Chapter 19 Pick up Liu Ruman

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Thank you for giving me this opportunity, or I will be kicked out this month."

The woman in Xiao Yang's mouth was the one with a sharp voice.

"What do you mean? Did he buy it?" The woman was confused.

Xiao Yang continued, "Yes, he will pay the whole seven hundred thousand dollars! I'm here for the POS machine."

After saying that, Xiao Yang picked up the POS machine and walked towards Jiang Sa, leaving the so-called old foxes in a mess in the wind.

"How much did she just say?" A man asked in disbelief.

"It seems to be seven hundred thousand." Everyone gasped.

Xiao Yang would get a commission from this car which is worth seven hundred thousand dollars.

All of them thumped their chests.

Just a glance!

Especially the woman with a sharp voice, she didn't expect such an accident.

She was very upset.

After Xiao Yang came back, Jiang Sa paid by card.

"Get me a temporary license plate number. I'm driving away today." Jiang Sa ordered

Although he had been in the Liu family for 3 years and his driving skills might be a little rusty, it was not a problem for him to drive normally.

"By the way, I'll put my motorcycle here first. I'll come and get it tomorrow." Said Jiang Sa, who was riding a motorcycle just now.

After all, this little motorcycle had been with him for three years, ups and downs, and had a little affection.

Xiao Yang nodded solemnly.

Then Jiang Sa just drove away.

Liu Ruman was about to get off work, and he just bought a car to pick up Ruman.

He drove to the milk tea shop not far from the Liu family's company.

The brand new car attracted a lot of attention.

The owner of the milk tea shop shook his head and said in surprise, "Which young man has come out?"

Then he smiled when he saw Jiang Sa get out of the car.

He was not a young and rich guy, but a poor man whose love was frustrated.

The owner immediately made a cup of red bean milk tea for him and said generously, "The car is good."

"Not bad." Said Jiang Sa with a smile

They chatted for a while.

Back to the Liu family's company from Huang Xiao's company, Liu Ruman had been busy for the whole afternoon. After work, Liu Ruman looked in the direction of the milk tea shop unconsciously.

Sure enough.

Seeing Jiang Sa was there, Liu Ruman smiled and walked towards him.

"Ruman." Said Jiang Sa, surprised to see Ruman.

Liu Ruman nodded.

Seeing this, the owner of the milk tea shop tutted and said, "Miss, Jiang Sa is a good man. To pick you up after work, he specially bought a car back."

Did Jiang Sa buy a car?

Looking around and seeing the new car, Liu Ruman asked in surprise, "Did you buy it?"

Jiang Sa nodded.

Liu Ruman continued, "It seems that it's not cheap."

Liu Ruman had already felt strange since he had bought a clothing shop yesterday.

After so many years in the Liu family, Jiang Sa was able to save some money, so it was okay for him to buy a clothing shop. Now he had a car, which made Liu Ruman a little suspicious.

"Not bad. They were all saved before marriage." Said Jiang Sa.

Liu Ruman nodded silently.

After she married Jiang Sa, they had been living their own lives.

As for his assets, she had never asked.

She didn't expect him to pick her up from work, and even specially bought a car.

Although it was a little wasteful, Liu Ruman still felt happy.

"Why don't you use the money to do something else? It's not that I can't go home without a car." Liu Ruman said with a smile.

"Let's go home," Said Jiang Sa with a smile

After saying goodbye to the owner of the milk tea shop, Jiang Sa and Liu Ruman left.

Back home.

Coincidentally, Liu Yan was at the door. She was surprised to see that Jiang Sa and Liu Ruman got out of the car.

"Ruman, this car..." Liu Yan asked.

Liu Ruman replied, "It's for picking me up from work."

Liu Yan nodded and frowned, "This car is good. Your career has just begun to rise. Don't drive such a good car to attract attention. Your father and I will use it in the future."

Liu Ruman felt a little embarrassed. Jiang Sa was still standing nearby.

"Mom, this car..."

Before Liu Ruman could say anything, Liu Yan continued, "How much did it cost to buy this car?"

"About seven hundred thousand." Said Liu Ruman.

It seemed that her daughter bought it with company money.

They didn't have about seven hundred thousand dollars to buy a car.

Liu Yan frowned and reminded, "Then you have to pay the bill well. Don't let the company find out."

Liu Ruman hurriedly said, "Mom, what are you thinking about? This car is..."

"Okay, I understand." Liu Yan interrupted.

Then she led Liu Ruman back home.

During the dinner, Liu Feng heard from Liu Yan that Liu Ruman had bought a car and asked Liu Ruman to make a fake bill. If the company found out, their family would be over.

Liu Ruman didn't know what to say. She looked at Jiang Sa, hoping that he could stand out.

Shrugging, Jiang Sa didn't care.

Liu Ruman sighed and nodded.

After dinner, Jiang Sa and Liu Ruman went back to their room.

Then Jiang Sa took out the shop.

He was so skilled that it made people feel a little distressed.

"Why don't you tell them that you bought the car?" Asked Liu Ruman

"Just take it as a gift for the elder." Jiang Sa answered freely.

Liu Ruman went silent.

The atmosphere was a little anxious.

Liu Ruman asked again, "Did you play the piano in the shopping mall yesterday?"

"Do you think I can play the piano?" Said Jiang Sa.

He gave an ambiguous answer.

If she thought that he could play the piano, then he was the performer yesterday.

If she thought that he wouldn't do that, then he wouldn't.

Liu Ruman was a little disappointed.

It seemed that the answer was "No".

When normal people were asked, they were all willing to admit and wait for the reward.

They didn't talk the whole night.

In the morning, Jiang Sa sent Liu Ruman to the company.

After that, he came to the 4S Shop again.

Xiao Yang greeted him as soon as she saw him.

"Mr. Jiang, your electric bicycle is in the shop. I'll give you..." Said Xiao Yang.

Waving his hand, Jiang Sa interrupted, "Don't worry. I'll buy another car today."

The woman with a sharp voice came over quickly.

"Xiao Yang is new here. Please forgive her if she doesn't treat you well. Please come in, Mr. Jiang." As she spoke, she tried to lead him to the reception room.

Unfortunately, Jiang Sa didn't buy it and stood still.

"Who are you?" Said Jiang Sa.

"I'm a top salesperson of our shop, and the resources I have are better than Xiao Yang." The woman said proudly.

"Okay." Said Jiang Sa coldly.

'It's none of my business.'

He turned around and wanted Xiao Yang to show him the car.

Seeing that Jiang Sa didn't buy it, the woman was anxious and offered a lot of discounts.

Unfortunately, Jiang Sa was not interested in these things. Standing still, she thumped her chest. How ungrateful she was!

Today, Jiang Sa came to buy a car, which was still the car to pick Liu Ruman up when she gets off from work.

Liu Ruman didn't have a car to pick her up, so he had to buy another one.

"Xiao Yang, the same one as yesterday. I want one more." Ordered Jiang Sa.