CH-11. crewmates

Shakeel : so ! what next ?

Anthony : now it's our time, to show our power

to danny .

Charlotte : you're talking about that "smuggler

danny " right .

Anthony : yes ! is there any problem with

that ?

Charlotte : if you want to take that guy down ,

then you have to do lot more

work than this , i heard a rumor

about him, that he single handle

defeat the "Maju gang " , this

incident happened 4 years back ,

but even now they would talk about


Shakeel : what ? i never heard about that ?

Anthony : don't worry shakeel, some times

it will happens.

Charlotte : how many members, do you have

in your gang ?

Shakeel : including you, we have 3 members .

Charlotte : what the fuck ? how can we face

him without man power ?

Anthony : don't worry Charlotte , I already plan

this , after listening about

"maju gang" ,

my plan became much easier

than I thought .

Shakeel : stop messing around bushes , come

to the point .

Anthony : shakeel bring all former "maju gang"

members here .

Charlotte : they are already broke in spirit ,

even if we bring them , they were

just dead wait .

Anthony : we can make that dead wait into a

power soldiers.

Shakeel : how ?

Anthony : In the world of living , ever human

being has a grudge on someone

they dislike, they always try to take

revenge on them , some people

might success , but some people

can't achieve their revenge,

because they don't know, how to get

there revenge ? every day and night

they think's about their revenge ,

and they struggled like hell , after

some years time, they tried to bruy

their anger in their heart's .

Shakeel : dude ! why are you giving me this

big speech, all of sudden ?

Charlotte : dumb ass ! he is talking about

that maju gang members .

Anthony : shakeel ! use your brain once in

a while.

Shakeel : fine ! so what do you want ?

Anthony : fuck ! bring that former maju gang

members here , tell them that , we

will show a path for your revenge

on danny , please say as what I said

don't add your extra words , is that


Shakeel : fine !

Charlotte : what a dummy he really was ? why

are you tagged with this guy ? he's

just a pervy ass hole .

Anthony : don't look down on him , he has a

strong will power than me , his

passion about his dream is

extraordinary , I never saw anyone

with this much potential and

determination , plus he is the first

crew member of mine .

Charlotte : Only passion and determination

can't save you in a Life on death

situation , if you want to survive in

this field, you just have to think like

lone wolf .

Anthony : yes ! you're absolutely right , but

when it comes to life or death

situation , shakeel mind works like

a genius , which was never seen by

anybody .

Charlotte : only time will decide whether he's

genius or not .

In the meanwhile , shakeel sneezed out loud

Shakeel : someone talking bad about me, i

bet this was that waitress chick .

Like Anthony said , shakeel brought every former "maju gang members " here .

Anthony : how many members ? do you

gather here ?

Shakeel : Around 56 ! i think , but problem is

they all are lack in self confidence,

seeing them in that stage is pitiful .

Anthony : we just have to give some

motivation to them , it will help

them to regain the self confidence.

Shakeel : "wow" ! you're truly amazed me,

so please step in , and do what ever

you want to do ?

Anthony : hi mate's! I am Anthony Walt , and i

am asking you all to join my crew to

conqueror the world . If anyone have

any objection on this, feel free to ask

me .

After listening " Anthony word's" everyone were shock to the death, because of his words they remain silent for couple of minutes , they don't know what to talk at all?

After some time , people started questioning him about his dream , every former maju gang members started lecturing Anthony like , your are totally freak who knows nothing about this world ? you're living in your own fantasy , come out to the actual reality , you never seen actual brutality of world , once you saw those

it will haunts like nightmare to the rest of your eternity, hey kid ! listen my words carefully , the " maju gang is the one of the fearful gang of all time" , but it was single handle defeated Danny himself , he even killed our leader in a brutal way , but you're aiming higher position than danny , just think about it , you can't last long on it for couple of days at all.

it's enough ( a loud voice from

Anthony )

Anthony : Assholes , freaks , bunch cowerd

dogs who knows nothing but hiding their skin in somewhere far from the enemy line , you scaredy cat lecturing me about this world , even if I die in this process , " I die like warrior " , in my eyes maju gang leader is warrior who die for his own dreams , he died a glorious death , rest of you all just a scum bags who hiding in fear , now is the time to finish your fears and start walk like actual man , maybe

I am a young freak now , but tomorrow I will rise up like a king of the world , so comrades

just think about, what danny done to your Lives , how long will suffer for his actions, if you're not willing to take revenge now , then when will take revenge ,the longer you waits the stronger he will become, so lend me your strength i will guide you to the success , beware that danny was nothing but human like the rest of us, he has same legs,hands , and brain like us , he was not god , he was just normal filthy human being who deserves to die in your hands .

After Anthony's speach everyone of maju gang members turned into Anthony's members, they just praise him like god , he just truned them into his loyal soldiers with his grand speech

Shakeel : oh my god ! "this mother fucker

nailed it outstandingly , After

hearing this speech I got

goosebumps all over my body .

Charlotte : yes! you're absolutely right , he was

nailed it outstandingly , he has a

magic to turn people on his side .

Anthony : Charlotte ! buy some new weapons

to our new comrades .

Charlotte : Roger that .

Shakeel : what next Anthony ?

Anthony : like I said earlier , "we have to show

our power to danny , let's go to his

meeting to demonstrate our new


to be continued