Chapter 10 Cooperate with Ruman Only

The next day.

Ye Xuan came to the house of the Liu family as scheduled.

Liu Mo had been waiting at the door for a long time, burning with anxiety.

Only Ye Xuan was in charge of the project.


A car horn sounded. Turning his head, Liu Mo found that it was Ye Xuan's luxury car.

"Oh, Steward Ye, you are here! Come in and sit down! Let's talk slowly!"

Liu Mo flattered.

He had never treated anyone like this before. Ye Xuan was the first one.

If it were someone else, he would never do that.

Ye Xuan frowned and took off his sunglasses, only to find that the person in front of him was Liu Mo, not Liu Ruman.

"Open the door. I want to get in the car!"

Ye Xuan put on his sunglasses and turned away.

Liu Mo was a little confused. He hurried to stop Ye Xuan and asked.

"Steward Ye, why are you leaving so soon?"

"Don't we need to implement the project around the high-speed train in the north of the city?"

Liu Mo smiled at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan said coldly, pulling down his sunglasses with his index finger.

"You are not Ruman. I want to cooperate with her!"

Then he got in the car and was about to let the driver drive.

This time, Liu Mo was even more confused!

Ruman, Ruman, why was she everywhere? That was so annoying!

"Wait, Steward Ye! Have I offended you? Why do you only cooperate with Liu Ruman instead of me?"

Liu Mo then quarreled with Ye Xuan.

After all, it was not a big deal.

Was it more terrible than losing face without dignity?

Ye Xuan continued with a smile.

"I've told you just now! You should have no problem with your ears! Driver, drive!"

Ye Xuan asked the driver to drive away.

Only Liu Mo was left alone in a daze.

"If you don't cooperate with me, you'll regret it! Just wait and see. Sooner or later, I'll let you call me grandpa!"

Liu Mo jumped up, pointed at the car and cursed.

Ye Xuan turned around and saw this through the back window. He couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Fortunately, he didn't cooperate with Liu Mo, so the order from his superior was useful.

Besides, everyone knew what kind of person young master Liu was.


The Liu Group held a group meeting about the project around the high-speed train in the north of the city.

Mrs. Liu and other shareholders participated.

As if being bullied, Liu Mo pulled a long face and walked into the meeting room to sit down.

Time was almost up.

Mrs. Liu found that there was only one partner missing, and Ye Xuan hadn't arrived.

Mrs. Liu turned to look for him and asked.

"Aaron, why didn't Steward Ye come? Didn't you go to pick him up? Why did you come back alone?"

Mrs. Liu was confused and worried.

Liu Mo seemed to make a mistake.

"Tell me what happened!"

Mrs. Liu got angry.

Liu Mo didn't dare to hide the truth. The more he hid, the more serious the matter would be.

"Grandma, I, I went to pick him up, but steward said that he only cooperated with Ruman and didn't cooperate with me. I have no choice!"

Liu Mo sighed helplessly and distressed.

Mrs. Liu's eyes widened in surprise and anger!

"What? What did you say? Rubbish!"

Mrs. Liu cursed.

"You can't even get a project. Even if I give it to you, you can't catch it!"

"You can't even defeat Ruman. What else can you do?"

"Let me tell you! If you don't want to get Steward Ye and this project done, you won't come back!"

"Our Liu family doesn't raise waste! Get out of here!"

Being scolded, Liu Mo was humiliated on the board.


It was just a piece of cake to lose face. The most important thing was how to take this project back from Ruman!

The person who tied the bell was needed to untie it.

He didn't want to contact Ruman and beg her.

But it was a helpless thing.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Mo finally decided to call Ruman.

Gritting his teeth, three times later, he heard the voice of Ruman.

"Ruman, I'm your brother!"

Liu Mo said with a smile.


But there was no sound at the other end of the phone.

He lowered his head to check if the phone was connected.

The phone was connected?

"Hello, Ruman. Can you hear me? I'm Liu Mo!"

The patience of Liu Mo gradually disappeared, revealing his true face.

On the other side of the phone.

As soon as she turned on the speaker, Ruman heard the voice of Liu Mo.

She was anxious and wanted to question him about what had happened.

However, she was stopped by Jiang Sa.

With a gesture, he told Ruman not to speak and he could reply to Liu Mo.

Ruman nodded and calmed down.

In fact, he was afraid that Ruman would get hurt and be emotionally unstable.

"Sorry, it's me. Ruman is asleep. Bye!"

With a smile, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ruman asked anxiously, afraid of losing.

"If you don't answer the phone, will he tell Grandma? What should we do?"

Ruman was burning with anxiety and didn't know what to do.

Said Jiang Sa, gently pinching Ruman's shoulder.

"Ruman, don't worry. It's not you who should be worried, but Liu Mo!"

As he spoke, a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

Ruman seemed to understand and nodded slightly, but she still looked a little anxious.

At the other end.

After being hung up, Liu Mo was confused.

"Hang up on me? How dare he hang up on me! He pissed me off!"

Liu Mo was so angry that his face turned red and his neck became thick as if he had been painted with a layer of fuel.

On the street outside, after the phone call, he kicked the tree hard.

"Ouch! It hurts!"

However, the force worked on each other. The harder he kicked, the more pain he felt.

Liu Mo's face was distorted to the extreme.

"Damn it! How dare you! And Ruman, just pretend to be strong and still sleep!"

"What are you sleeping for in the afternoon?"

"Wait and see, Jiang Sa! When my project comes back, I will teach you a lesson!"

The ferocious look on Liu Mo's face twisted again.


The foot on the tree was swollen with pain.

He couldn't drive anymore, so he called a designated driver and took him away.

He had to make a long-term plan. He would definitely come back.

Otherwise, Mrs. Liu would not let him go back to the Liu family.

Then he would be a stray dog?

No, that was not going to happen!

On the other side.

After comforting Ruman, Jiang Sa went back to his room and continued to arrange the high-speed train project in the northern city.

He knew that Ye Xuan was in charge of this matter and he did a good job.

This was exactly what he wanted after successfully kicking Liu Mo out of this project and taking control of the Liu family.