Chapter 20 Book the Whole Restaurant

As usual, Jiang Sa drove to the milk tea shop.

The owner of the milk tea shop looked at the same new car as yesterday and thought it was the car yesterday.

However, the boss didn't know that Jiang Sa didn't send it at all. He was asked to give the new car to Liu Feng and Liu Yan.

Helpless, he bought another one, but it was the same style as the one yesterday.

The owner of the milk tea shop handed a cup of red bean milk tea to Jiang Sa.

After work, Liu Ruman stood at the gate of the company. After leaving the milk tea shop, Jiang Sa parked the car in front of her.

Seeing the new car, Liu Ruman frowned slightly and said, "Jiang Sa, This car"

"I said I won a prize yesterday when I bought a car. Do you believe that I got a car for free?" Said Jiang Sa with an awkward smile.

"Take me to draw a prize too?" Liu Ruman said with a straight face.

Seeing Liu Ruman's reaction, Jiang Sa could only tell the truth, "Didn't father and mother ask me to give them the car yesterday? Today I bought another one. I can't let you take a taxi home all the time."

Liu Ruman smiled and said nothing.

But she was curious about how much money did Jiang Sa save before marriage?

Why did he buy a car, just like buying cabbages? One car a day, and he even didn't feel distressed at all.

On their way back.

This time, Jiang Sa specially made a detour, and Liu Yan didn't see him.

Otherwise, the car that he bought today would be put into her pocket again.

Although it was not a big deal for Jiang Sa.

Seeing this scene, Liu Ruman did not say anything. Instead, she felt that what Jiang Sa did was right.

How could her parents take the car without her permission?

After dinner.

Lying on the ground, Jiang Sa was idly browsing through his phone.

"Jiang Cheng Push: Recently, a master-level pianist performed in the ZM Mall and attracted a lot of attention."

"Shock! The pianist performed at the ZM Mall on the spur of the moment. The owner of the mall personally greeted him!"

The top search result popped up on the mobile phone of Jiang Sa, netizens are adding fuel to the fire, and some even began to make up short stories.

Jiang Sa feels speechless, he opened a comment.

Netizen 1: This is my dream man!

Netizen 2: Buy the information of this person at a high price!

Netizen 3: Who has the contact information of the prince charming?

The corners of Jiang Sa's mouth twitched. Does he just play the piano for a while?


After sending Liu Ruman to the company, she turned on the mobile navigation and followed the navigation to a restaurant.

The car stopped. In front of them was a building, and the destination of Jiang Sa was one of the restaurants.

He took the elevator to the top floor of the building.

On the top floor of the building.

The color of the restaurant was mainly golden yellow, exuding a luxurious atmosphere. The crystal lights were shining, and the smooth jade floor made the entire restaurant incomparable.

He nodded with satisfaction. No wonder it was one of the best restaurants in Jiang City.

The name of this restaurant was Adele Pavilion.

After walking around the Adele Pavilion, he looked calm, but he was satisfied. Soon he came up with a clear idea.

Arriving at the front desk, Jiang Sa said, "Ask your manager to come here."

The receptionist glanced at him and nodded. She called the manager over.

The manager of the restaurant walked steadily over and said politely, "Sir, I'm Xu Zhenghua, the manager of the Adele Pavilion. What can I do for you?"

Jiang Sa nodded. The service attitude of the Adele pavilion was quite good.

"I'll book the whole restaurant after ten days," replied Jiang Sa.

Even the manager of a high-level restaurant like Xu Zhenghua was shocked and wondered if he had heard it wrong.

Xu Zhenghua said, "Sir, it's not cheap to rent the whole Adele Pavilion."

Xu Zhenghua didn't believe that Jiang Sa could rent the whole Adele Pavilion.

Adele Pavilion restaurant was one of the highest standard restaurants in Jiang City. The rent of the whole restaurant was incomparable to that of ordinary restaurants.

Even an ordinary rich man would have cost a lot for a meal in the Adele Pavilion.

Let alone book the whole restaurant!

This was not something an ordinary rich man could do!

But Jiang Sa didn't care.

It was just to book the whole Adele Pavilion, and how much could it cost.

It couldn't be more than buying a villa in the middle of the mountain, could it?

And! Even if it was as many as a villa in the middle of the mountain, it didn't matter.

With an indifferent look on his face, Jiang Sa took out his bank card and said casually, "Okay, just use this card."

Xu Zhenghua's eyes were serious. This young man must be a top billionaire!

But he had never heard of this person in Jiang Cheng.

Xu Zhenghua nodded and asked, "May I know your name and what can I prepare for you, sir?"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Sa said, "It doesn't matter what my surname is. Remember to prepare a piano for me."

Xu Zhenghua understood immediately and stopped asking.

Rich people always did strange things.

"Don't worry. We will prepare the piano for you."

Xu Zhenghua nodded respectfully and responded.

It didn't matter what the rich thought. As long as the money was paid, the service would follow and do as they thought.

After telling him some more things, Jiang Sa left in the respectful eyes of Xu Zhenghua.

Soon after, the news that a mysterious man had booked the whole Adele Pavilion spread all over Jiang Cheng.

In the company of the Liu family.

Liu Ruman sat in the office.

As a direct descendant of the Liu family and a cooperative partner with Jiang Liu Real Estate, it was no problem to have an exclusive office.

In the office, Huang Xiao pounded the table and shouted angrily, "Damn it!"

Liu Ruman touched her forehead and asked, "My dear Miss. Huang, what makes you so angry?"

Huang Xiao said angrily, "Look at the Internet. A group of bitches want to steal my prince charming!"

Liu Ruman couldn't help laughing. Her best friend was muddled by love.

But it seemed to be a good feeling.

At this time, the door of the office was pushed open, and a woman with heavy makeup came in. The pungent perfume on her made Liu Ruman and Huang Xiao feel uncomfortable.

"Who are you? Didn't you knock on the door when you came in?" Huang Xiao said with a frown.

Liu Ruman looked up and asked indifferently, "What's the matter, Liu Qing?"

The woman named Liu Qing put down the document in her hand and said with disdain, "Miss. Liu, sign it."

Liu Ruman also frowned and said, "You asked me to sign. That's your attitude? You have to understand that you are my subordinate now!"

Liu Qing didn't take it seriously and said, "You can refuse to sign it, but don't blame me if Mrs. Liu blames you."

Liu Ruman snorted, signed the document, and said, "You can go now."

"Wow, Miss. Liu, you are so arrogant," Liu Qing said in a strange tone.

Liu Qing had been displeased since she was assigned to work for Liu Ruman.

Liu Qing said, "Miss. Liu, after ten days, is your wedding anniversary, right? I heard that a mysterious rich man has booked the whole Adele Pavilion. Tut, tut, I don't know where Miss. Liu is going to celebrate the wedding anniversary. Is it at home? That's too pitiful."