Ch-1 Welcome to fucking world

"Every one says this the world of fucking, feld with shit, and their is only one way to escape in this fucking world, is death...! "

I don't know whether it's right or wrong !

My grand pa always says to me, son in the world of living, there're only two paths one is right, another one is wrong, you have to choose only one path from this, son choose carefully .

My grand pa is indirectly say's to, choose me the right path.

I don't care on good or bad, i will do what I like .I am Anthony Walt, I am just a regular high schooler, I just live an ordinary life like others .

Until that moment

In school their was a senior, who picks random guys to bully, and his eyes caught me this time, so he started picking on me, so I use some fist talking to him, then he got 4 stitches on his forehead, Apart form that I didn't got a single scratch on my body, this issue got serious, every teacher in my school started scolding me . I am not even trying to explain them, I just remain silent, even if I try, they won't listen, because he's the one with injures not me .

Teacher called our parents to explain this situation, then I realised that, I hit a politician and school bored member son .

In that moment I feel something like joy or happiness I don't know, because I hit a politician son, I guess ,but my happiness and joy only lasts only a couple of minutes ,

After that ! my grand pa entered the school, and started to communicate with his father to forgive me, and he stood like statue, and the rest of the people laid their asses in sofa and chairs .

It's all getting on my nerves, I just shouted loud like it's not my fault, he started the fight, I am just a victim .

(mind voice of Anthony)

(i know even if I said all this shit, they don't even listen, but my mouth started on its own.)

my grand pa just put his hand on my shoulder, and he said, I know son it's not your mistake, but please keep quiet son. After hearing this shocking words, my mouth won't even opened, I am just speech less, after that my grand pa keep saying sorry, forgive him like this stuff to his father .Then he just turn his face towards me and he said ,

" hey boy this reality, not a fairytale, in this reality only strong and powerfull person can win in this fucking reality," not weak or good know who (he was pointing on my grandpa) after that sentence, he just glare at my eye, for a minute , and give small smile at me, and said I will forgive you, in a royal way, and he just walk off .

Me and pops started walking from that place , my pops trying to console me, in that moment, my head filled with lots of questions, I just shouted on my pops, and I ask him, why the hell are you asking him to forgive me ?why the hell i need his forgiveness? this is not our fault, you know everything, and still you asked him to forgive me? why pops...whyyyyyyyyy?

to be continued