Chapter 19 Summon

"So what's the benefit? Do I really have to give a baby to you after ten months?"

With an impatient look on her face, Bai Liwei pulled off the wig above her head, as if she had nothing to live for. After what had happened this time, she finally understood that she would never believe in Lu Jinting. He couldnt do anything well.

Lu Jinting took off his suit jacket and said, "Isn't it good? Sister, I can have ten months of freedom only by sacrificing your appearance. Where can you find such a good deal?"

With a big smile on his face, it seemed that he was writing, "You can just be happy secretly."

Bai Liwei shook her head. She thought that the young master might not understand Mrs. Lu's desire for her grandchild. If he couldn't bring back her grandson after ten months, Mrs. Lu would probably kick him out.

However, seeing that he was so happy now, it was not appropriate to pour cold water on him. She could only shake her hand lazily and said, "Well, it's almost done here. I should go back. Please don't contact me through the dark network anymore. Otherwise, I will let you know what a primitive life is."

As soon as Lu Jinting heard this, he immediately showed a well-behaved face. He really knew this point. The first time he tried to test Queen, she directly sent a link. After he clicked it, the network of the whole house was paralyzed.

As a new human in the twenty-first century, he felt terrible without network even for one day. He really didn't want to experience that feeling again.

After sending Bai Liwei to the car respectfully and politely, he turned around and called his friend with a smug face. She finally solved this matter. Naturally, she had to celebrate with a meal.

With a tired look on her face, Bai Liwei went back to the Ji family's house. When she was about to go upstairs to wash up and have a rest, the nanny's voice came from behind her.

"Well, young mistress..."

Mother Wu's trembling voice came. Rubbing her neck, Bai Liwei turned around in confusion. "What's wrong, Mother Wu? What's up?"

"Well, the young master has come back. He is in the study." Mother Wu rubbed her apron and looked a little embarrassed.

Taking a look at the direction of the study, Bai Liwei shrugged her shoulders and said indifferently, "He's here. What's wrong? Do I have to greet him?"

The smile on mother Wu's face became even more embarrassed. "That's not true. There are no complicated rules in our family. It's just that the young master has specially told me that if you come back, I'm afraid you have to go there."

After saying that, Mother Wu pointed at the study with her trembling finger.

Not knowing if it was because of the fierce look of Ji Anbei, Bai Liwei felt that all the servants in the family seemed to be afraid of him.

He was a cold and aloof person. Besides, he didn't like to talk to anyone. If he suddenly spoke, he would scare someone to death.

This kind of person was just like a tyrant.

"Okay, I know. I'll be there soon." Bai Liwei was a little tired. She didn't know what trouble this gentleman was going to make. She just hoped that he wouldn't let her have lunch like today.

However, Mother Wu didn't give up. Her face became more and more humble.

"Mrs. Lu, how about you go to see the young master now?"

Although Mother Wu didn't say anything more, Bai Liwei also understood what she meant. According to the master, she had to go to the study to see someone as soon as she came back.

Looking at Mother Wu's old face, Bai Liwei was softhearted, so she could only nod impatiently and turn around to the study.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

"Mr. Ji, I'm back. Can I come in now?" Bai Liwei leaned against the door.

The people inside opened the door without saying a word, which almost made Bai Liwei, who was leaning against the door, fall to the ground in front of Ji Anbei.

But who is Bai Liwei? She reacted quickly. When she saw that she was about to have intimate contact with the expensive carpet, her body was balanced with a move.

Ji Anbei, who was still reading the documents in his hand, raised his head with great interest, with a bit of curiosity on his face.

He took off the gold-rimmed glasses with his slender fingers. With the dim yellow light, made him look a little abstinent.

After stabilizing her body, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Li Bin who was opening the door. Then she turned around and looked at the man in front of the desk.

Bai Liwei remembered that the man wore a black suit and sat in the wheelchair in the daytime. But somehow, he looked more pleasant to her at this moment than in the daytime.

His white skin, cold eyebrows, tight thin lips and a trace of sacred and inviolable smell.

"You look like a real man, but you do something inhuman." Bai Liwei also admitted that Ji Anbei was a handsome man, but shes not satisfied with his moral quality.

Ji Anbei had already looked away. His dark brown eyes were fixed on the documents in his hands. It seemed that there were some things that were not as good as he wanted. His deep eyes were slightly wrinkled, giving people a sense of oppression.

"What are you talking about?" A deep voice broke the silence in the study, which also brought the wandering Bai Liwei back to her senses.

"Nothing. I just want to ask you. Even a servant has his own spare time, please let me have a bath. I just came back, but you called me to the study. I don't know why."

Gritting her teeth, she slowly walked over, put her hands on the desk, and slightly bent down to look at Ji Anbei.

She had thought that this kind of overlooking posture would increase her momentum, so as to frustrate some people's sharpness, but when she lowered her head and concentrated, she only met a pair of smiling eyes.

Her eyes were as cunning as foxes, and there was a bit of temptation in them, which was really attractive.

"Seduce me?"

The voice of Ji Anbei seemed to have been rubbed with a layer of thin gauze, a soft granular feeling, making him sexier.

But when she followed his gaze, she finally figured out what was wrong with the smile on his face.

Lu Jinting was not a reliable man. Now that he had made her look ugly, why did he have to choose a low-cut T-shirt?

"Ah! Rogue!"