Chapter 125 Demonic Beast Scroll

Wasn't he cheating?

"The second batch of demonic beasts is being refreshed."

"There's a second batch of demonic beasts!" Jack was taken aback. It seemed that the replica was difficult.

Five seconds later, the second batch of demonic beasts was refreshed.

This time, five giant wolves made of white bones appeared. Gaguru and Jack instantly became vigilant.

The huge white bone wolves emitted a silver-white light, and it was still hard to tell their level.

Jack was about to use Eye of Perception.


The next moment, the giant white bone wolves rushed over, leaving Jack no chance to prepare.

"Brother Hulk, the speed of these demonic beasts is too fast."

He was not weak, but the replica obviously needed a lot of people to get through.

"Violet, come out."

Jack roared and called out Violet from the small world. At the same time, with a dragon's roar, a golden light appeared.

"Thunder of the World!"

"Dragon Descending!"