CH-10 Finding a new general

This is the crucial point , they should do anything for their desire , even it's cost their life, they should do it willingly.

Shakeel: Anthony are going nuts? what's wrong with you dude ? why are specifically mentioning six members ? what about the rest of the people?

Anthony : shakeel ! we can make normal people into soldiers, but we can't make them into a general , because the general has a unique quality, that unique quality can't be possessed by the common people .

Shakeel : why can't normal people become general ?

Anthony: Shakeel tell me one thing , how can normal become unique ?

Shakeel : It can't .

Anthony : Why ?

Shakeel : because it's normal .

Anthony : exactly ! then how can normal people be unique?

Shakeel : fuck me ! with you philosophies , ok

" where can we find this mother

Fucking general's"

Anthony's : we can find them in anywhere .

Shakeel : Anywhere means what ? i need a specific address, asshole ?

Anthony : first ! we need a attacking general, we can find him in street fights , shooting range , pubs , malls maybe in library also , search every where shakeel .

Shakeel : Asshole ! i cannot detect your desire person .

Anthony : fuck !

Shakeel : now you will get to understand, how tough field work would be ?

( shakeel and Anthony visiting places to

places , to find a new crew member

for his organisation.

But no use , wherever they go , Anthony

Dislikes everyone he meets, shakeel

decided to relax in bar for couple of


Anthony : shakeel ! why would you always

bring me here ?

Shakeel : every one deserves a break , "even

Machine " need's a break Anthony,

relax and watch this waitress, she

so hot , look at her dress , her boobs

can slip away any second . Anthony : you pervert !

Shakeel : dude are you gay ?

Anthony: nooo !

Shakeel : Then what's your problem ? are you

trying to look cool right , because

you fell like boss or something

bigger than that right.

Anthony: Come on Shakeel ! why are speaking

nonsense ?

Shakeel : i just ask you to spend this evening

in bar , is that a crime .

Anthony : ok ! fine ( said it angrily )

Shakeel : some people never change .

( In that meanwhile Anthony eyes say a magic in waitress hand )

Anthony stood up on his feet, and started walking towards that waitress .

Shakeel : hey ! where are you going ? Anthony why the hell are you going there ?

The waitress ask's Anthony, sir is there

any problem .

Anthony: yes ! I saw your skill, you're truly

magnificent , I admire your art ,

but i have a small doubt , is your

guts as strong as you skill ? only one

way to find this .

Shakeel : Anthony ! please don't do any crazy

thing here , i love this bar so much ,

please don't ruin this .

Anthony : hey ! blond guy , she stoled your

money from you wallet .

Shakeel : Fuck you ! Anthony, you always

gives me hard time.

blond guy : what the fuck ? this wallet is

empty , I am cop you bitch .

That blond cop and his friend, tried to attack that waitress , In the meanwhile shakeel wants to step in , but Anthony stoped him .

The waitress put's a fork , in that cop's balls ,

and she fought very well , she even kicked every one ass in that bar.

( After that fight )

Anthony and shakeel followed that waitress, to her home , shakeel knocking her door .

Waitress : stop this knocking ! Asshole,

What's your problem ? why the hell

are you guys, following me ?

Anthony: I came here to make a offer with you


Waitress : what offer ?

Anthony : it's better ! if we exchange our


( Shakeel inner vioce)

( what the fuck ? i never saw's this freak talking polite to anyone , but now he became

lady killer with his words , is he really Anthony, or someone else )

Waitress : I am "Charlotte Vince".

Anthony : I am Anthony Walt, and right behind

me is Mohmmad Shakeel ,we are

creating a organization , that

makes new area in the underworld,

Infact ! I want to rule all over the

world with my pam's

( waitress change into Charlotte )

Charlotte : wow kid ! you're telling me to work

under you right ?

Anthony : yes absolutely ! is there any

problem with that ?

Charlotte : you're digging you're own Graves,

don't hook me in this , i have no

intrest in your stuffs, so don't

bother me .

Anthony : it's ok, to lie with outsiders, but don't

live in your lies ,

Charlotte : what ?

Anthony : come on Charlotte ! you can't avoid

me , because you searching for

adventures , you can't live without

actions and adventures, you

addicted to them .

Shakeel : Anthony ! why are speaking

nonsense? no one will do such

thing's just for fun.

Anthony : Shakeel ! if you have no useful

Intel , then keep quiet , don't

barge in.

Charlotte : maybe you're right ! but that

doesn't change the fact about you,

you're just shrimp, who knows

nothing about this cruel world ?

and steel trying to accomplish the

impossible .

Shakeel : wait a minute ! is that true , that

you're doing all this just for fun ?

Charlotte : yes ! is their any problem with that?

Shakeel : Are you crazy ! why are you risking

your life ? only crazy or abnormal

person will do all this stuff for fun .

Anthony : She is not crazy ! you asshole , she

is clever , everyone do this for

money or some other reason , but

she is not like that rest of the people,

she is unique , she only try to find

fun and thrill in his work, actually she

enjoyed her work more than any one

in this world .

Charlotte : I am impressed ! you're really a

genius, but that doesn't change the

fact about you , you're still a kid ,

you have a long way to go .

Anthony : that's why , I am asking you, to join


Charlotte : you really know how to talk

Mr Anthony, I accept your offer .

(Shakeel inner vioce )

( wow! now i got chance, to seduce that hot chick .)

Anthony : don't try to do anything funny, with

her . She will cut your balls, like she

did at bar , so be careful .

Shakeel : dude ! what are you ? are you

learning some mind therapy, or

do you have any super powers ?

Anthony : stop it shakeel ! she is older than

you and smarter than you , so stop

your flirts .

Charlotte : hello ! I am listening all your

conversation .

( they all are laughing )

Shakeel : so ! what next ?

Anthony : now it's our time, to show our power

to danny .

( to be continued)