Chapter 48 The Fear of Sun Yanzhi

With a wave of his hand, Sun Yanzhi said majestically, "Okay, I'll show you the villa today."

The woman looked at him with admiration.

Sun Yanzhi took the woman to carefully avoid the camera and finally entered the villa.

The woman looked around curiously and was shocked by the wealth of the owner of the villa.

The villa was one of the top villas in Jiang City!

The owner of the villa had never been here since he bought it.

Didn't he care about this villa worth nearly one hundred million?

It was hard to imagine how powerful the owner of the villa was.

The woman was shocked. On the other side, since entering the villa, Sun Yanzhi's eyelids kept twitching and his eyebrows twisted into a line. He felt a little uneasy as if someone would rush out and catch him at any time.

The woman said, "Mr. Sun, let's look inside a little bit more."

They were still in the periphery of the villa, and the real territory hadn't been shown yet.

The woman's curiosity soared. How to decorate a one hundred million house

Sun Yanzhi was a little timid and wanted to retreat.

The woman continued, "How about Mr. Sun compare to the owner of the villa? Can you be equal?"

Sun Yanzhi swallowed the words on the tip of his tongue. Others boast about themselves, how could he say it is not?

To show his strength in front of the woman, Sun Yanzhi gave a dry cough and said, "The difference is always the same."

After saying that, he smiled bitterly.

There was a huge gap between them!

With the support of the Sun family, one of the top clans in Jiang City, he was able to buy a villa around the half-mountain villa. It cost him a lot of money, used a relationship, and owed others a lot of favor.

As for the half-mountain villa

As if the owner didn't care at all.

"Now that you want to have a look, I'll take you to have a deep look." Sun Yanzhi added.

After observing the surroundings for a while, Sun Yanzhi felt relieved. They had been in the villa for such a long time, but no one had found them. It seemed that there was no one here.

He forced himself to calm down and went deep into it carefully.

At this time, a rebuke came, "Who are you? Who let you in?"

With his hair standing on end, Sun Yanzhi stood still.

A security guard came from a path nearby, with an electric baton in his hand.

The security guards would rush over and subdue Sun Yanzhi as long as he made any move.

Sun Yanzhi was terrified.

They were found!

The people living here were all wealthy and powerful tycoons, and they cared about privacy the most.

A long time ago, there was also a person who broke into the territory without the consent of the owner. After being found, he was directly locked in a small dark room.

As a result, the man's leg was broken directly after he came out!

It should be noted that the intruder was also a high-level figure of a luxurious tycoon. However, after his leg was broken, he didn't say anything and ended up with nothing.

The reason was that if they broke the rules, they must be punished as they deserved.

If the person who broke the rules was protected by the family, then the family would bear the attack of the whole luxurious tycoon in Jiang City.

This was the consensus of the top tycoons.

No precedent was allowed, or the privacy of these luxurious tycoons would be gone!

Holding the electric baton in his hand, the security guard approached him slowly and scolded him again, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Sun Yanzhi was too scared to speak.

He was also the young master and the heir of a top family, but... These identities were far from enough.

The Sun family couldn't bear the anger of the owner of the villa and the suppression of all the luxurious tycoons in Jiang City.

If he was not been careful enough, the Sun family might be destroyed.

In comparison, the young master, the successor of the Sun family, was not so important. After all, the Sun family was rich and had many descendants, so he was not the only one who was in need.

Therefore, his legs were probably broken and he was thrown out of the villa.

Feeling uneasy, he begged, "I'm sorry. I got lost. I came here by accident. I'll be right there."

The security guard frowned and said, "Get lost? Really?"

The security guard continued, "I advise you to tell the truth, or you will end up with a more tragic result."

Sun Yanzhi was terrified, "I'll give you a big gift to thank you for forgiving me this time in the future."

The security guard still didn't give up and said, "Humph! Do you know what will happen if you break into this place on purpose?"

The woman beside him frowned and said unhappily, "Do you know who he is? Who lets you talk like that? I advise you to organize your language, or you will be in trouble."

The security guard asked, "Oh? Who is he? Can he make me suffer?"

As the security guards here, it could be said that they were the most powerful security guards in Jiang City, and the luxurious tycoon could not hurt them at all.

Was this woman brainless?

The woman said arrogantly, "He is the young master from the Sun family in Jiang City! Sun Yanzhi! You must have known the name of Mr. Sun, right? Come and apologize!"

The security guard said, "Sun Yanzhi, are you? I see."

As for Sun Yanzhi himself, he wanted to cut the woman into pieces. If his name was useful, he didn't need her to say it!

But now, the security guard knew his name, and there was probably no chance for him to escape.

She wanted to kill him!

Said Sun Yanzhi sharply, "Shut up! You have no right to speak here. Apologize to the security guard now!"

The woman was confused. Why did he ask her to apologize to a security guard

Seeing that the woman didn't move, Sun Yanzhi slapped her in the face.

The woman screamed, "It's just a security guard! Is it necessary to apologize to him?"

The security guard was impatient and said, "Well, I don't have time to accept this woman's apology. Sun Yanzhi from the Sun family, please come with me. It depends on the owner of this place to decide how to deal with it."

Sun Yanzhi stood still.

If he left with the security guards, he would be lying on his stomach and coming out.

Sun Yanzhi said, "Our Sun family is on good terms with the master of the villa. I came here to visit him. But the mansion is too big, so I got lost by accident."

The security guard didn't believe it. He said, "Then you contact the master of the villa now."

Sun Yanzhi was terrified. How could he have the phone number of the owner of the villa?

Even if he had, the owner couldn't talk to him.

The atmosphere gradually became heated, and the security guard was getting closer and closer to Sun Yanzhi.

"What happened?" A young man came over and asked the security guard.

The security guard looked at the young man respectfully. He was the owner of the villa!

He had just seen him.

"These two people said they knew you, but their behavior was extremely sneaky." The security guard pointed at the two of them and explained.

Sun Yanzhi looked at the young man with his eyes wide open!

'Isn't he the owner of the rubbish car at the foot of the mountain!'

Yes, the one who spoke was none other than Jiang Sa.

With a frown, Jiang Sa relaxed and said casually, "Yes, I do know him."

The security guard breathed a sigh of relief, put away the baton, and said, "That's my fault. Please forgive me, Mr. Sun."

Sun Yanzhi replied mechanically, "Nothing."

The security guard said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang. I shouldn't have blamed your friend."

Waving his hand, Jiang Sa said, "It doesn't matter. Don't make such a stupid mistake again."

With the understanding of Jiang Sa, the security guards quickly went away and began a new round of patrolling.

Sun Yanzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly thanked him, "Thank you, Mr. Jiang. I will never refuse if you need my help in the future!"