Chapter 18 Mrs. Lu Made A Concession

Before Bai Liwei could stop him, she heard the woman opposite had made a breathless sound.

How could a person who had lived in seclusion for most of her life resist such a scene? Mrs. Lu couldnt catch her breath at all and began to roll her eyes.

However, Lu Jinting was still in a serious look. Maybe he thought he was very handsome.

"Mrs. Lu!"

Having no time to care about the idiot next to her, Bai Liwei quickly walked up to the women and pinched her philtrum.

Seeing that, Lu Jinting finally knew what it meant to be overplayed. He immediately stood up and anxiously looked at Mrs. Lu.

"Mom, don't scare me." Although he said so, the crazily rising corners of his mouth exposed his feelings at the moment.

Even Bai Liwei couldn't bear to look at him in the eye. The Lu family was famous for caring about their son. Why did this boy look like a white-eye wolf?


Mrs. Lu finally calmed down and took a long breath. But when the twilight condensed and faced the face of Bai Liwei, she was frightened and gasped again.

Bai Liwei was a little panicked and quickly took a few steps back. It was not until she was so far away that Mrs. Lu finally eased her breath a little.

"Well, don't make a fuss. Sit down."

After experiencing a lot of stimulation, Mrs. Lu's attitude was no longer as radical as before. Especially when she looked at Bai Liwei, there was even a little more tenderness in her eyes.

But most of the time, such tenderness still stayed on her belly.

For this, Bai Liwei only felt uncomfortable all over her body. After all, she was a person with four packs, OK? She didn't look like a pregnant woman.

"Brat, what did you just say?" Mrs. Lu rubbed her temples with a sad face, as if she still didn't believe it.

With a guilty conscience, Lu Jinting cleared his throat. Finally, he plucked up his courage and said, "Mom, Xiaowei has already had my child. No matter what you say, I will never abandon them. So don't urge me to marry another woman."

As Lu Jinting spoke, he lowered his head and seemed to be willing to do whatever he wanted.

But only Bai Liwei, who was sitting next to him, knew that the man next to her was laughing and trembling. Thinking of this, she could only show a little resentment, but the expression on her face had to cooperate with him.

"What do you think?" Mrs. Lu took a look at her son, who was a loser in her family, and finally put her only hope on Bai Liwei.

Bai Liwei was stunned and speechless. She just wanted to come here to be a decoration. What could she say? This was a little difficult.

"Well, Mrs. Lu, in fact, I..."

"Mom, don't make things difficult for Xiaowei. I know you dislike her because of her poor family background, but it can't change the fact that we two love each other in any case. She is ineloquent and can't please you. If you have any complaints, just vent them on me."

As Lu Jinting spoke, he stepped forward and stood in front of her.

Looking at the broad back in front of her, Bai Liwei couldn't help reaching out her hand to clap for him. The young master had a good grasp of the man who was infatuated with her.

After a while, Mrs. Lu didn't know what else to say. Seeing that her son, who was narrow-minded, had already recognized the woman in front of her. Although she was a little ugly, she could only grit her teeth and agree.

"I really don't know what I did wrong in my previous life, so I gave birth to such a bastard like you in this life. If your father knows this, he will definitely beat you to death."

Mrs. Lu pounded her chest, which made people feel sorry for her.

Lu Jinting said indifferently, "Didn't he say that he wouldn't care about me for a long time? In that case, it's best. After Xiaowei's child is born, I'll take them abroad. If you really miss them, you can come to see them."

Seeing that Lu Jinting was making up a lie calmly, Bai Liwei really wanted to give him a thumbs up. How could he think of so many things in a short time? He had planned the life of the two people directly in the future.

However, Lu Jinting didn't stop. After he finished his words, he looked affectionately at the belly of Bai Liwei. His eyes were really filled with a father's love.

"My child, don't worry. I will never abandon your mother. When you are born, I will make you the happiest child in the world."

Even Lu Jinting himself was moved by his words. He pretended to pull the napkin on the table and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes.

Mrs. Lu, who had always been very emotional, couldn't stand such a scene. She was about to knock her down with money just now, but now she was completely convinced by the good play of Mr. Lu.

"Forget it. You've grown up. I don't want to talk about it anymore. You can do whatever you want."

She had planned to force him to get married, but she didn't expect that he would give her a grandson. With mixed feelings, Mrs. Lu waved her hand and was reeling after standing up.

Lu Jinting was so excited that he almost set off fireworks and sent Mrs. Lu away.

When the two of them walked to the door one after another, Mrs. Lu still had a melancholy look on her face. In the end, she couldn't bear to turn around and glared at Bai Liwei.

"Let me tell you, don't think that I can let you walk into our family just because you are carried with my son's child. Our family is very strict. Be careful." After saying that, Mrs. Lu squinted her eyes and walked over ferociously. A thick envelope was slapped directly in the palm of Bai Liwei Bai.

"Mrs. Lu, you are really..." Bai Liwei touched the envelope and found that the thickness of the envelope was really amazing.

"Don't try to refuse me. Don't think that I will treat you as a woman who doesn't care about money after you return the money to me. Just accept it. Buy some good ones. Don't be so shabby."

After saying that, Mrs. Lu took a helpless look at Bai Liwei's belly and could only leave with sadness.

"Mom, take care!" Lu Jinting put his hand on Bai Liwei's shoulder and waved his other hand at Mrs. Lu.

After Mrs. Lu got in her car and drove away, Lu Jinting, who was still touched just now, suddenly became a jumping up and down monkey.

It was right at the door of the coffee shop. If he didn't look handsome, he would have been sent to the psychiatric hospital.