Chapter 47 That Is Mine

Liu Ruman became interested and asked, "Where? How much did it cost?"

Jiang Sa smiled, "The first question you asked is how much did I spend? You are such a money-grubber."

Liu Ruman complained, "No, I'm just worried about money."

Jiang Sa said, "You even began to worry about money. You said you were not a miser. Women are duplicitous."

Liu Ruman stopped talking about this and said, "Tell me, where did you buy the house?"

All of a sudden, Jiang Sa stopped, pointed at the villa in the distance, and said honestly, "That is mine!"

Hearing of this, Liu Ruman's face was full of disbelief.

The villa? How could it be possible!

It cost ninety million!

No matter how much money Jiang Sa had saved before his marriage, he couldn't afford it.

If he had so much money, he wouldn't have been a loser in the Liu family.

"Stop kidding, Jiang Sa." Liu Ruman said helplessly.

Jiang Sa nutcracker, "Okay, okay. Let's go to see the house on the fifteenth of next month. Haste makes waste."

After saying that, Jiang Sa muttered to himself, 'It's good that you don't believe me. It's just a surprise.'

Next month, you'll be surprised!

It was not a big deal for Jiang Sa to buy the villa.

For a moment, he was a little arrogant. Thinking of the surprised look on Liu Ruman's face, he chuckled.

At the same time, Liu Ruman, who was standing next to him, notice that Jiang Sa burst into laughter from time to time, as if she was looking at a fool. What made him so happy.

After the morning run and breakfast.

Liu Ruman tidied up her clothes and came downstairs, only to find her bestie, Huang Xiao, had already been waiting downstairs.

Liu Ruman whispered to Huang Xiao.

Huang Xiao was lost in thought.

Liu Ruman patted her on the shoulder, which startled Huang Xiao. She teased, "What's wrong? Miss. Huang is longing for love again? Do you want to call the prince of the piano, Jiang Sa?"

Huang Xiao was frightened, and then her face turned red. She retorted, "If I call him down, won't you be unhappy?"

With a cunning look on her face, Liu Ruman said, "Of course not. We are good friends. How can I be unhappy?"

Huang Xiao touched her forehead and said, "Ruman, don't make fun of me. I'm just worried."

Huang Xiao continued, "By the way, what's the identity of Jiang Sa? Didn't you say that he couldn't play? Why did he suddenly be the master piano performer?"

Liu Ruman thought for a while and said, "I really don't know what's the identity of Jiang Sa, and I can't find it out either."

"A master-level piano performer is always the distinguished guest of each tycoon, not to mention that Jiang Sa is still so young. He must be specially trained." Huang Xiao frowned slightly.

Liu Ruman nodded in agreement.

Huang Xiao was confused and said, "He has been bullied for three years. No matter how honest he is, he must be impatient."

Liu Ruman shook her head and said, "It's well-known that he has a good temper. He is even called a loser by the Liu family."

After a pause, Liu Ruman continued, "But recently, it seems that Jiang Sa has suddenly become rich. He bought two cars without blinking his eyes, and the total value is about two million. Just yesterday, he said that he bought a house. It's really strange."

Huang Xiao was surprised and said, "He bought a car and a house? Does Jiang Sa screw up?"


Huang Xiao looked up at the sky and sighed sadly, "I haven't been in love for so many years, but now a man suddenly appeared. He is the husband of my best friend!"

"My life is so miserable."

Liu Ruman burst into laughter and said, "There are a lot of people who want to fall in love with you. Those who want to pursue you can be ranked from one end of Jiang City to the other. How could you say you have a hard time?"

Huang Xiao said, "I don't like a group of idlers from rich families. They are not like Jiang Sa. He has endured humiliation and burden for three years. He is in power, buying a car and a house."

Liu Ruman smiled and said, "You're asking too much, but you're right. Ordinary people don't deserve my Miss. Huang."

Liu Ruman rolled her eyes and said, "You think so highly of him. Are you interested in Jiang Sa?"

Huang Xiao complained, "Ruman, don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Sa drove to the foot of the villa.

After so many days, he thought that the decoration should be almost finished.

When she was about to directly drive in, the security guard of the villa suddenly appeared.

The security guard looked serious and fully armed. He said, "Sir, your car has not been registered. If you want to enter, please verify it."

After stopping the car, he nodded and said, "Yes, I'm Jiang Sa. I'm the owner of the villa. I want to go up and have a look."

The security guard became more serious. The owner of the villa was unusual.

Du du du.

The honk sounded from the back of the car.

It was a cool supercar.

A young man got off the supercar, frowned, and said, "Security, I want to go in."

The security guard saw the young man and understood.

It was the young master, Sun Yanzhi, from the Sun clan in Jiang City.

The security guard said respectfully to him, "Mr. Jiang, please move out of the car and don't block the road."

Although the man in front of him might be the owner of the villa, as a security guard, he didn't dare to break the rules.

Besides, the man in front of him didn't seem to be arrogant or domineering, and he looked harmless to people and animals.

Jiang Sa nodded silently. It was indeed immoral for him to park the car at the door.

After moving the car, Sun Yanzhi drove the supercar and smoothly entered. Through the rearview mirror, he saw that the front bars of the car were sunken. He complained, "It's useless to repair it. No matter how hard to repair it, it's still broken."

Sitting in the passenger seat of the supercar, a woman echoed, "Yes, yes. How dare a shabby car stand in front of young master?"

The woman continued, "That man hasn't come to apologize to Mr. Sun yet. How dare he!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Sun Yanzhi said casually, "Forget it. Why are you so angry with him? Lose face."

He walked around the villa and came to a villa on another hill.

In addition to the hillside where the villa was located, there were also some small hills around. They were also bought by the rich people in Jiang City and built villas one by one.

However, there was a world of difference between the villa on the hillside and those villas on the hilltop.

The price of the two could not be compared.

The half mountain villa that Jiang Sa bought was worth ninety million, and the other small mountains were all below thirty to forty million. Even in some remote areas, ten million could be bought.

Sun Yanzhi came to the villa and had sex with the woman.

The woman saw the villa through the window. "Mr. Sun, can you take me to the legendary villa?"

Sun Yanzhi hesitated.

The villa was a private territory. No one was allowed to get close to it without the owner's permission.

But on second thought, the villa was being renovated, so it should be empty.

It was okay to have a visit and broaden his horizon.

After putting on his clothes, Sun Yanzhi decided to take the woman there.