Chapter 126 Block the Resurrection Site

However, when Jack resisted the attacks from several demonic beasts and let the God-King shield absorb the damage and reach the limit, the system did not suggest that it should evolve.

"What happened?" Stunned, Jack opened the panel of the God-King shield.

"God-King Shield!"

"Grade: Orange (Growing type!)"

"Level Requirement: 0!"

"HP: +10000!"

"DEF: +1500!"

"Absorption of attack damage": 1000000/1000000 (The condition of evolution is reached.

When Jack clicked the God-King shield and was about to upgrade it, an "interface" popped up.

"The player hasn't satisfied the evolution conditions of the God-King shield, so it can't evolve."

"What is the evolution condition of the God-King shield?"

Jack was stunned. 'Is my quality not up to standard?' he wondered.

"The orange equipment can be upgraded to the golden one."