Chapter 38 Borrowing Money and Compensating

When they arrived at the restaurant, Liu Long's family had a big appetite, ordered several hard delicacies, and then served several bottles of wine.

Originally, Liu Feng didn't want to drink. After all, he had to drive later, but he couldn't stop Liu Long from persuading him to drink, so he had to bite the bullet and drink.

At the worst, call a designated driver.

Liu Long served the wine with a purpose.

How could they borrow money from Liu Feng's family if they were not drunk?

After three rounds of drinking.

Liu Feng was already in a daze because Liu Long keep asking him to drink, and Liu Yan was also drunk.

They felt it was the right time, Liu Long stood up and said drunkenly, "Yan, I'm here for nothing else. I just want to borrow some money from you."

Liu Feng shouted and said, "Borrow! How much do you want to borrow? Transfer... Transfer money."

Liu Feng drank a lot and took out his bank card. He straightened his chest and looked very generous.

Wang Fei's eyes lit up and said in a hurry, "Thank you, brother Liu. I thought that our two families are on the same boat and you will lend us money."

Hearing this, Liu Yan quickly pulled down Liu Feng who stood up and told him to keep silent.

Liu Feng promised them before they didn't say how much they wanted to borrow.

Are you crazy after drinking?

Although Liu Yan was a little drunk, she was sober than Liu Feng.

Liu Yan said, "How much do you want to borrow?"

If it was a small amount of money, Liu Yan could naturally lend it to Liu Long generously.

But once there were too many of them, it was still uncertain.

Wang Fei said in surprise, "Not much. I'll borrow two hundred thousand."

Two hundred thousand!

Hearing the amount of money, Liu Yan was immediately frightened to sober up.

Although their family could afford two hundred thousand, it would hurt their muscles and bones after they took it out!

For a moment, Liu Yan was in a dilemma.

After all, it was her brother who borrowed the money. If she didn't borrow the money, it would be unreasonable.

Seeing that Liu Yan was in a dilemma, Liu Ruman came out and said, "Uncle, we don't have so much money now. Why don't you go to borrow money? I have a good channel in the company."

However, Wang Fei got anxious when she heard that Liu Ruman ask they wanted to borrow money.

Wang Fei scolded him harshly, "When can you interrupt the elders?"

How could she let them borrow money!

They had to pay the loan!

As for the money of Liu Yan, no matter how hard they urged, their family had been dragging it. What could they do?

Seeing that Liu Yan was still hesitating, Liu Long was dissatisfied and said, "Yan, you said that Ruman is on the side of others. It's the same for you. Your family is a little difficult. Are you even unwilling to give out two hundred thousand?"


Liu Yan sighed and said with difficulty, "Okay, don't worry. I'll borrow it!"

Liu Long and Wang Fei were overjoyed.

Wang Fei said in a hurry, "Thank you, sister-in-law. You helped us a lot!"

Wang Fei continued, "I don't know when we will get the money..."

Liu Yan said unwillingly, "I can't take so much money now. Let's wait for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

As soon as she finished speaking.

Bang! The door of the private room was kicked open.

A brawny man threw Liu Tao to the ground.

"Father, mother." Lying on the ground, Liu Tao wailed and kept calling Liu Long and Wang Fei.

Wang Fei was burning with anxiety. She helped Liu Tao up and asked anxiously, "Who are you? Why did you hit my son?"

"If you don't give me an explanation today, don't leave!" Wang Fei cursed.

Hearing Wang Fei's words, the brawny man laughed angrily, "You want an explanation? Ask your son what he has done first."

The brawny man said, "That's all I want to say. If you don't compensate me today, your legs will be broken!"

Liu Yan broke out in a cold sweat and asked Liu Tao, "Liu Tao, what did you do to offend this guy?"

Embarrassed, Liu Tao hemmed and hawed to explain.

It turned out that just after Liu Tao went to the bathroom, he saw a hot and sexy beauty.

Liu Tao, who should be a coward when he saw a woman, dared to flirt with her after drinking.

And that sexy beauty was kept by a strong man.

The brawny man saw that Liu Tao hadn't come back yet. When he went out, he saw Liu Tao flirting with his girl.

The brawny man was furious. He grabbed Liu Tao and gave him a good beating.

After beating Liu Tao, the brawny man was still angry, and now he came to them.

Liu Ruman rubbed her forehead. The Liu Long family were all troublemakers!

She had planned to have a good meal, but now it turned out to be like this.

After hearing this, Wang Fei first blamed Liu Tao, and then said in an unfriendly tone, "I don't care what you do. If you hit my son, you have to give me an explanation, or I will call the police!"

The brawny man was irritated.

This shrew was unreasonable!

The brawny man rolled up his sleeves and said, "Call the police? Let me see how you can call the police! If you dare to call the police, I will beat you first!"

Seeing that the brawny man wanted to beat her, Wang Fei became afraid at once.

But soon, Wang Fei began to shout, "Do you dare to do that? We are from the Liu family! Do you know the Liu family? Be careful not to get yourself into trouble!"

Liu Feng was a little sober. Seeing this scene, he stood up and said, "Buddy, forget it. You also beat him."

Liu Feng wanted to smooth things over, but he was afraid that the burly man would beat them.

He was too strong to withstand two fists.

The brawny man pounded the table and said with a ferocious look, "Shut up, or I'll break your legs first!"

Liu Feng swallowed. Frightened by the ferocity of the brawny man, he sat down feebly with his legs numb.

Seeing this, the brawny man said with satisfaction, "That's it! Hurry up! Get compensation! Otherwise..."

The brawny man took a step forward and stretched out his fist. It seemed that he was going to fight with them if they didn't get along well with each other.


Liu Tao was frightened out of his mind.

Since their family had borrowed money from Liu Yan, how could they afford compensation?

But if he couldn't afford the compensation, he would be the first one to break his leg!

He didn't want his leg to be broken. He hadn't gotten married yet

In a panic.

The car key fell off Liu Tao's body.

Liu Tao's eyes lit up. He grabbed the car key with his trembling hands as if he had seen a life-saving straw.

Yes, yes, there was a car.

He should compensate him for the car.

Liu Tao stood up, his legs trembling, his eyes dodging, and said to the brawny man, "This... This car is for you as compensation. Let me go, I dare not again."

Liu Yan was angry. This was their car!

How could Liu Tao decide without permission!

Wang Fei said: "Is this car enough to be compensation for you?"

Liu Long echoed, "That's right. This car is not cheap. It's a good deal to compensate you."

The brawny man took the car key and glanced at it with disdain.

How nice their cars could be?

Liu Ruman, who had been silent all the time, couldn't sit still when she saw that the Liu Long family wanted to compensate for the car, and Liu Feng and Liu Yan didn't say anything either.

All the cars were bought by Jiang Sa.

Liu Ruman glared at him and said, "Liu Tao, who allowed you to give the car to him?"

Hearing Liu Ruman's rebuke, the Liu Long family felt embarrassed.

The brawny man frowned slightly and looked at Liu Ruman with joy in his disdainful eyes.

"You are a pretty girl. Stay with me for one night. I don't want the car. Everything is gone."