Chapter 9 The Project Can Only Be Yours

"When Liu Ruman left just now, she was so arrogant. She was just lucky. Why was she so proud?"

"But, if you ask her to be responsible for the cooperation, it will probably affect your position, Liu Mo."

Liu Mo's face was extremely gloomy. As they said, if Liu Ruman was responsible for it, his status would definitely be affected by the relationship between him and Liu Ruman's family.

"Don't worry. She's just a loser, I won't let her succeed."


Liu Ruman walked to the milk tea shop. After seeing her, Jiang Sa also got up and walked towards the electric bicycle, then took Liu Ruman back home.

The sound of opening the door attracted the attention of Liu Feng and Liu Yan. The two looked up at Liu Ruman who had just come in.

"Ruman, did the Liu family leave some money for us?" Liu Yan asked. She had no confidence in Liu Ruman at all.

Liu Ruman smiled and said, "Don't worry. No one will drive us away."

"You... Have you finished the cooperation?"

Liu Feng stood up in astonishment. He couldn't accept the fate of being expelled from the Liu family, so he didn't dare to attend the meeting at all.

Liu Yan also stood up, hoping to get a positive answer from Liu Ruman.

Liu Ruman took a look at Jiang Sa, nodded, and said, "Yes, I have shown the contract to grandma."

"My dear daughter, I apologize to you. I should believe you."

Liu Yan walked to Liu Ruman and gave her a big hug.

"What did your grandmother say after reading the contract? By the way, how about your bet with Liu Mo?"

Liu Feng took a drag on his cigarette. Thinking of the bet between his daughter and Liu Mo yesterday, he couldn't help regretting that he didn't attend the meeting today.

Liu Ruman replied with a smile, "Grandma just said three "Okay" and the meeting was over. And now, under grandma's words, Liu Mo has done what he should do."

"What a pity..."

Liu Feng sighed in his heart. Most of the cold eyes they received were from Liu Mo's family. It was a pity that he didn't see that scene.

"Why are you laughing? It's none of your business."

Liu Yan was dissatisfied with the smile on Jiang Sa's face. She turned to look at her daughter and said, "Your grandmother can speak for you, which indicates that you have done a good job this time. My daughter is the best!"

Liu Ruman looked at Jiang Sa and wanted to speak for him. She saw that he was shaking his head to her. Thinking of what he had told her, she could not help but sigh secretly and watched him walk into the kitchen.


On the other side, Liu Mo and his father came to the villa where Mrs. Liu lived.

"Grandma, do you really want to hand over the project of the high-speed train in the north of the city to Liu Ruman?"

In the living room, Liu Mo said to Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu nodded and said, "Ruman won the contract. If we don't hand it over to her, will we hand it over to others?"

Liu Hu stepped forward and said, "Mother, once Liu Ruman has prestige in the company, it will be not a good thing for Liu Mo."

Mrs. Liu's face showed some discontent, and said, "Go straight to the point. I don't like guessing."

Liu Mo poured a cup of hot tea for Mrs. Liu and said, "Grandma, after all, Jiang Sa has been married for three years, but he is still a person with an outsider's surname, and such a loser. If Liu Ruman gets the vote and takes control of the company, aren't you afraid that our Liu family will fall into Jiang Sa's hands?"

Mrs. Liu shook her head and said, "He's just a loser. Ruman won't fall in love with him. It can't happen."

"But grandma... The world is full of unforeseen events. Who can guarantee what will happen in the future? It is said that we should take preventive measures in advance, and we still have to be prepared."

Under the pressure of Mrs. Liu's criticism, Liu Mo continued, "Besides, the contract has been signed. We just need to change the person in charge."

"Yes, mom. Are we going to bet on the future of the Liu family?"

Liu Hu said.

The two's words made Mrs. Liu's expression gradually serious. The future was still long, and it was not impossible for the two to get closer.

The benefits of this project were too great, and even the Liu family could be promoted, which meant that the position of the project director could be greatly promoted in the future. If Liu Ruman was responsible for it indeed, the Liu family might fall into the hands of Jiang Sa.

"Grandma, I don't know how much coldness Jiang Sa has suffered, but he has never lost his temper. I suspect that he is just enduring and waiting for that day to come."

Noticing that Mrs. Liu was thinking about it, Liu Mo thought there would be a chance.

Mrs. Liu frowned and said, "This loser is dreaming. Now you are in charge of this project. You can go back first. I will call Liu Ruman."

"Grandma, I'm not trying to steal the credit. I'm doing this for our Liu family."

Liu Mo laughed wildly in his heart, but he still pretended to be sincere in front of his grandmother.

Mrs. Liu could guess what was on Liu Mo's mind. She snorted coldly and snapped, "Cut the crap. I can get what you think with my feet. Besides, one time is enough for deception!"

Knowing that his grandmother was talking about the jade, Liu Mo said, "Grandma is right. I won't do anything wrong again."

After the two of them left, Mrs. Liu called Liu Ruman.

Hearing the voice from the other end of the phone, Liu Ruman, who was sorting out documents, seemed struck by lightning, unable to come to herself for a long time.

"Well, you take a day off tomorrow. Quit your work and come to work in our own company."

Not long after, the phone call was connected. On the other side of the phone, Liu Mo looked very proud. "How is it going? I'm the project director now. Let me tell you the truth. Your family will never be able to turn over in the future!"

"I made this cooperation. Why should you do that?"

It was not easy for her to get the chance by taking advantage of the relationship between Jiang Sa and his classmates. She was not reconciled to be taken away by others.

"So what? If you have the ability, you can talk to grandma. But I should say thank you to you. If it is someone else, I may not be able to get the project responsibility..."


Before Liu Mo finished his words, she hung up the phone and roared in a grievance.

"What happened?"

Liu Yan ran out of her room and said with concern. Liu Feng came out and looked at his daughter worriedly.

Liu Ruman lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Grandma has changed the person in charge and asked Liu Mo to be in charge."

"What?" Liu Feng was stunned. It was widely acknowledged that the one who took the contract was the one in charge. But let Liu Mo take the responsibility now, whereby?

"He is such a bastard. He must have poured dirty water on our family again. No, I'll argue with mom!"

After saying that, Liu Yan walked towards the door. Liu Feng quickly pulled her and said, "Mom must have made up her mind. If you go to find mom now, it will only be more and more difficult to explain."

"Are you a man? Are you Ruman's father?" Liu Yan roared and tried to break free.

Liu Ruman stood up and comforted, "Mom, you know what kind of person grandma is. It's useless to argue with her."

"That's it? They can't get the project in a few days. Now you have got it, but others grabbed it. Are you willing to do that?" Liu Yan questioned.

Liu Ruman lowered her head and thought, "Willingly? How is that possible!"

But it was the grandmother who had the final say. She was not reconciled. So what?

At this moment, Jiang Sa came out of the room and said to Liu Ruman, "Don't worry. This project will only be handled by you."