Make them pay (2)

Inside the VIP ward, Madam Lu was sitting on the bed beside her daughter, talking to the peacefully sleeping girl. "Yan'er, why did you have to do that for a stranger?" she brushed her palm over her hair.

With a pained look on her face, she continued, "What if something had happened to you after giving so much blood? And in that kind of a hospital with no professional doctors. My Yan'er you should have called Mummy. You have suffered my child," she choked in tears.

"This incident is a blessing in disguise." Mr. Lu suddenly said as he walked into the VIP ward. His voice is devoid of any warmth.

He was deliberating if he should tell his wife, but after hearing all that from those people, he couldn't bring himself to ignore his biological daughter's sufferings anymore.

"What do you mean?" Madam Lu was startled.

Mr. Lu ignored her and checked on Lu Yan before he left to prepare for the meeting with the MO Groups that will be held on Monday.

Mo Ling Tian, the CEO of the MO Groups, known for his near perfection in business dealings, will never read an improperly written proposal and will never give a second chance to the company with such a proposal. He would say, "They are incompetent and need more training."

The Mo family are the wealthiest, strongest and one of the oldest families in country A. Their ancestors were one of the three greatest families who founded country A. The MOs have been enjoying that privilege ever since.

In every generation of the MO family, there would be branches that would be involved in separate sectors, like, Politics, Country Security and Business. That arrangement had made the MO family the most peaceful Elite family in country A.

The MO Groups managed by the 25 years old Mo Lingtian entered the top ten largest Companies in the world from top fifty in eight years. They were nicknamed, 'The heartbeat of the country.'

Yesterday, Mr. Lu was caught between a rock and a hard place when he had to choose between going to see his daughter in the hospital, and taking a flight to the Capital to attend a meeting with the time-cautious CEO Mo Lingtian. He was happy when he got a call from the MO Groups that the meeting has been rescheduled and will be held in Misty City in four days.

If his Company's proposal could get Mo Lingtian's approval, his Company would soar higher and he would be able to protect his CEO position.

Mr. Lu's older brothers, Lu Kang Ming and Lu Kang Jun were competent heirs and could also help the Company soar higher, but no one knew why their father chose him, the third son Lu Kang Song. He wanted to leave the Company to his brothers years ago, but their father disapproved of it.


At the Lu Cooperation, Assistant Li walked into the office. Seeing that the CEO was not there yet, he dropped the envelope containing the details of the investigation on the desk.

"God, being an assistant to an angry CEO Lu is like slavery. I couldn't even have a nice time with my wife. Now I have to beg her with gifts again today. My life is so hard," Assistant Li lamented.

"If your life is so hard, how about I fire you to go stay with your wife in seclusion?"

When Assistant Li heard a voice behind him, he jumped in shock.

"N... N.. No, Bos..." he turned around only to see his colleague, Zoe grinning at him.

"Hahahaha, I got you this time," he laughed so hard his stomach hurt from the frightened expression on Assistant Li's face.

Assistant Li turned red in the face from anger and smacked Zoe on the head with the document he was holding and scolded, "I told you to stop doing that. I will make you get fired soon enough!"

"Hahahaha, it's fine if I get fired, seeing your face display an expression other than being stoic is very satisfying." He went behind his desk and sat down, still laughing boisterously.

Assistant Lu shook his head and went out to wait for his Boss in the parking lot.

Minutes later, CEO Lu walked into the five story building with Assistant Li trailing behind him and staff bowing to him.

They walked into the CEO's exclusive elevator. After the elevator door was shut, CEO Lu asked, "Have you done what I asked you to do?"

"Yes, Boss, it's on your desk. I gathered the report yesterday. It wasn't difficult to find."

"You had the report already when I called you? That's good. Nice, you will get a bonus this month."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu," Assistant Li was elated. He would be able to buy his wife a more expensive apology gift for ignoring their bed last night, he smiled.

The elevator stopped at the fifth floor and CEO Lu got out and headed for his office. He ignored those who greeted him– he wasn't in the mood for all that. He got into his office, took the envelope he saw on the desk and opened it. Mr. Lu scanned through the document and his gaze paused on the details of Wei Yang's birth. It was the same day and hospital Lu Yan was born. He was now totally convinced that Wei Yang was his child. He went through the report on her life in the Xu family and his heart chilled.

"Xu family..." he uttered through gritted teeth and squashed the paper in his hand.

"Feng Li, cancel the collaboration we had with the Yu cooperation and blacklist them."

"Yes, Boss!" On getting to the door, he paused. "Should we compensate them or find other companies for them to collaborate with?"

"None. Dig out all their under the table deals and their connections to the underground world. Hand the report you find to the police. They should be the ones to compensate us..." the man slammed his fist on the desk and gritted his teeth. "For thinking of ruining my daughter, they have to pay. You may leave," he waved him off.

Assistant Li broke out in cold sweat and lit a candle in his heart for the Yu family. "Yes," he bowed and left.

CEO Lu sat behind his desk, drumming it with his fingers in deep thought. No one knew what he was thinking. He took out his phone and sent a message to Doctor Kim.

At the hospital after Mr. Lu sent a message to doctor Kim, he immediately sent for Madam Lu.

"Good Morning, Doctor Kim," Madam Lu greeted as she walked into the office.

"Good Morning, Madam Lu, please have a seat." He gestured to the chair opposite him. He wished this morning would really be good.

"You see, what I called you for is very important. Your husband already knows and he asked me to break the news to you myself since the mistake was made by us anyway."

He pushed the report on the table to her.

Madam Lu picked up the report and scanned through it and her gaze paused on the words in bold capital letters, "DNA report." She quickly dived into it to know whose DNA report it was. She was so shocked that she jumped up from her chair, which gave a loud screeching sound due to the impact.

"What kind of a joke is this?!" She slapped the report hard on the table– raving mad.

"Madam, please calm down, what you saw in the report is the truth. You took the wrong child home," the doctor was shocked by her reaction. Although he expected it, his heart still jumped.

"The hospital... No YOU gave me the wrong child!" she corrected, not forgetting to lay emphasis on the word 'You'. She took a deep breath to remain rational.

"You said my husband knows about this?"

"Y— Yes," he became nervous. He didn't remember the last time he felt this powerless.

"Why are you still here? You ought to have been relieved of your duty. You are incompetent!" she huffed in annoyance and stormed out of the office holding the report tightly in her fist and shut the door with a loud bang.

Doctor Kim stood up and bowed in apology, but she already turned her back on him, storming out of the office.

With his back soaked in sweat, he sat down exhaustingly on his chair and blew out air. He shook his head in self pity, feeling sorry for his medical career which was about to go downhill. This was his greatest blunder in his twenty years of being a medical doctor.