how to earn points

What grade even is basic??.. Dexter scratch his head trying to remember every manuals grade.

Ding! Host you can consider it gold-grade manuals.

Whaaaaaaaaat!?!!?!!!??, Dexter screamed in surprise, its good thing that no one's in the house because they might die from heart attack.

Ggogo-go-go-gold grade Manual's!, Dexter squints his eyes before finally believing what he is seeing. All the major family's treating their bronze manual as a irreplaceable treasure and he just got 3 in a paper box.

Gold grade manual is considered a basic manual! Just how high is your standard?! Dexter considered this too absurd.

Ding! Host only commoner's and slaves are using gold grade manual in my world.


Even schools only providing wood rank cultivation manuals to their students.

"Ding! host wood rank is not considered a rank.

What? Then why are almost all elite schools provided them?!?. Dexter exclaimed in surprised.

" Ding! host wood rank is just 1/4 of an iron rank cultivation manual. Their just doing it to please their students.

That's such a scam!!!

I wonder if they will hunt me down if I told the truth. The innocent students probably so happy receiving them and treating them as a treasure.

Let me try learning the manuals first.

Ding! Host everything came from system can directly be integrated into host knowledge.


Of course yes!!!!..

"Ding!Congratulations! You've learned basic grade cultivation manual.

Ding!Congratulations! You've learned basic grade alchemy manual.

Ding!Congratulations! You've learned basic grade forging manual.

The book instantly disappeared into a white light that drilled into his brain.

At first, Dexter had a headache, then it felt like something was dissolving and being forcibly poured into his brain.

This continued for an unknown period of time. When Dexter regained consciousness, he found that he had collapsed onto the floor. His hands were clutching his head, and his temple was still throbbing violently.

'That was rather uncomfortable…' He stood up slowly: Maybe its a bad idea learning it all at the Same time. Its terrible.

Running down his memories Dexter could feel that his already a master of alchemy and forging and the thing is this manual have every branch of forging and alchemy for example runesmith,jade smith,potion brewer,poison master and a bunch more .This manual is definitely more valuable than a normal gold rank manual.

The only thing that keeping him away from doing that is because he has no cultivation and materials that needed.

Let's check the other reward first. Hhmmmm system use the random spinning point.

A yellow roulette scrolled through the 10 random things, finally fixating at......!

Ding!Congratulations! You won an access for low-level dimension Earth.

What?! I can get an access to another dimension now?hmmmmm Dexter wondered how many surprises will the system give him.

Where did this dimension came from? Asked Dexter curiously.

Ding! Host my creator stored billions of world on me that will keep on producing everything for the shop.

Then what world is earth what does it produce??

Ding! Host Earth specially doesn't have spiritual energy so they keep advancing their technology.

But won't it help people to advance if they have spiritual energy ..... Or not our advancement are getting side tracked because of martial arts maybe technology will help me get some points.

Oh yeah let's earn some points first. Dexter sat down to his computer and made a random alternate account in social media and a furious typing rang out.

XX is a gay, XX is an orphan,XX is an gold digger,XX has an affair with a grandma............,

"DING, Congratulations! You've earned 193".

"DING, Congratulations! You've earned 334".

"DING, Congratulations! You've earned 7".

"DING, Congratulations! You've earned 798".

"DING, Congratulations! You've earned 1083".


The best way to earn points (hate) is to spam celebrities scandal rumors, the celebrities and their fans will deliver it to you.

System notification ringing in Dexter's ears non stop.

Was earning points supposed to be hard?Yes it is, because it was made by a civilization that is addicted to cultivation that they forgot their emotions. The system is created for the new generations and force them to socialize with others and gain resources through others emotions, the older generations don't want them to become like them and feel detached to everything.

Should I cultivate, I can't use alchemy or forging if I'm not at qi channeling stage. Dexter took a deep breath and murmured, let's take it slow.

Dexter literally getting tortured right now for having two gold manuals without cultivation and resources to use.

Let's go to earth.!!!!


Dexter felt that his soul separated his body.


A dull sound rang out like a skull smashing to a concrete.


Dexter saw his body perfectly sat at the sofa but his head smashed the concrete on the wall.

This is going to hurt after I got back later .Dexter murmured.