CH- 12 surprise

Shakeel : what next Anthony ?

Anthony : like I said earlier , "we have to show

our power to danny , let's go to his

meeting to demonstrate our new


( Danny's hide out)

Varun : sir ! Anthony accepted our proposal .

Danny : Varun ! let's show our power to this

half ass punks .

Varun : don't take this " Anthony " guy lightly ,

he knows how to pull the strings

without using his hands, we have to

take extra measures while we face


danny : Varun are you forgotten who I am ,

this little runts are no match for me.

Varun : forgive me sir ! I don't mean that way,

but this Anthony is ( he stopped his


Danny : stop it Varun , Anthony running on a

broken bridge , sooner or later he will

fall down from it , ( said it angrily)

( Varun inner vioce )

danny thinking him like other rookies , but he is different from others, if we don't stop him now, sooner or later he takes Danny's throne , he is plotting something big , he sold 278 kgs weeds ( drugs) for 25 million in half day , dammed ! why would boss taking him like a random rookie ?

this pisses me off.

( the day before meeting )

shakeel smoking cigarettes rapidly , he was afraid of tomorrow, literally his body was shivering like crazy , Anthony noticed it

Anthony : hey mate ! do you have any

cigarettes left for me .

( shakeel smiled and gave a cigarette to Anthony, Anthony light up the edge of the cigarette, he inhale the smoke of that cigarette and he started laughing like a crazy person

Anthony : not this shit again ! shakeel, you

cocky bastard , why does you

always put weed on my cigarettes ?

Shakeel : something never changes Anthony ,

maybe you're a genius freak , but

still you're my friend.

Anthony : dude ! why are you getting

sentimental all of sudden ?

( both are laughing )

Anthony : Don't worry about tomorrow , just

look up ahead for tomorrow , I just

planned a "surprise" for danny .

Shakeel : what is that surprise ?

Anthony : just wait for tomorrow , then you

can watch with your own eyes .

Shakeel : fare point , hey ! where is Charlotte ?

Anthony : don't worry ! about her , she is

preparing the surprise, and one thing,

no matter what happens, I will

never let you die until you become

the richest person in the world.

shakeel : now ! you're getting sentimental .

( both are laughing )

( the meeting day )

Anthony and shakeel attend the meeting with his crew , when they enter the building ,danny saw Anthony in a closer look

Danny : This punk ! looks like a normal clg

student , Varun why are you afraid

of this ordinary punk ?

varun : sir ! don't get fool by his looks , he

turned former maju gang members into

his loyal soldiers in one day .

danny and Anthony have meet face to face , and danny started talking .

danny : so you're the new rookie , who

thinking like big boss here ? don't think

like that in a split second , it's really

pisses me off , here is a deal , if you want

to live , then delivery 100 kgs of weed

( drug ) every month for free.

if you don't, then you to have face

bigger consequences.

, shakeel what a surprise ?

I never thought you betray me like

this , don't worry I don't kill you right

now , i will enjoy my prey slowly , it

has lot off fun in that way .

Anthony slightly moves his head towards Varun.

Anthony : so you're Varun Chaudhary , I heard

a lot about you .

Danny : you son of the bitch , who do you

Think you're ? ( said it angrily)

Anthony : shut up ! you piece of shit , I never

aim for puppet place , stop your

fucking mouth and look around you .

( every Danny's henchmen pointing guns towards danny , After seeing all this mess danny heart beating like crazy . he understand the situation .)

Anthony : I never sell my drugs for free , and

don't worry , i don't kill you right now,

i will enjoy my prey slowly , it's has

lot's fun in that way .

( shakeel inner vioce )

So this the suprise he talking about , I never thought he would do such big things without

telling me , but no problem , it's all works in our favour.

Anthony : let's go down to the business , who

is your boss ?

danny : I don't know what are you taking

about ?

Anthony : ok ! My fellow soldiers take this

piece of shit into custody , take out

all your grudge and make him pay

for everything he did to you , don't

kill him, just torture him like hell ,

cut all of his limbs slowly , every

second he feel pain on his limbs ,

he will beg you to kill him , but don't

do it , he have to feel the pain every

bit .

( Anthony crew mates taking danny to Anthony hide out)

Shakeel : you mother fucker ! how the hell did

you do this ?

Anthony : my friend you know very well then I

do , in this world everything will

runs with a piece of paper , and

that piece of paper is called money,

so I told Charlotte to buy every

member of Danny's group except

Varun .

Shakeel : Anthony ! you were really something


Anthony : back to business ! take varun with

us , he has good potential and great

eye to pickup talent Newbies , if he

join us , he may come handy to us .

Charlotte : No way Anthony , he is to loyal to

danny , he never gona follow you ,

he just a threat to us , it's better if

we kill him now.

Anthony : relax Charlotte ! he was loyal to

danny, because of he think that he is

the real king here , but he never

noticed danny was a puppet of the


Shakeel : it doesn't make sense to me ?

Anthony : ok ! meat head, listen carefully ,

think you as a slave in ancient time ,

you follow commands from royal

members only , one day a new man

appear to you , he came towards to

you, and he said , he was from royal

family , and he commands you for

years , one day you realised that he's

just a fellow slave, just like you , In the

moment how do you feel ?

Shakeel : if I was really caught up in that

situation , then I just tear that person's

heart into pieces with an a axe .

Anthony : Varun was that first slave in my

story , and danny was the fellow


Charlotte : ok ! Anthony if he don't turn to our

side in a week, then we just have to

kill him .

Anthony : I agreed ! and one more thing

Charlotte " kill every last member of

Danny's group " ,

Shakeel : Are you insane ! they just turned into

our side , why the hell do you want

to kill them ?

Anthony : Once a traitor always a traitor, they

just betray danny for money , if

anyone gives higher amount than me

they will betray me easily , kill them

all in brutal way Charlotte , pass this

words to our soldiers.

To be continued