Chapter 27 Conspiracy


'Has Liu Mo found out who is behind all this?'

Everyone at the meeting table was shocked.

This guy, Liu Mo, had a bad reputation in the Liu family.

It was hard to believe that he had found out the backstage manipulator so soon.

Even his father, Liu Hu, was confused.

The Liu family couldn't tell the reason now. How could Liu Mo find out the backstage manipulator?

This was simply impossible!

Mrs. Liu frowned deeply. She had warned Liu Mo to be honest before, but she didn't expect that he would start to brag today.

However, Mrs. Liu still asked, "Liu Mo, can you tell me who made trouble in our family?"

With a confident smile on his face, Liu Mo said, "Grandma, I've investigated and confirmed that the one who made trouble in the Liu family is none other than Qin Tian, one of the underground leaders of Jiang City!"

Qin Tian!

The name was well-known in Jiang City.

"Our Liu family has no enmity with Qin Tian. Why does he suddenly come to our Liu family to make trouble?" Mrs. Liu said with a fierce look.

Since the death of Mr. Liu, she had been supporting the whole Liu family.

Mrs. Liu was not a good person, since she could support such a big family.

And what Qin Tian did was undoubtedly a provocation to the Liu family.

It should be noted that the Liu family was one of the top noble families in Jiang City. They were not afraid to have an underground leader.

"I guess that Qin Tian must be jealous of our cooperation with Jiang Liu Company and want to get a share." Liu Mo sighed and shook his head.

Come and take a share

That made sense.

Mrs. Liu then said, "Since he wants to get a share, then let him get some from us. After all, it's a critical moment. If we screw up this project, we will bear the anger of the Jiang family!"

"Ha-ha, thanks to Liu Mo. He is the one and only male servant in our Liu family!" Liu Hu laughed happily.

This time, Liu Mo's outstanding performance would leave a good impression on Mrs. Liu.

He would soon become the leader of the Liu family!

"That's right. Thanks to brother Liu Mo," Liu Qing exhaled and flattered.

If the project was screwed up, her dream of becoming the wife of the Jiang family would be completely shattered!

Hearing the flattery of the crowd, Liu Mo was very satisfied, but he pretended to be modest and said, "After all, I'm a member of the Liu family. This is what I should do."

Mrs. Liu praised, "Okay, Liu Mo, contact with Qin Tian tomorrow and make a place for Ruman to negotiate. You can promise him 20% of the interest!"

Liu Mo was overjoyed and secretly pleased that his goal was finally achieved.

Taking a glance at the silent Liu Ruman, Liu Mo was extremely proud.

The situation has been achieved. Liu Ruman, the project is still mine!

"Grandma, don't worry. I have a plan. I will take down Qin Tian this time!" Liu Mo said proudly.

After the meeting, Liu Ruman walked out of the building of the Liu family with a heavy body.

As usual, Jiang Sa was waiting for Liu Ruman in the milk tea shop. Seeing the gloomy face of Liu Ruman, he could not help but ask, "Ruman, why do you look so unhappy today?"

Liu Ruman took a look at Jiang Sa and sighed slowly, "Alas, today's meeting, Liu Qing suddenly mentioned that we have bought a new car. Mrs. Liu thought I bought it with the money from the company's account. Although I was trying to explain, the more I explained, the more unhappy Mrs. Liu would be. I guess that she is checking the company's account book now."

However, Jiang Sa didn't care about it at all. He said, "Ruman, a clean hand wants no washing. We bought the car with our own money. No matter how hard Mrs. Liu investigated, she couldn't find anything."

Looking at Liu Ruman, who was frowning and asked, "Is there anything else? It should not be about the car, right?"

It was just a car. It shouldn't make Liu Ruman look like this.

"Today, a group of rioters suddenly came. They smashed the construction site and forced it to stop working." Liu Ruman sighed.

"During the meeting, Liu Mo suddenly said that he had found someone who instigated him to do so. He said that it was Qin Tian, the leader of the underground group, and he asked me to negotiate with Qin Tian tomorrow. If we couldn't reach an agreement, I guess that the person in charge of the Jiang Liu Project would be replaced."

Liu Mo? Qin Tian?

Jiang Sa's eyes changed. As soon as Liu Ruman spoke out these two names, Jiang Sa noticed that something was wrong.

Tomorrow's negotiation must be a trap.

"I'll go with you to negotiate tomorrow as an assistant." Said Jiang Sa.

"You... Well, all right." Liu Ruman was about to refuse, but she thought it was good to have someone accompany her.

After all, she didn't trust anyone in the whole Liu family's company.

After returning home and having dinner silently, Jiang Sa went back to her room with Liu Ruman.

The two of them, Liu Feng and Liu Yan, frowned.

Liu Yan said, "Do you think that our daughter is getting closer and closer to Jiang Sa? I know that he goes to and off work to pick her up, but he also goes out together during vacations and even goes back to her room. Does it mean that love will grow as time goes by?"

"I thought so. It seems that Ruman and Jiang Sa are getting closer and closer."

Liu Yan said, "No way! If my daughter has feelings for him, it will be difficult to divorce in the future."

It turned out that Liu Yan and Liu Feng had already planned to divorce Liu Ruman and Jiang Sa, which was almost the trigger.

The two of Liu Yan and Liu Feng directly proposed to divorce the two.

However, recently, the intimacy between Jiang Sa and Liu Ruman gave them a sense of danger.

Taking a sip of wine, Liu Feng said, "How about you talk with Ruman and ask her to stay away from Jiang Sa?"

Liu Yan shook her head and said, "Why don't you go? Don't you see that Ruman is busy with the Jiang Liu Project recently? If you want to talk about it, it will be in the future."

They shook their heads and stopped talking about it.

Liu Yan said, "Have you noticed that there seems to be another car like ours downstairs?"

Liu Feng grunted coldly and said, "There must be a neighbor who saw us drive this car. Then envied us and borrowed money to buy the same car."

Liu Yan said in disgust, "Damn it. When I went out recently, people would say why I borrowed others' cars all the time."

When Liu Ruman returned to her room, she looked at Jiang Sa lying on the floor and asked, "Jiang Sa, Huang Xiao said she would steal you from me. What do you think I should do?"

With a faint smile on Jiang Sa's face, it was obvious that he didn't believe it. "How is that possible?"

However, in the principle of more words, more mistakes, he chooses to change the topic. "Ruman, today's floor seems to be particularly cold."

It turned out that Jiang Sa still had a guilty conscience.

Hearing this, Liu Ruman snorted and said, "Go to sleep on the sofa if you feel cold."

Looking out of the window, Jiang Sa felt a little sad.

"Ruman, I have thought about what happened on the construction site today. In my opinion, it must be Liu Mo who colluded with Qin Tian to take back the project." Said Jiang Sa with a serious look.

Liu Ruman also had some guesses, but what could she do even if she had guessed?

The result of the negotiation could only be seen tomorrow.