Chapter 37 Take the Blame

With a buzz in his head, Liu Long sat on the driver's seat in a daze and didn't know what to do.

Wang Fei and Liu Tao were also in a panic.

They quickly got out of the car. When saw the front bars sunken, they immediately sweated profusely.

This car was not cheap. It would cost at least one hundred thousand to repair the front bars. What if Jiang Sa asked them for compensation?

Their family couldn't afford one hundred thousand dollars to compensate.

Liu Long's family looked at Jiang Sa with a guilty conscience, fearing that he would ask them for money.

Liu Long said cautiously, "Jiang Sa, it's..."

With one hand on his forehead, Jiang Sa took out his phone and looked at the time. It was almost time for Liu Ruman to get off work, and now such a bad thing happened.

Ruman was right. He must not yield to the Liu Long family.

"Well, I'm going to pick up Ruman off work. We'll talk about it after Ruman comes back," replied Judith sourly.

Hearing this, Wang Fei said in a hurry, "Okay, okay. Go and pick up Ruman as soon as possible. Don't let Ruman wait too long. When you come back, we two families can have a good gathering."

Nodding silently, Jiang Sa got out of the car and sat on the driver's seat again.

Although the front bars of the car were sunken, the engine inside was not damaged.

Except that it didn't look good, it could still drive normally.

However, Jiang Sa didn't care about whether the car looked good or not. The most important thing was to pick Liu Ruman up as soon as possible.

Seeing that Jiang Sa was driving away, Liu Long and the others were relieved.

With a lingering fear, Liu Long said, "What should we do? When he picked up Liu Ruman, he will ask us for compensation..."

Wang Fei was so angry that she said, "Why do you have to drive the car? Now we're in trouble!"

"Well, fortunately, he went to pick up Ruman now. Let's go upstairs in a hurry and tell others that Jiang Sa hit the car." Wang Fei urged anxiously.

"Yes, yes. Just tell others that it was Jiang Sa who drove the car and hit the wall. It has nothing to do with us." Liu Tao hurriedly echoed.

Liu Long also said, "You're smart. Jiang Sa is just a son-in-law, so he must not have a high position in the family. I believe that Liu Yan will believe me."

Liu Long's family went upstairs uneasily and knocked on the door.

When Liu Yan opened the door and saw the Liu Long family, she greeted them with a smile.

"Well, you are finally here." Said Liu Yan.

Liu Yan glanced at the Liu Long family and frowned.

"Why do you look so tired? Come in and have a seat." Liu Yan asked.

Didn't Jiang Sa go to pick them up? Why do they look the same as the ones who walked here?

Why didn't Jiang Sa come back?

Liu Yan was confused.

The Liu Long family and Liu Yan sat on the sofa, chatting about family affairs.

"Haven't Jiang Sa gotten his driver's license yet?" Wang Fei asked Liu Yan.

Puzzled, Liu Yan said, "Maybe he had got the license. Why do you ask this?"

"He had got the driving license, but he's still so bad at driving. Alas, you don't know that when he stopped the car just now, he stepped on the accelerator as the brake. If Liu Long hadn't stopped him in time, I'm afraid he would not only hit the front bars of the car. We should be in the hospital now." Wang Fei sighed, patted Liu Yan's hand, and complained.


Did Jiang Sa hit the car when he was parking?

Liu Yan's face changed dramatically, and her originally warm smile suddenly became gloomy.

Useless thing!

Liu Yan asked, "Where is Jiang Sa now?"

Seeing Liu Yan's reaction, Wang Fei thought to herself that things have been done!

Liu Long cut in, "He went to pick up Ruman."

Liu Tao said, "Aunt, this loser is unreliable. What did you think at that time? How did you let him marry into your family?

Wang Fei shook her head and said disappointedly, "Yes."

Liu Yan said angrily, "It's all Mr. Liu's fault. Otherwise, Ruman will have to marry a rich man anyway!"

Speaking of this, Liu Yan was even angrier.

Liu Yan snorted and said, "Let's wait and see how I'll deal with Jiang Sa when he comes back!"

Liu Long's family looked at each other and chuckled.

As expected, Jiang Sa had no reputation in the family. Even if he came back to explain, Liu Yan would not believe him.

Jiang Sa drove to the company building.

As soon as he got off the car, three hooligans came over with sticks in their hands.

"Hey, boy, the car is good. Lend me some money to spend." A gang leader said with a sinister smile.

"Boss, stop talking nonsense with him. Just beat him up and take everything from him." The other two hooligans waved their sticks, itching to have a try.

The car accident had already made Jiang Sa in a bad mood, and now he was surrounded and provoked, which made the situation worse.

"Who sent you here? Liu Mo?" The look in his eyes was cold and fierce.

"Boy, don't ask so many questions. Just give us money and be beaten up by us." The gang leader sneered.

Looking at the corner of the street, there was a blue supercar parked.

This blue supercar was Li Xiang's car!

The look in Jiang Sa's eyes turned cold.

Li Xiang still didn't give up and was tired of living.

"Tell Li Xiang not to show up in front of me, or he will be killed," Jiang Sa warned in a cold voice.

"Damn it! Who do you think you are? Fuck!" The leader of the hooligans flew into a rage and beat him up.

With a calm face, Jiang Sa kicked out.


The hooligan leader was kicked hard.

The gang leader drooled and rolled on the ground.

When the other two hooligans saw the miserable situation of their boss, they were timid, but at the same time, they angrily hit Jiang Sa.

Bang! Bang!

Another two muffled sounds were heard, and two more people rolled on the ground.

"Get out of here. If you come back in the future. Prepare the coffin in advance." Jiang Sa said coldly.

The three hooligans fled away.

Being delayed by a lot of things, Jiang Sa finally came to the milk tea shop.

Liu Ruman had already gotten off work. She was looking at her cell phone idly and looking at the street from time to time.

Seeing Jiang Sa, Liu Ruman was overjoyed.

"I'm late today. I was delayed by something." Said Jiang Sa apologetically.

Liu Ruman waved her hand and said, "Let's go home now. Isn't uncle and aunt coming today?"

Noticing that the front bars of the car were sunken, Liu Ruman asked, "Did you hit the car?"

With a sigh, Jiang Sa said, "Liu Long insisted on driving. He hit the front bar when stopped the car."

"Well, forget it. I can take it out to repair tomorrow."Jiang Sa said again.

Liu Ruman nodded. This was what her uncle could do.

Jiang Sa's driving can be described as smooth, or even better than some professional drivers.

He couldn't hit the front bar when he was parking.

As soon as they arrived home, they saw Liu Ruman and Jiang Sa.

Oncoming is Liu Yan's sullen face.

Liu Yan said, "Jiang Sa, how dare you hit the front bars of the car!"

After hanging up her bag, Liu Ruman hurriedly said, "Mom, it wasn't caused by Jiang Sa."

Liu Ruman wanted to explain.

Wang Fei said, "Ruman, don't try to defend him. Be honest."

"No, I didn't..." Ruman said hurriedly.

"Well, I think you are becoming more and more partial recently. If you keep on talking about it, you'll get divorced." Liu Yan said angrily.

"It's not easy for your uncle to come here today. Let's go out for dinner." Liu Yan snorted.

"Jiang Sa was not allowed to go!" Liu Yan added.

Liu Ruman sighed and went back to her room with Jiang Sa.

"I'm sorry, Jiang Sa." Liu Ruman suddenly apologized.

Shaking his head, Jiang Sa said, "It doesn't matter. I happen to have something to deal with tonight."

When Liu Feng came back, he and Liu Long each drove to the restaurant they had booked.

In the car, Liu Long's family had been intoxicated by success.

"Humph! How dare Jiang Sa ask us for compensation!" Liu Long snorted.

"Yes, father and mother. I can't be angrier if I don't borrow more than one hundred thousand from aunt's house this time!" Liu Tao said angrily.