cultivation manual of our family is really huge that only the main concept of knight training was retain and the rest are a new thing for me.

Today is the day that I would finally try to test this new skill of mine but in reality this isn't just the first time that I'm trying to do it as this is already my 14th time of trying to used this skill of mine, but Michael isn't aware of it and he thought that it was just my 4th time if he knew the truth regarding this matter I'm sure that he will be the first person to report this to my father and that's not something I want to see.

I failed so many times in performing this skill and it took me countless trials just to find the right pathway for me to used this skill.

As I need to find a new pathway for my mana to flow smoothly all over my body and to convert it into my own aura without any mistake.

And I suffered various injuries from my many attempts of doing it, since I can't find a correct exit point that would allow me to immediately expel a huge amount of aura out of my body.

But in my desperation to find a correct path for my aura to flow. I resorted in using all the pores on my body as the exit point of my aura in order to fully utilize my skill and to guide this converted aura to converge into my hands for easier control.

However, I'm not aware that doing this is actually a big mistake, as my body can't handle a sudden surge of huge amount of aura from exiting my body causing me to suffer from internal damages to my mana veins and organs. Thankfully, it wasn't that severe to the point that, not even the miraculous potion of Ethan can save me.

But at the same time, because of using my pores as the exit point of my aura. It managed to burn most of the impurities in my body, which is actually a kind of a good thing for me since it would make it, much easier, for me to transcend in the future. But it also causes me to bleed a lot, due to purposely opening my pores without any proper preparation.

This accident had happen to me, when I first tried to show my skill that I named as the sword of destruction, to Michael last week.

In fact, the damaged that my continuous bleeding have brought to me, is more serious than the damage it did to my veins. It's actually a disturbing sight to see me bathing in my own blood, despite not having any wounds on my body. Just imagine it as me severely sweating, but instead of water it was blood that keeps coming out of my body.

Even Ethan says that I almost died of blood lost, due to my foolishness. But thankfully, Michael have used one of the emergency potion the Ethan have given to him in order to heal me, and that potion have greatly help to alleviate my situation.

It's also thanks to that emergency potion that my father, didn't managed to find out about this incident of me, almost dying from using a skill that I created on my own.

"Master Lucas!" Michael's shouted at my back. "I'm still uncertain about your decision, to impulsively create your own skill out of nowhere, everyone knows how dangerous it is to experiment on your own." He said as he readily pulls out a variety of vials of potion from the bag he is carrying.

Michael pertains to the danger of unknowingly changing or using an untested skill, as it might caused a backlash to anyone specially if the mana doesn't flow to the proper path.

Apparently everyone who is a knight or wizards knows about this and even the scholars their selves are aware of this issue because of a very famous incident.

It's about an old story of a Grand wizard and a powerful Knight that's competing for a leadership position in their city as both of them are from powerful noble family, and neither wants to back down.

In result, both of them decided to compete against each other on who is more capable. And in order to do that, both of them need to proved their selves and their task, is to create their own skill that they can use to defeat each other, resulting in a catastrophic failure that caused an entire city to be eradicated because of a powerful explosion brought by the backlash of their own creation.

In a follow up investigation conducted by the scholars of the three empire, they found out that both of the skills that they created are imperfect. It means, that although they can used the skills they can't unleash the full potential of it, because powering up the skill beyond the normal operation might result to a catastrophic reaction which is what happen to them.

Although both of them managed to survive that madness, it also leaves them disabled forever. And the city that they want to rule was erased from the map and even their family itself have decline because of this incident, as a lot of their power and wealth have vaporized in front of them.

We can compare it to an electric circuits. If I randomly uses my mana and allows it to flow in any of my veins in my body, then one simple mistake, can create some kind of short circuit, inside and the damages it would inflict to me depends on the amount of power behind the skill, the more powerful it is the more damage I get.

"And what are you doing?" I suddenly ask when I saw what Michael is doing behind my back.

"I'm preparing all of this potion, Just in case that I have a sudden need for it." He replied as he looked at me with a dark smile plastered on his face.

"What's with that look on your face?"

"What do you mean? I'm just preparing all this vials of potion over here." Michael said with a casual tone.

"Do you think I'll buy that reason of yours. You obviously doesn't trust that I would succeed." I said without losing my focus and control.

"Just wait right there, and you will see the power of my own skill. You might even beg me to teach it to you." I said in a smug manner as I begun to control my mana and condensed it above my hand.

"You also told me the same thing, the last time you tried to used that skill." Michael calmly said with a deadpan expression on his face as he further distance himself away from me, to not be affected by mana explosion in case, that I failed in casting my skill.

Once a transcendent human have failed on casting their skill a backlash would always happen both inside and outside their body. An explosion or some kind of mana interference that might also affect the surroundings of that person would happen causing devastation around him.

That's why it's very important for wizards to not be interrupted in the middle of casting their magic. This is also the reason why many wizards are fond of always using spells that doesn't take much time in casting. In contrast, knights doesn't need a long preparation to most of our skills as long as we have an absolute control on our body and power we can immediately execute it, although some may take some time to be used.

But contrary to Michael's expectation of me failing to cast my skill, a blue ball of light can be seen rapidly forming several inches above my hand, as lightning occasionally flashes around it signifying its main elements.

"Hoooo...It looks like you have indeed made some progress." Added by Michael from a far as he rapidly pull out several bottles of potion from his small bag.

"So you don't have anything to worry master Lucas I already prepared everything you will need." He said while waving his hands to me.

"Bastard, you're enjoying this didn't you?" I said while gritting my teeth in annoyance.

Just you wait, I will show to all of you the fruit of my hardship during this past two weeks. I thought off as I focus my mind on molding this ball of aura into a sword.

In reality, I thought that it would be easy to create a skill of my own even without the proper guidance of anyone, since I have the knowledge of modern world that I can used and apply to my everyday lives. But it seems like I belittle this word by too much, as even those knowledge that were supposed to be my advantage didn't work based on my plan.

In my theory using the modern knowledge from earth, I can used every cell in my body to produce huge amount of aura by utilizing its mitochondria. You might be wondering on how could I do this thing, right?

Well, You see every cultivation technique on this land focus heavily on concentration. That it comes to a point that I can even feel every cell in my body if I focus hard enough.

The people from this world called it as the foundation of life who made up every living thing in this universe. I must say that this is a quite advance knowledge for such a backward civilization like this.

Although I know the fact that this world of Telostra have also host an advance magical civilization before, like the Great Gregorian empire. I still don't understand what causes them to regress like this, from a magical technological society comparable or even much advance than modern Earth to something like this a medieval era of metal swords where in anyone barely have any knowledge about our glorious past. Heck, I felt like no one doesn't even care about it and only those senile scholars have the energy to pursue the knowledge of the forgotten history of this world.

It's much better to say that the current civilization of this world is dying, and even if there is some progress in their society it's still not enough, as it can't keep up with the rapid changes around us.

"Master Lucas, are you sure you can do it by today?" Michael ask suddenly as he carefully put the several bottles of potions into the ground.

I guess I've been spending too much time on thinking about the past that I lost track of time on recalling all those things.

"Yes, I can." I shortly said in a constrained voice while I'm trying to shape this ball of aura in my hands, into a blue sword of lightning using my mental strength.

I raises my hand into the air as the blue blade of lightning takes formed above my head.

Which I can control to float in any direction I want.

"It's a success." I said with a big smile in my face as I let it float above me.

Molding this blade of aura is much harder than I thought it would be, but once it takes it's own formed it's much easier to control like it becomes an extended part of my body.

Now just 11 more aura swords to go, and my ideal skill, that can both attack and defense at the same time, would be complete.

Just imagine 6 floating aura sword revolving around me to defend from any attack and another 6 blades that I can use to crush my enemies.

The only problem I have right now is the amount of aura it takes to form this one single aura sword. It took me a third of my entire mana reserves just to make 1 of this blade so it means that I only have enough juice to used it 3 times before I emptied my entire power reserves.

"That's amazing young master and it looks intimidating, but if it takes that much time to cast your skill, then you'll be dead even before you can used it. Your enemies would not give you that amount of time, just to wait for your attack." Michael says in a calm manner as he observe the flying sword above me that constantly spurts out lightning.

This skill of mine release a lot of lightning that constantly hit anything around me. The good news is, it doesn't affect me at all, the bad news, well, I don't have a control of it yet.

Every time it hits something a dark patch of land was left on its place and even solid rocks broke upon it's might. This is only the lightning it excludes not the power of the blade itself.

"It took me so much time because it's my first time of using this skill and I know that I can still shorten the casting time of it, once I get used to using it." I said to him as I carefully guide the sword made out of aura to fly high above me as it constantly hit the trees around me with it's powerful lightning burning it to charcoal in the process.

"Well, we still don't know how powerful is that skill of yours even if you managed to shorten the time to used it, if the power behind it is weak then it doesn't have any used at all." Michael says as he activate his aura to shield himself from stray lightning.

"I know and I'm not done yet, so just stay there and watch" I said determinedly, even though I am not sure about the power of this skill maybe I can do something to strengthen it.

"I wonder what would happen if I spin it like a drill?" I whispered to myself as this blade of aura shows the concept of electromagnetism.

After I say those words I immediately guided the sword to spin from slow to fast and as it goes on, the lightning it releases have also increases and even the glow of its body have doubled and then tripled.

But in the process of experimenting, I found out that it consumes more mana if I spin it in this way, I also lost control of its spin after just a few seconds as it's now spin faster and faster on its own.

The only thing that I could do right now, is to guide it to float away from me or to launch my skill abruptly.

"Ah, young master I think that should probably be enough already so you can stop now." Michael says with little bit of concern on his voice as the concentration of lightning around us is increasing exponentially the same with the power of it's destruction.