
Dexter woke up in an unfamiliar place.

Where am I.

Ding! Host this is earth 1 year here is 1 hour outside.

Oh yeah if I use inventory here can I bring the Items that I got in my world? Dexter began fantasizing of being the most advanced man in his world.

Ding! Yes host, everything in the inventory will always be there.

Then its time to start looting!.

Dexter's in an unfamiliar school uniform but his body and face was 100 percent his.

Ding! Host is detected to be going out of your apartment, the system is going going to give you a quick rundown to your background in this world, your identify is Dexter Peralta 15 years old an orphan without family left and studying at a New Washington highschool.

Ohh it even gave me an identity . Anyway I'm here to loot advance stuff not to study.

Dexter got out of his apartment and saw a blond guy with a fully stacked up pimple in a fiery red car that has a logo of Ferrari flirting at the entrance.

System why can I read this things? Dexter is wondering now if his still in his world.

Ding! Host the system will translate everything that came from system in language that host understands, and if you took things from the system it will automatically connect in your world, for example if you took a cellphone in Earth although its more advanced it will still automatically connect in the satellite of blue star if you took it outside.

Wait so I don't have to worry about launching my own satellite and reverse engineering the gadgets here then. Dexter is thinking of building his own Internet network with his advance gadgets and become rich, but now he know that he is just over thinking things.

Well let's stop fantasizing first and Learn how to use the inventory.

Ding! Host you can just store them using your mind.

Dexter immediately tried it on his shoes. So I can store things using my mind, does withdraw things use my mind too?

Ding! No host just tap the icon of things you want to withdraw in your inventory.

What? that easy? Asked Dexter with doubt written in his face

Hey loser how long are you standing there? Dexter just got called by the blond guy flirting earlier.

Oh I just want to see how this girl reject you. Replied Dexter.

Where does your confidence came from? Money?.. Huhhhh if I'm as ugly as you forget about flirting I won't even go out of the house.

"DING, Congratulations! You've earned 199999.

The blond guy's expression froze. You! you! you!!. Dexter hit where it hurts and the guy just fainted out of anger, the girl did not even bother after he fainted and straight up just left. She probably see that guy as a bother.

Ohh you can earn 200 thousand points if you make them faint in anger, thats an amazing discovery.

Let's get down to business LOOT.

Car............... X1

100 dollars (earth).. X10

ID................. X1

Wallet............. X1

Condom.......... X2

Car key............. X1

Ohh so something alive can't be stored in the inventory , wait why is this thing still not in my inventory.

Ding! Host the one that you looted is already in your inventory but this world has is based on world without mystery so if you looted and stored in the inventory it will just duplicate and the original one will remain in the same spot. But if you took it at a world with spiritual energy a lot of explanation can be used so duplication won't happen.

Wait then.


Car............... X1

100 dollars (earth).. X10

ID................. X1

Wallet............. X1

Condom.......... X2

Car key.............. X1

Car............... X1

100 dollars (earth).. X10

ID................. X1

Wallet............. X1

Condom.......... X2

Car key.............. X1

Car............... X1

100 dollars (earth).. X10

ID................. X1

Wallet............. X1

Condom.......... X2

Car key............. X1



Does that mean if I bought things here that came from my word and place it here I can duplicate it? Dexter asked.



The system just got silent.

Anyway let's start LOOTING.

House............ X1

House key........... X1

House Lizard egg (Dragon) (locked)........... X6

Vase.......... X4

Cup noodles.............. X24


I can loot the house!???dragon locked what even is that.

Ding! Host Dragon is known for being an extremely arrogant and proud race, one day they annoyed my creator and transform them as a house lizard in a world with no spiritually energy so their bloodline will keep being locked.

Wait how can I store egg in my inventory. Dexter asked and scratched his chin.

Ding! Host it is for taming feature and you can take egg in any world stored in me.

Hey can their dragon bloodline be unlocked? Dexter asked in pure curiosity.

Ding! Yes host their already a billions of years in this world the only thing that keeping them locked is because this world has no spiritual energy. The spiritual energy can slowly release their dragon bloodline.

Hhhhhhhmmm then after I get back I will contract this egg. I'll continue looting.

Dexter noticed that he can loot more in supermarkets and mall's.

Chicken egg.......... X24




Cup noodles.........1094


Car................ X70



Dexter continued until a week he starts looting establishment such as underground bus station,hotel, malls..........

I'll make a secret organization and use modern things as base, he hehe hehe hehe. Dexter laughed foolishly for an hour before he calm down.