Ch-2 Beacuse this is life

"beacuse this is the Life we living son," we have no power to stop them, even if we start fighting with them, we are the only one will lose but not them, because we don't have power .

Pops you always says, bad will never last long, only good can last long forever.

In the battle of good vs bad, good will always win.

All this goodi goodi stuff is just a crap right, good always wins in a fairytale right, say something pops ! why are you so calm ?

even if I say, you won't get understand because you're too young, when you come at my age you'll understand, what I am saying

see pops ! iam not a losser, after seeing all this shit, I acknowledge one thing in this world, only strong people can change their fate, not weakling like us .

Now i can't say my father's or grandfather's name's proudly, beacuse you're just a normal guy knows nothing but adjustment, like the rest of all common people .

" i don't live like you at all..."

" my name is Anthony Walt, and this name will acknowledges and feart by everyone in this world, even it's makes me walk into a dark path i Don't care" .....

After hearing all this my grand pa heart was broken into pieces, he just remain silent and walk off to his room.

Now I am planning about, how to get strong? to become strong i have to gain fame and power, it comes form Mafia or politics.

Poltics is not my style, plus it takes lot's of money and time, and i don't have money also,

so my only option is mafia.

Mafia the under world, it's not an easy Move to step on, I don't even know where to start at all.

So I started reading crime novels,news , magazines,comics and law books . After reading all the crime stories, i realise one thing, nobody cares "what you becoming, they only cares what you become".

Law points is a pain in ass, when ever i read this crap I feel dizzy , In that reading moment, I saw a word assault, then their was a question that was crossing in my mind, what will you do? when a group try to attack you ? How does it feels, when you totally beaten up to death?

Is that feel drives you into anger, or depress, in this way my mind start thinking like crazy, then i realise that I am putting my brain in a lot of stress, in that stress moment, I got an a crazy idea, just walk around street and pick a fight with a random group, i know it's sounds crazy, but every genius person, will firstly recongize as a crazy person.

So let's begin this crazy show,  i started walking around the street, then i saw a group of people, around 8 members, I think they are Perfect for my idea, so I started walking towards them, in that moment my hands are shivering, actually my body was shaking like a earthquake.

"One of that group member asked me is their any problem ".


                          To be continued