Chapter 18 Buy a Car

Taking the suit, Jiang Sa praised the generosity of the owner of the mall.

When he put on this suit, he knew that it was made of excellent workmanship and material, and it was handmade.

It was not cheap. But the owner of the mall gives it to others as a gift so easily.

Jiang Sa got rid of the crowd and looked at the time.

Now the two girls should have finished trying on the clothes.

He took a step forward to look for the two girls.

He glanced at the crowd and found that the two girls were standing behind the crowd, seeming to be looking for something.

Then, Jiang Sa walked towards the two girls.

After playing the piano, Huang Xiao came to herself and pulled Liu Ruman to see what the player looks like.

"Forget it. He has already left. There are so many people here. Where can we find him? Not to mention that Jiang Sa is still waiting for us." Liu Ruman persuaded in a soft voice.

Huang Xiao looked around for a while, sighed, and nodded disappointing.

"But fortunately, I have recorded a video." Huang Xiao held the phone and smiled.

At this time, Jiang Sa came over and asked, "Ruman, why are you here?"

Huang Xiao's eyes lit up when she saw the direction in which Jiang Sa was walking. She asked expectantly, "Jiang Sa, did you see the person who played the piano just now?"

Liu Ruman also pricked up her ears.

If only Jiang Sa had admitted that the player who had just played the piano was him.

Jiang Sa was confused.

The person who just played the piano?

That was him.

Why did Huang Xiao ask about this?

In order not to make things worse, he said, "I didn't see it."

Huang Xiao sighed again, and Liu Ruman looked a little disappointed.

"Ruman, it's getting late. I'm going back." Huang Xiao looked at her watch and said to Liu Ruman.

Liu Ruman nodded and chuckled.

She knew that Huang Xiao must watch the video again and again after she went back, and she might be obsessed with it.

After Huang Xiao left, Jiang Sa took a taxi home with Liu Ruman.

"Ruman, are you happy today?" Asked Jiang Sa softly.

Liu Ruman's face was stiff. She didn't expect that Jiang Sa would ask such a question.

This was the first time in three years.

After a while, Liu Ruman replied, "Yes."

Jiang Sa smiled and thought.

It was a good start to go shopping with Ruman.

Just needed to take a taxi back and forth.

Well, it's time to buy a car.


Huang Xiao sent the video she took today to Liu Ruman.

Another call came.

"Ruman, the performer is so handsome just by looking at his back!" Huang Xiao said with a nymphomaniac look.

Liu Ruman touched her forehead and asked, "You want to fall in love, are you?"

Huang Xiao didn't say anything but just smirked.

The second day.

Early in the morning, after finishing the meal, Jiang Sa called Liu Ruman up and went out for a morning run.

Since they had been married for so many years, Jiang Sa had been jogging with her every morning.

That was also the reason why he could go shopping with Liu Ruman yesterday.

He didn't want to be unable to walk halfway.

Looking at the back of Jiang Sa, Liu Ruman frowned slightly.

She took out her phone and watched the video Huang Xiao sent her.

Compared with the backs of the two, Liu Ruman felt that they looked more and more alike.

After dinner, Liu Ruman went to Huang Xiao's company.

Coincidentally, she had cooperation with Huang Xiao's company and visited her by the way.

Don't fall into the river of love.

When she came to Huang Xiao's office, she found that Huang Xiao was playing the video repeatedly.

And even giggled from time to time.

Liu Ruman thought to herself, "Well, there's no way to save her."

"Huang Xiao, look at the back of the performer. Does he look like Jiang Sa?" Liu Ruman asked, raising her doubts in the morning.

Hearing this, Huang Xiao frowned slightly and said, "Well, it's a bit like Jiang Sa. Don't tell me that it's Jiang Sa who plays the piano. How is that possible?"

"There are so many people in the world with the same face, even the same back. Besides, have you seen him play the piano after he married into the family?" Huang Xiao denied and continued.

Liu Ruman nodded in agreement. Although they looked alike, Jiang Sa had never played the piano.

After the morning run, Jiang Sa rode his electric bicycle to the 4S Shop.


He sneezed.

Why did he sneeze since he came back from shopping yesterday? Did he catch a cold?

Jiang Sa felt a little confused. However, he didn't think too much.

He walked into the 4S Shop.

Several saleswomen's eyes lit up, but they were all disappointed when they saw the clothes of Jiang Sa and the electric bicycle.

It was a waste of time to receive such a customer who might just take a look in the 4S Shop.

The sales looked at each other.

A woman with a sharp voice suddenly said, "Xiao Yang, if you don't get one more order this month, you will be fired, right? Then you can receive this person. I won't take it away from you."

In the corner, a petite and average-looking saleswoman quickly said, "Ah? Okay."

The saleswoman, Xiao Yang, walked quickly towards Jiang Sa.

She just came to work this month. Because she had no experience, she didn't get a single order this month.

It was almost the end of the month. If she didn't get an order, she would be driven out by the boss of the shop.

Xiao Yang looked gratefully at the woman who had just spoken.

As a newcomer, how could she know these things?

She thought the woman with a sharp voice was a kind person and just take care of her.

"Sir, do you want to buy a car? Do you need me to show you?" Xiao Yang asked.

Jiang Sa nodded.

He didn't know much about cars.

Before he got married, he always asked people to buy cars.

It was the first time that he had bought a car himself.

Xiao Yang was overjoyed and asked in a hurry, "What's your budget, sir?"

Judging from these two words, this Xiao Yang was indeed a newcomer.

If an ordinary buyer were to receive these two words face to face, he would probably not want to buy a car.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Sa said, "The medium and upper price, about half a million."

The old saleswoman standing far away from all burst into laughter.

Fifty or sixty thousand.

Riding a small e-bike with his mouth open was half a million or six hundred thousand, and he was not afraid to flash its tongue.

But Xiao Yang didn't think so.

She was overjoyed again.

And led Jiang Sa to see the car.

A budget of five or six hundred thousand.

Except for a few of the most precious ones in the shop, he could easily get everything.

A majestic, black, shiny car appeared in front of Jiang Sa.

"Introduce this car to me." Said Jiang Sa.

Xiao Yang slowly introduced the car's parameters.

The more Jiang Sa heard, the more satisfied he became. "I'll take this one."

Xiao Yang said carefully, "Sir, this car costs 700 thousand."

"That's it. Sign the contract." Jiang Sa nodded.

Although it was one hundred thousand more expensive than the budget, he was not bad at it.

As the saying goes, "It's hard to buy things that you truly like with money".

Jiang Sa agreed with this saying.

Xiao Yang was confused.

Isn't it supposed to be a budget of five or six hundred thousand?

Although she was a little confused, she immediately ran to get a contract.

Her heart was pounding and she was a little nervous.

"Sir, the installments of our shop for these two cars are..." Xiao Yang said slowly.

"Pay all the money directly. It's too troublesome to pay in installments." Jiang Sa interrupted.

Xiao Yang nodded and took a full contract.

Jiang Sa took out his bank card.

"Please wait a moment, sir. I'm going to get the POS machine." Xiao Yang hurried to the sales department.

Seeing that Xiao Yang came back so soon, a group of old foxes smiled knowingly.

"Xiao Yang, keep going." The woman with a sharp voice laughed.

"It's not Xiao Yang's fault. After all, the man outside just said that " a budget of five or six hundred thousand ". Why did he pretend to be a rich man?"

Everyone talked to each other.

Even Xiao Yang, could hear what the outsider meant now.