Chapter28 Banquet At Hongmen

A place of feasting and revelry in Jiang City, which was under the control of Qin Tian.

Wearing a formal suit, Liu Mo got out of a sports car.

Qin Tian took a glass of red wine and tasted it carefully. Two hot women accompanied him, but they were not the women who accompanied him last time.

Noticing that, Liu Mo trotted forward and said gallantly, "Brother Qin, it's done. You just need to tell me a place. Liu Ruman will go there tomorrow!"

Qin Tian's eyes lit up. He put down the glass, stood up, patted on Liu Mo's shoulder, and said, "Ha-ha, Liu Mo, I trust you!"

With a very low profile, Liu Mo said in a hurry, "No, no, no. It all relies on you, or I won't be able to do that. Brother Qin, I've got 20% of the bonus for you this time. As long as you agree, I'll sign the contract immediately tomorrow."

Qin Tian was overjoyed again.

20% of the profits from the Jiang Liu Project seemed small, but in fact, it was a huge number!

Qin Tian managed countless KTV and bars in Jiang City, and even his full year's revenue might not be equal to 20% of the bonus!

From here, it could be seen how much the Jiang family in the capital city invested in the Jiang Liu Project and how much they attached importance to it!

If he could take this opportunity to make relationships with the Jiang family

Qin Tian swallowed.

Then he would be in charge of the whole underground in Jiang City!

The more Qin Tian thought about it, the happier he became. 'What a stupid man Liu Mo is!' he thought.

If it weren't because of Liu Mo, he might not have had the chance to participate in the Jiang Liu Project this time.

If he took part in it by force and irritated the Jiang family, he would have no place to live in Jiang City!

Seeing that Qin Tian was overjoyed, Liu Mo thought to himself that the thing has almost done.

Then, Liu Mo said in a hurry, "Brother Qin, tomorrow Liu Ruman will come to sign the contract. How about taking advantage of this opportunity to... Do it directly?"

Qin Tian said at once, "Ha-ha-ha, Liu Mo, you know me! I'll do what you said!"

"After that, I will announce it to all the people in Jiang City. At that time, Liu Ruman will be kicked out of the Liu family. There will be no one in the whole Liu family who can earn power with me. I believe that you won't refuse it for my future, will you?" Liu Mo said with a sinister smile.

Announce it to the public?

Liu Ruman used to be called the most beautiful woman in Jiang City. If Jiang City's people know that I'm taking her now, it will bring honor to him.

He could even take this to show off to other underground leaders.

Qin Tian agreed happily, "Okay, I'll do as you said!"

Liu Mo sneered.

Liu Ruman was going to be a rat crossing the street in Jiang City.

If you take something that should belong to me, you should be ready to bear the consequences!

The second day, in the Liu's Company.

With a smile on his face, Liu Mo pushed open the door of Liu Ruman's office and ordered, "Liu Ruman, the time has been set. After work, go to Kong Sang's Farmhouse. Qin Tian will wait for you there."

Frowning, Liu Ruman asked unhappily, "Is it too late after work? Why don't you arrange it in the daytime?"

Liu Mo said, "It's after work. If you want it to be daytime, you can tell Qin Tian yourself."

Liu Ruman sighed and nodded helplessly, "Okay, I know. You can go out now."

He asked her to contact Qin Tian by herself. If she could get in touch with Qin Tian, how could she use him?

Before leaving, Liu Mo specially warned, "I hope you can arrive in time, or else you can't afford to cause Qin Tian's unhappiness!"

After saying that, Liu Mo was satisfied. Without saying a word, he turned around and left Liu Ruman's office.

As soon as he came out, Liu Qing gave him a murderous look.

"Sister Qing, what's wrong? Did anyone piss you off?" Liu Mo asked in confusion.

Liu Qing snorted and said coldly, "Why do you help Ruman? Aren't you in competition with her?"

In Liu Qing's opinion, if Liu Mo found out the backstage manipulator yesterday, he should do everything by himself. In the end, he would directly replace Liu Ruman and become the person in charge of the Jiang Liu Project.

By that time, she would no longer be inferior to Liu Ruman.

However, Liu Qing didn't expect that Liu Mo would call Qin Tian and transfer the call to Liu Ruman. Liu Qing even thought that he was sick. How could he give such a good opportunity to others? Was there such a fool in the world?

As for yesterday, Liu Mo said that he was a member of the Liu family.

Liu Qing sniffed.

As long as one knew a little about Liu Mo, he would know whether it was true or not.

Liu Mo sniffed and said, "Help Liu Ruman? How is that possible? Do you know who Qin Tian is? He is a notorious lecher in Jiang City."

Liu Qing widened her eyes. She knew that Qin Tian was a lascivious man.

Judging from the tone of Liu Mo, Qin Tian and Liu Mo had already contacted!

Liu Qing was so excited that Liu Mo not only wanted to kick Liu Ruman out of the Jiang Liu Project but also kicked Liu Ruman out of the Liu family!

If she wasn't in the company, Liu Qing would have laughed out loud.

Liu Ruman! You had your day, too

Didn't you always pull a long face? You deserved it!

The sun goes down to the west.

Liu Ruman came to the milk tea shop with a contract in her hand.

"What do you think?" Asked Jiang Sa when he saw Liu Ruman.

"Get in the car and go to the Kong Sang's Farmhouse. Qin Tian is waiting for us there." Liu Ruman sighed.

Jiang Sa was supervised and said, "It's so late. Can't we go there in the daytime?"

Liu Ruman said, "I have no choice. I can't get in touch with Qin Tian. It all relies on Liu Mo."

"Liu Mo must have colluded with Qin Tian," Said Jiang Sa flatly.

This made him a little surprised. It was just a civil war at home, but now it began to collude with outsiders to suppress the family member.

Although Jiang Sa looked calm, there was an endless coldness in his heart.

Well, Liu Mo, I'd like to see what you want to do.

Jiang Sa had promised that he would not let anyone bully Liu Ruman again.

And this was not empty talk!

Since there were bugs that didn't know whether they were dead or alive, he didn't mind beating them to death!

"Let's go and see what kind of tricks Qin Tian is going to play," said Jiang Sa.

Liu Ruman looked at him in surprise.

She felt that today's Jiang Sa was a little fierce. He had always been indifferent to the world and smiled at everyone he met. He had never been like today. No matter in words, action, or expression, Liu Ruman felt a chill.

Although Jiang Sa was a little fierce today, Liu Ruman felt a sense of security from it.

On the way to the Kong Sang's Farmhouse.

This farmhouse was also the property of Qin Tian. Signing a contract here was undoubtedly like a banquet at Hongmen.

They arrived at the gate of the Kong Sang's Farmhouse.

A bare-armed man with tattoos stood at the gate of the farmhouse with a cigarette in his mouth.