Ch - 15 impossible !

Anthony : ok ! i will explain you briefly, after his wife death he kept his son alive, because he thought his son comes handy if situation goes side track, like if anything happens for his minister position he used his son as bait to regain sympathy by the people , likewise something happened to his minister postion, so he killed his son and he made it look like a cancer death .

Charlotte : Anthony what we gonna do now ?

( shakeel, Varun and Charlotte eyes are pointing Anthony, they all are egarly waiting for a perfect plan )

Anthony : I already triggered his ego by killing danny and his group , he planned every thing perfectly , but he never thought that a new rookie will wipe out Danny's group in an instant , now he will take me as a serious threat , soon or later he will approach me , we have to prepare ourselves for a upcoming war .

Varun : Anthony ! what is your plan ?

Anthony : first we need to meet that bastard face to face .

Charlotte : that's all !

Shakeel : don't worry guys , have a faith in Anthony .

Charlotte was really pissed off by Anthony word's , she walked away from there

Shakeel : don't worry mate , that chick is little bit Frustrated , you know here anger very well right .

Anthony : ya, I know !

Shakeel : Anthony , we will win this war at any cost .

(Anthony slightly smiled )

Anthony : yes ! you're absolutely right , we will win this war , war ....war.....war , Varun right now there was a war running between Burma and china right ?

Varun : yes ! but why are you asking about international affairs ?

Anthony : I feel like there is something useful Intel about that war.

shakeel find every newspaper about that cold war between Burma and china .

shakeel : Roger that !

Anthony : Varun make a big contract with guns dealer . tell him to bring 10 tons of RdX , and minimum to minimum 100 M416 and 6 mission guns .

Varun : but why ? we already have enough Ammo in our side, plus we didn't need RDX bombs , we are not going for a war right ?

Anthony : I have to Confirm something , so Just make the deal no matter what it takes .

Varun : But problem is we can't buy that much

weapons .

Anthony : why can't we ?

Varun : because it takes millions of millions money which we don't have right now , plus it to much risk to bring weapons .

Anthony: what the hell ? we are running our business in good shape right ?

Varun : yes ! but its not enough .

Anthony : then speed up the work , take bigger deals from outside , rise up the price of our product .

Varun : we can't rise our prices , because we already raised price Higher than ever , if we raise our product even a 1 buck then we have face severe losses, every one will start buy drugs from another group , even there product

has low quality they don't care about it .

Anthony : what ?

Varun : for example ! if you sell 1kg of cocaine for 1 million to a person , he will divide that cocaine into 2 parts and he will sell it for one and half million for two persons, and that 2 persons sell it to another four persons , that four persons will sell that to another 8 persons for higher price , like that this chain system will work .

Anthony : oh fuck !

Varun : there is a way to make big cash, there is a buyer in Kolkata , he gives 10 million for 1kg cocaine .

Anthony : why don't you tell me this sooner ?

Varun : come on Anthony ! you're thinking this like all other deals , but it is not like that, leave Kolkata , you can't even enter west bengal state at all.

Anthony : what ? why don't you bribe that checking officers ?

Varun : we can't !

Anthony : why ?

Varun : because, every government officers in

west bengal state are genuine persons , they don't take bribe at all , they work like ants , see the news of the west bengal state , they declared west bengal is corruption free state , they even had less criminal records , smuggling in west bengal is no chance , if we caught in this process , they even throw extra charges at us .

Anthony : it's rather unusual ! why that state is following rules properly ?

Varun : it is all because of their Chief minster.

Anthony : I don't get it ?

Varun : His name is "Vijay Shukla " , he was from IAS officer , he can't burry his grudge against corruption like other officers , he fighted against government to make west bengal better , in this process he losed his job and his wife and son got killed , after all this mess , he started a revolutionary camp against government every citizen in west bengal started supporting him bit by bit , one day, a massive chaos occurred in Kolkata , cops try to eliminate Vijay Shukla , people try to defend themselves to protect him , In this 500 people were killed by cops , the next day Evey newspaper had one statement , that is ,

law and order must should protect people from any cause , not killed for defending them selves , This statement created big impact in west bengal , every one in the west bengal started attacking parliament buildings and politicians , The government has fall down in west bengal , a new government has emerged by " Vijay Shukla" .

After that he removed all corrupted officer , he recruit talented persons for his new government , with in year that state has became corrupt free state , After that no one has guts to smuggle in Kolkata , we can't even transport a single drug pack to Kolkata , it's impossible to get in .

Anthony : Varun every thing is dependent on our mind set, if you think impossible as possible then you can achieve impossible , if you think possible as Impossible then you're nothing but a shrimp , In my opinion this Kolkata case has no way near to impossible .

Varun : Anthony ! it's a huge risk , if we step on that, than we have to face massive consequences .

Anthony : Varun.....Varun ....Varun .

.....Varun , if you want to achieve big then you have to take bigger risk , in this world nothing would fall over in your knees , you have to earn everything by any means necessary .

to be continued