CH-9 knowing to underworld

After seeing all this mess, i realized one thing, "people can't rule the money but money can rule all the people in world ".

in that moment ! i decided to become the richest person in the world , even it's makes me to walk into a wrong path, i don't care.

I pity my father because he always look up for everyone, and he died ! without knowing actual truth about this world .

In this cursed world their is no "we" , It has only "me".

" so i took danny's offer", the rest of story you know .

Anthony: Shakeel after listening, i understand one thing , you're not a dumb person as you look .

shakeel: what the fuck? after listening my story you understand this ?

Anthony: did you expected any sympathy or pity form me, no way in the hell i will do those things , because you're man who stood on his feet without a support . i feel proud of you, not pity shakeel .

shakeel: ohh ! thank you.

Anthony: shakeel there is only two months time is lift for harvesting.

Once our product reached the market , everyone will knows our capabilities.

(After two months)

shakeel: like "Anthony" said, everything goes according to his plan, our product is in good shape, and it's ready to hit the market.

We just have to figure, how to export our product, from this village, to our city.

Anthony: Shakeel ! how much weed quantity , do we have?

Shakeel : Approximately ,around 290 to 320 i think.

Anthony: Fantastic ! shakeel give samples, to every drug dealer in our city except danny , and make sure to tell them, that we are running out of stock , if you want some , then contact me as soon as possible .

Shakeel: Anthony ! i think it's bit too much , no one care about a newbie, even if our product was in good shape , we have to do it Slowly , beacuse if we do it faster, than cops will easily notice us .

Anthony : Don't be so dumb shakeel , if you want to achieve big then you have to take bigger risk. you always want to make big, right.

Shakeel: yes!

Anthony,: here's your chance shakeel , and raise the price 30 percent, than the market .

Shakeel: this is insane dude! no one will buy our product, if we sell like this .

Anthony: I guarantee you that , every one in the market eventually buy our product, even it's raise to 50 percentage .

Shakeel : how ?

Anthony : we are not selling Candy's , you mother fucker , we are selling drugs, the purest form of weed . Which was never seen in the market.

We are the only one, has that purest form of weed , so we have every rights to raise the price. This under world will knows our names, and they beg for your weed .

(shakeel inner vioce )

( while he speaking , I saw a Glory light in Anthony eyes , he was thrilled by Every bit of his plan , he just like a fox , who waiting for his prey.)

Shakeel : like Anthony said ,i gave sample to every smuggler in the city except danny and i tell them the price , after listening the price , everyone started to get irritate, but after some time every smuggler in the city, started calling me, and asked for the weed .

The bigger problem is, we have to smuggle 50 kgs in 2 days . Anthony said he will figure something about it .

Anthony : Shakeel ! bring a junk truck , Frist put 50 kg on it, and cover the top with some junk , if any cop notice you , then just bribe them with some cash, don't be afraid it's our first deal, and no one have any information about our smuggling routes exept us , so don't worry shakeel, every thing will goes according to our plan .

Shakeel : I followed , every thing he said , and guess what ? we sell 50 kgs for 4.5 millions.

It was a record in the underworld , no one has ever sell 50 kgs for 4.5 millions in two days , Anthony name was reached to underworld ,"even danny know his name now".

( Danny's hide out !)

Danny : who the hell? is this punk ? what he thinking about this black market ? is he think , this all child's play, no it's a blood bath empire, and it was created by the blood only.

If any one is interested in this empire, then they have to face the demon himself .

Varun ! what was this new born ,

Little runt name ?

( intro of Varun )

( "Varun Chaudhary" , he was Danny's

right hand man, and Danny's most

trusted person )

Varun : he's name was Anthony Walt , sir .

Danny : who is this Anthony? In which gang

he works for ?

Varun : He has no criminal records before, he and shakeel are doing this independently .

Danny : What the fuck is happening ? Shakeel was tag with that buffoon , and betray me , this is getting on my nerve .

Varun tell those two little runts, that i

want to speak with them about a

business deal.

Varun Informed shakeel, about this deal, and the meeting placed on sunday.

Shakeel : something is fussy Anthony , i think he set up a plan for both of us.

Anthony : so what ?

Shakeel : Anthony be serious , their is no time for chit chat , think about a plan

Anthony: don't be naive shakeel , we are tasted our first step of success , I never felt this much thrilled in my life , but it's not enough , my mind keep's telling me , it's not enough you have to earn more, and more, and more .

(Shakeel inner vioce )

( when he repeating those "more word" ,

he was looked like a tiger , with big


Shakeel : you're underestimating Danny, maybe he is not a real boss, he can still dance in this underworld , plus he has man power around his back .

Anthony : "man power" i never thought about this subject , but don't worry , we have to recruit new members.

Shakeel : now your talking , how many dude's we need?

Anthony : we need around 40 to 50 i guess , no we need exactly 50 members for your gang .

Shakeel : where can we find this many people ? plus we have only 4 days for that meeting , how can we arrange this many men in no time ?

Anthony : don't worry shakeel ! we can find those people in no time, but problem is i need 6 men, who strongly desires of something , which can obtain only in this route, and they should have to be sharper like us .

This is the crucial point , they should do anything for their desire , even it's cost their life, they should do it willingly.

to be continued