CH-16 Plan !

Anthony : Varun.....Varun ....Varun .

.....Varun , if you want to achieve big then you have to take bigger risk , in this world nothing would fall over in your knees , you have to earn everything by any means necessary .

Varun : so ! what is your plan ?

Anthony : first we need to clam Charlotte , she is so mad at me , where is she right now ?

Varun : She was in a bar !

Anthony : Hmmm bar !

Varun : do you want me to bring her ?

Anthony : send Shakeel over there , he can calm her down more than we do .

Varun : As your wish .

( In the meanwhile Charlotte finished her third bottle of whiskey )

( Shakeel entered the bar )

Shakeel : wow ! I never saw any women who didn't get drunk after finishing three bottles of whiskey , you're truly something else.

Charlotte : ohh ! Anthony send you to calm me right , he never want me as a women , he always see me as a soldiers , I am angry because of him , not because of his plan , he will never understand my feelings about him .

Shakeel : maybe you're right he never see you as a women , but he always see you as a badass bitch , he think you as a friend just like me , and one more thing , you're not a soldier to him , you're a comrade to him , he want to build a empire for him and his comrades ,

Charlotte : I never saw this angle in you !

Shakeel : because you always think me as a idiot .

Charlotte : ya idiot !

( shakeel and Charlotte are smiling )

Shakeel : Charlotte remember one thing, I always see you as women in my heart .

( After listening Shakeel words Charlotte started blushing , she didn't look his side for couple of minutes )

Shakeel : I want to talk with you more about my feelings, but we don't have time , we have a work to do .

Charlotte : did he figured out a plan ?

Shakeel : ya ! something like that , but he plotting something big .

(Charlotte started wondering what was that?

both Charlotte and shakeel reached their hide out , Varun explained the situation to Charlotte, she was shocked after hearing Varun words .)

Charlotte : Anthony ! ( shouted loudly ) it is pure madness , why in the hell we have to go against the guy like "Vijay Shukla " ?

Anthony : we aren't going against anybody , we are just doing our work , which we capable of , nothing will fall our sky Charlotte, we have earn everything by any means necessary .

Charlotte : you stucked in madness Anthony , come out from it and act like your normal self , Anthony I know was a genius who act accordingly to the situation .

Anthony : Charlotte ! in the world of living , only mad people was be called as genius , it was proved time to time , i take this madness as a compliment .

Charlotte : Come on Anthony , this is no time for jokes, we are talking about "Vijay Shukla" who bring down the government , and he built his own government single handedly , there is no path which we trying to walk !

Anthony : it's enough ! ( shouted angrily ) I am not joking around Charlotte , I am serious about this Charlotte , I don't care about Shukla or bhukla , I don't care even if he bring down the government, I just care about our dreams , Charlotte in our business no one will ever create a path for us , we just have to create a path for us .

Charlotte : oh fuck ! fine do as you wish , but remember, Shukla is not a ordinary man .

Anthony : Charlotte ! If I put a bullet in Shukla's head, then he is going to die or not .

( his word frightened every body including shakeel , Charlotte brain got blank , she never expected Anthony's words , she didn't know what to say in return ? )

Anthony : don't worry guys , I have no interest in him but if he try to do anything funny around me , I don't hesitate to put a bullet in his head .

( After hearing his words the room remain pin drop silence, everyone in this room started panic , just listening his words they got dark chillis everywhere )

Anthony : guys ! this no time for panic , we are creating a new era, that new era will make the whole world up side down .

Charlotte : what is your plan ?

Anthony : Frist contact the dealer of Kolkata , tell him that we are delivering 100kgs cocaine , and the location of delivery is 5km away from "Calcutta port trust".

Varun : Are you insane ! that port was controlled by second bace navy , they check every outsider, this is sucidal plan .

Anthony : ya ! you're right , they will check every outsiders but they don't check insiders .

Varun : What ? I don't get it ?

Anthony : capture a Navy ship , take all of that ship members as hostages , put them all in a room take their Id's, and make a fogery of their Id's

, make sure that fogery Id should have their name and ranks .

Shakeel : we are not dealing with street thugs , we are dealing with navy , only most trained soldiers will work on ships , it is too hard to enter ship .

Anthony : I know , but there is merchant Navy ship in vishakapatnam , they sail to Kolkata for government goods on this Friday ,we still have two days lift for Friday , and I heard that ship captain was a lady , merchant navy they're easy to pick on , I leave this to Charlotte ,she can handle everything .

Charlotte : Anthony you always too cocky about your plan , but now you're freeing up us without any safety measures , there is something that you didn't say to us ? what was that goods are sailing to Kolkata ?

Anthony : 2 tons of uranium was exporting from vishakapatnam to Kolkata in that ship .

Charlotte : what ? is this real ? why on the hell they send merchant Navy for this job ? they can send NIS ( national intelligence services ) agents , or they can send it navy war ships , why they're risking it in merchant Navy ship?

Anthony : because it is smuggle goods , plus if you use high security, people will notice the hidden truth .

Charlotte : Which officer has that much guts to bring uranium to Kolkata ?

Anthony : you're just aiming the puppets Charlotte , there is master who pulling the strings of that puppets , his name is

" Vijay Shukla " and he is the one is responsible for this act .