
Hey there you were trying to cross the border huh? Let me tell you something, have you ever been love by someone?. A love that is so strong it seems nothing could break it, well here I am. My name is Kori Drake. I'm a prisoner to a sadistic goddess of whatever the fuck she is and what she represents.

You might be wondering " What the fuck are you talking about? " or the degenerates " I would die to be in your situation!!!!! ". Like literally, there is no fun and love being claim and chain to an sadistic bitch. Especially a Yandere, I mean that might sound cool and all but there are pros and cons to that shit.

One you get a lovely girl that is loyal and loves you with all her heart, and would do anything for you. While on the other hand.... She is a crazy bitch who would kill anybody, including your friends and family. Forcing you to not talk to other girls or even let girls in general talk to you.

Not cool and doesn't sound healthy at all, I love being out there with friends. Especially the boys who I cherish like they was my own brothers, my family that I loved to death. All gone because of one Yandere.

Their deaths still haunts me to this day, every time I reset she always there. No matter how many times I try to reset the universe, how many times I try to change the past so my future self can be free from her shackles.

She will always be there waiting for me.....

Let me show you the beginning of my terror and trauma.

A red transparent screen showed up in front of a impaled kori.

[ Would you like to reset again? Y/N ]

Kori struggles to lift his finger as a figure footsteps could be heard, as an female in her 20's walk out of the dark entrance.

" Again? How many times are you gonna keep resetting. Just stop this and be mine already, you already know how it will end just like the other few thousand times " A voice so seductive that any man and woman can fall for. Her looks and face could be deceiving, a tall and slender woman who's skin is pure white like snow. Hips that you could grip, a body that could make any person fall in love with. Slim and thick legs that you could fall asleep on, long black hair with small red plump lips. Red eyes that could make you submit in a second.

Her name was Nyx the Greek goddess of the Night who is a deity that stood, or was near the beginning of all creation. So powerful that even Zeus was afraid of her.

" Hehehehehe fuck you " Kori grins before pressing [Y] as reality all around them starts getting distorted.

" You are one naughty boy, but oh well. We will again... my pet " Nyx spoke in disappointment as she curse Yahweh. As a bright light surrounded both of them, as the long lasting universe shut down for the 100th thousands time.....


A soft voice spoke as a boy with black silky hair groans in his sleep.


The voice got louder.


The voice wakes up kori from his dream as he fall off his seat, as he looked up to see his childhood friend. Looking down at him as she sighs, her name was Lilith Pentagon. Who has a small figure and stood around 5,7. Having beautiful brown hair and smooth pink lips, with her eyes being the color of camel. Wearing a tank top with sweat pants as she spoke.

" Get up school is over, I can't believe that i always gotta wake you up every single time " Lilith spoke down as kori rubs the back of his head.

" Sorry Sorry! " Kori spoke apologetic as he stood up to his full height, around 5"9. Wearing a black hoodie that has a fading drawing of a black dragon on his back. With red pants as he sweats in fear of his childhood friend.

" Let's go I want to go home already " Lilith walks away as she opens the sliding door, before walking out.

" Hey! Wait for me!!! " Kori says before running after her, as you can see from a clear window. Of the figures of Kori and Lilith walking side to side, as floating futuristic skyscrapers appeared in the back ground.


-Hey it's the author here hope you like the prologue, it's my first time writing in this platform instead of Wattpad or FanFiction.Net. I have other stories on there as well if you have the app, go check my account out. My name is randome_dude/ or randome_dude2.0. I have some ok story's mostly about DxD( Highschool DxD, bleach, Yandere, etc ). Hope you have a nice day and see you next time peace.-