Chapter 26 Unforeseen Events

After entering the office of Shi Qiu, Li Xiang suppressed his anger.

He said to Shi Qiu in a kind voice, "Mr. Shi, I want to borrow some people."

"Mr. Li, don't say that. How can I refuse to borrow it?"

Shi Qiu didn't ask Li Xiang why he borrowed someone. He just waved his hand and said indifferently, "The person is outside. You can choose by yourself."

Li Xiang was overjoyed. He didn't expect that Shi Qiu would be so easy-going today.

He thought that might be difficult to persuade Shi Qiu and had planned to take out the wine he had collected for a long time.

After all, even his father, the master of the Li family comes, Shi Qiu would not be so easy-going!

"Thank you, Mr. Shi. When I finish my work, I'll treat you to dinner." Li Xiang said gratefully.

Shi Qiu waved his hand and said, "I'm busy recently. There's no need for you to reward me."

Li Xiang nodded silently and thanked him before leaving the office.

As soon as he walked out of the door, a touch of doubt appeared on his face.

Even Mr. Shi said he would be busy with something

Was it about the cooperation between the Jiang Liu Company and the Liu family?

It was indeed a big cake!

Then, it occurred to Li Xiang that for this cake, several leading forces underground in Jiang City seemed to be preparing their schemes.

However, Shi Qiu didn't do anything until now.

Some people even doubted whether Shi Qiu was crazy or not. He didn't even care about this huge cake.

After all.

With the strength of Shi Qiu, if he was involved in the project, he could at least get a big cake.

If he tried harder, he would have the chance to get the biggest piece of cake!

But now he didn't even have any intention to take a share. It was really strange.

Thinking of this, Li Xiang was shocked.

Could it be that... Shi Qiu wanted to take advantage of the project of Jiang Liu Company to directly annex several other underground leaders!

Li Xiang swallowed and was shocked.


If he could get close to Shi Qiu, wouldn't his social rise benefit those related to Shi Qiu?

In the top private room of Courtney KTV in Jiang City.

With a glass of red wine in his hand, Liu Mo filled the glass opposite him and said miserably, "Boss Qin, Liu Ruman is so hateful. She not only took away my project but also suppressed me in an underling. Please uphold justice for me."

And the man called Boss Qin by Liu Mo was one of the underground dragon heads in Jiang City, Qin Tian!

He was as famous as Shi Qiu!

This time, the reason why Liu Mo found Qin Tian was that he wanted to take advantage of Qin Tian's power to defeat Liu Ruman. He was determined to take back the project of Jiang Liu Company!

There was a long and narrow scar on Qin Tian's face, which made him look extremely ferocious.

Beside him, there were two young women in hot clothes.

Qin Tian thought for a while.

He had wanted to get involved in this matter, but he lacked an opportunity. Now, the opportunity came to him in person.

Then, he thought of Liu Ruman, the person in charge of the Jiang Liu Project, and felt very excited.

Qin Tian coughed and said, "Sure, but I heard that Liu Ruman is a rare beauty..."

As he spoke, he stopped and looked at Liu Mo with a meaningful look in his eyes.

Hearing that, Liu Mo immediately understood what he meant. He said with a flattering smile, "Don't worry, Boss Qin. I will help you solve this matter. You have defeated Liu Ruman, so you don't have to worry that she will take revenge."

Qin Tian nodded with satisfaction and laughed, "Don't worry, brother Liu. I will keep my word!"

"Ha-ha, thank you for taking care of me. I won't disturb you anymore." Seeing that things were done, Liu Mo said goodbye to Qin Tian and left the KTV.


As soon as he walked out of the KTV, Liu Mo spat on the ground with disdain.

After one day

Soon enough, Qin Tian summoned underling.

More than a dozen people came to the construction site of the Jiang Liu Project and smashed it repeatedly, which made the whole construction site miserable.

They thought they could just give these people some money.

But they didn't expect that these people wouldn't listen to them at all.

The money was like a bottomless hole, which did not work at all.

And even destroy the thing more heavily. The construction process was slowed down, and it was even stagnant.

Some of them called the police, but these people seemed to be disciplined.

They ran away as soon as the police came.

When the police left, the people beat them again.

Many employees wanted to strike.

All of a sudden, the senior members of the Liu family were alarmed and an emergency meeting was held in the building of the Liu family.

At the meeting, the atmosphere was a little dull.

Even Liu Qing and Liu Hu, who always speak happily, remained silent.

With a gloomy face, Mrs. Liu said, "Tell me, what's going on? Why does someone suddenly make trouble in our Liu family?"

At the meeting table, Liu Mo looked solemn, but he was secretly happy.

Qin Tian made such a big noise, which was beyond his expectation.

But it was better to make a big move so that it would be easier to defeat Liu Ruman and get the project of Jiang Liu Company.

No one in the Liu family knew that he was looking for Qin Tian's help, including his father, Liu Hu.

He planned to ask for credit from Liu Hu after everything was done.

Looking at the gloomy face of Mrs. Liu, Liu Mo thought that he had to make more conflict to push Liu Ruman out!

Then, Liu Mo suddenly stood up and said, "Grandma, I told you that you couldn't hand over this project to Liu Ruman. She was not decisive enough to be indecisive. Now, the project is in trouble, and there is no way to solve it."

Liu Qing, who had been hostile to Liu Ruman, also stood up and said, "Yes, these days, Miss. Liu's best friend always goes to her office. I'm afraid that the two people do it on purpose, right?"

"Besides, I saw that Miss. Liu bought a new car. It was not cheap. I heard that it's nearly a million dollars. I don't know... Where did she get the money?" Liu Qing shook her head and said.

Mrs. Liu was shocked and was about to get angry.

But then she realized that Liu Ruman bought a car?

For so many years, the direct line of the Liu family, no matter it was Liu Hu, Liu Mo, or Liu Qing, had more or less stolen the company's money and bought something.

But Liu Ruman never took any extra money from the company.

Mrs. Liu calmed down. She hadn't taken it before, but it didn't mean that she hadn't taken it now.

But she didn't care.

She knew clearly that the direct line of the Liu family was stealing money, but she just turned a blind eye to it.

So did he to Liu Ruman.

It was just a car.

The top priority was still the Jiang Liu Project.

Mrs. Liu said in a deep voice, "Ruman, as long as the project is handled well, no matter what you buy, I won't ask."

Liu Ruman opened her mouth, trying to explain that the car was bought with the money of Jiang Sa.

But thinking that Mrs. Liu would not believe it at all, she could only nod and keep silent.

By then, Liu Mo said again, "Grandma, the troublemaker has been found out, but I'm not the project director. I won't interfere, in case Liu Ruman says that I earn power!"