Chapter 21 A Contemptible Scoundrel

Liu Ruman frowned. What did Liu Qing mean?

Huang Xiao couldn't stand it anymore. She stood up and said, "What does it have to do with you where Liu Ruman celebrates her wedding anniversary? Hah, it's none of your business that the mysterious rich man has booked the Adele Pavilion. If you don't have anything else to do, get out of here. There's no place for you to stay."

Liu Qing was pissed off by her words. She snorted, "Some people are not a member of the Liu family, and they are ignorant. If they can make a generous deal to book the whole Adele Pavilion, they might be from the Jiang family. At that time... They will invite our Liu family!"

Speaking of this, Liu Qing was a little proud and said, "If he is, he must be for the marriage. And I, I am the most likely person in the Liu family to marry him. Unlike some people who have married a loser."

Huang Xiao seemed to have heard a big joke and immediately laughed, "Liu Qing, do you want to laugh me to death? Do you still want to marry into the Jiang family? Why are you daydreaming here? Look at yourself in the mirror. With heavy makeup, the ugly duckling wants to become a white swan."

"You! You!" Liu Qing was so angry that she pointed at Huang Xiao and couldn't speak for a long time. Finally, she picked up the documents on the table and left.

Before she went out, she added, "You married a loser and began to brag."

"Peng!" Liu Qing slammed the door.

Liu Ruman sighed silently.

She also hoped that Jiang Sa could let her be envied. Unfortunately, even with the support of the Liu family, he was still not interested in these.

Huang Xiao comforted her, "Ruman, don't listen to her nonsense. How could she marry into the Jiang family just like this? Even if the young master of the Jiang family is blind, he won't fall in love with her."

Liu Ruman nodded in agreement.

Unfortunately, the reason why she sighed was that Jiang Sa was not up to his standards, she didn't care whether Liu Qing could marry into the Jiang family or not.

After comforting her for a while, Huang Xiao left Liu Ruman's office and went back to her company.

In the afternoon, in the milk tea shop, Jiang Sa was waiting for Liu Ruman to get off work.

At this time, a blue supercar came over and attracted the attention of the people on the street.

After wandering around for a while, the blue supercar stopped at the gate of the milk tea shop. A man with an ordinary appearance came out.

"It's Mr. Li!" People on the street exclaimed.

"Wow, so handsome!"

Even though the man looked ordinary, he still attracted a lot of exclamations with the help of the supercar.

Li Xiang ordered a cup of milk tea and sat down. When he saw Jiang Sa, he said arrogantly, "You are also waiting for someone, bro."

Nodding his head, Jiang Sa didn't want to talk to Li Xiang.

Seeing that Jiang Sa nodded, Li Xiang continued, "I'll wait for someone too. This milk tea shop is just in front of the company of the Liu family. It's a good place."

Li Xiang murmured to himself, "I don't know why she married a loser. There are so many rich men in Jiang Cheng, and it's better to marry anyone than that loser. But fortunately, she hasn't let that loser touch her in three years. That's my chance."

Li Xiang smiled as if victory was in hand.

Jiang Sa was expressionless.

Ruman's pursuer?

Unfortunately, there was no chance.

Li Xiang said that Jiang Sa was good for nothing.

In fact, in Jiang Sa's eyes, Li Xiang was a loser, too.

When it was time to get off work, Liu Ruman went downstairs from the building of the Liu family.

Li Xiang's eyes lit up and said excitedly, "Ruman, are you free? Let's have dinner together. I've booked a private room at the restaurant."

Liu Ruman frowned and refused, "No, thanks. I'll go home to eat. And don't call me like that. I'm not familiar with you."

Seeing that Liu Ruman refused, Li Xiang didn't get angry. He continued, "Don't waste it. Let's have dinner together, Ruman."

Ignoring Li Xiang, Liu Ruman said to Jiang Sa, "Let's go, Jiang Sa."

"Okay." Said Jiang Sa, opening the door with a smile.

Li Xiang was stunned.

Jiang Sa?

Isn't this the loser that Liu Ruman married?

It was Jiang Sa!

Thinking of what he had just said to Jiang Sa, Li Xiang felt embarrassed.

"Liu Ruman, being with a loser will degrade yourself." Li Xiang scoffed.

Jiang Sa quite agreed with the sentence, he nodded and said, "That's right. Let's go, Ruman. Don't degrade ourselves."

Li Xiang was stunned again.

What did he mean?

It took Li Xiang a long time to react.

'It seems that Jiang Sa was calling me a loser!'

Li Xiang was furious. When he was about to scold back, he found that Jiang Sa and Liu Ruman had left.

The owner of the milk tea shop had closed the door and left, leaving Li Xiang alone. So pity.

In the car.

Liu Ruman suddenly said, "Li Xiang is the cooperative partner in my last project. The young master of the Li family. I've only met him once. I didn't expect that he would make such a mistake."

However, Jiang Sa didn't care about it at all. He just nodded and then asked Liu Ruman, "Ruman, the wedding anniversary will be held in ten days. What gift do you want?"

Liu Ruman was stunned. She thought for a long time and finally sighed, "You can work a little hard. Don't go on like this. That's the best gift."

Jiang Sa kept it in mind. It seemed that in Liu Ruman's heart.

He was still useless.

It was normal that he didn't do anything in the Liu family for three years.

It was not until recently that he opened the Jiang Liu company.

But Liu Ruman didn't know that he owned the company.

Jiang Liu, Jiang Liu, it was so obvious.

But... Sometimes, it's better not to know than to know everything.

Back home.

As soon as they entered the room, they saw Liu Feng and Liu Yan sitting on the sofa with a straight face, full of displeasure.

Liu Ruman thought something had happened, so she asked with concern, "Dad, mom, what's wrong? Why do you look like this? Did someone provoke you?"

Liu Feng winked at Liu Yan.

Liu Yan thought for a while and persuaded in a gentle voice, "I think you've heard that Mr. Jiang has booked the Adele Pavilion, and it's your wedding anniversary. Why don't you go on a trip during this period? In case of being gossiped about. Of course, you don't have to take Jiang Sa with you, or you'll still have to suffer."

Today in the company, Liu Feng had heard a lot of gossips.

Compared with Liu Ruman and Jiang Sa, which makes him in a bad mood.

At that time, he should have tried his best to persuade Mr. Liu not to let this loser marry Liu Ruman.

Otherwise, her daughter would probably marry into the Jiang family!

Even if she didn't marry into the Jiang family, any young master in Jiang Cheng was much better than this loser!

Hearing this, Jiang Sa was a little nervous.

If Liu Ruman went traveling, wouldn't it mean that he had booked the Adele pavilion for nothing? There was no wedding anniversary!

Fortunately, Liu Ruman shook her head and refused, "No, mother. I haven't finished the project of the Jiang family. If I go out to travel, the project would be taken away by Liu Mo."

Liu Yan nodded and said, "That's right. We have finally got this project. We can't lose it again."

Liu Feng had no choice but to nod.

This project was very important to their family and they couldn't afford to lose it.

Jiang Sa feels like survive a disaster and took a deep breath.

If Liu Ruman agreed to go on a trip, he would like to tell her his identity to Liu Ruman.