Nothing will change

Madam Lu went back to her daughter's ward feeling dejected. She sat on the couch staring intensely at her beloved daughter.

Lu Yan, who was chatting with her bestfriend and Cousin; Lu Rong, looked up from her phone and saw her mother watching her with unconcealed sorrow in her eyes, her tears threatening to fall.

"Mum, what happened? Why do you look so sad?" She put her phone aside, stood up from bed and walked up to her mother. Sitting beside her on the couch, she placed her head on the woman's shoulder, saying, "Mom, I'm fine now. I promise I won't do foolish things again in the future."

"Yan'er," the woman's lips quivered and the tears she had been holding broke free; pouring like a damaged tap.

"Oh my God! mum, what is it, you are scaring me!" she panicked and began to wipe her mother's tears in a frantic attempt to make her stop.

"My Yan'er," the woman hugged her tightly and began to wail aloud. How could this not be her daughter? The sweet child that she raised with manners and affection. It was a hard pill for her to swallow!

Panicking Lu Yan quietly patted her mother's back as years also welled up in her eyes. She may not have an idea why her mother was so broken, still, she felt her mother's pain.

Pulling away after what looked like forever, the woman held her by the shoulder and proclaimed, "You are my daughter." As though it were a rope of life, she clung to it and repeated with greater determination. "Lu Yan is my daughter!" She pulled her into a hug again. "No matter what you hear later, you should always remember that your dad and I love you very much and nothing would chance that."

"Yes Mum, I know you and dad loves me very much and I love you both too." Lu Yan replied, but her mind was in a jumbled mess. Why would her mother suddenly become so emotional?

Suddenly, her brain jolted and she quickly pulled away, staring dead into her mother's eyes as panic and fear danced in her orbs, she questioned inaudibly, tears clouding her voice, "M– mom, a– am I dying?"

Madam Lu was taken aback for a moment before her lips broke into a smile, flicking her forehead, she replied, "You silly little thing! How could you think of something so expensive?"

Seeing her mother had smile, Lu Yan breathed a sigh of relief and the tension that was building inside her instantly dissipated.

"I was scared, I thought I was dying," eye pouted. And suddenly, her lips thinned into a sweet beam and she hugged her mother's arm, saying, "Then what happened to you? I may be able to assist you with a solution, you know, I'm a genius," she beamed. Obviously trying to relax the gloomy atmosphere in the ward.

"You this cheeky girl," Madam Lu pinched her soft cheek playfully.

"Aww! It hurts," she pouted, looking extremely cute.

"Hahahaha...!" Madam Lu laughed boisterously.

Seeing her mother laughing so hard, Lu Yan smiled. However, her heart was restless, for how long was she going to enjoy this happiness before it's snatched away?

In the Lu family, only her grandfather treats her with indifference, everyone else loves her. Although, her grandfather does not necessarily like her that much, he didn't make her feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, his known to be eccentric and mindless about his children and grandchildren, otherwise, Lu Yan wouldn't know what she would have done, giving the secret she had been hiding for years. Although the old man could be a pain in the ass most times, he has a much softer approach towards Lu Yan's father for reasons best known to him.

Suddenly, her thoughts was intruded when met mother asked, "Yan'er, if you were told that you were not my biological daughter, what would you do?"

Lu Yan's heart plummeted into her stomach and her eyes became unsettled, like the wave of the sea. Her hands clenched as she tried to suppress the fear that had consumed her. "O– of course, that's a bad joke," she quietly replied. Even she didn't believe her own tale.

Seeing the serious look in her mother's eyes, Lu Yan was stubbed. They found out! Her secret for so long had been found out!

"No, no, don't tell me...!" she covered her mouth with both hands, tears already streaming down her cheeks. She was weeping because, what she feared for so long had finally surfaced, however, her mother thought that her genius daughter had connected the dots... Yeah, technically.

"Yes, Yan'er, I am not your biological mother. You were switched with my daughter at birth." The woman felt distressed seeing her daughter this way, but the matter had to be ironed out. There was nothing she could do.

After a long time of weeping and contemplation, Lu Yan finally spoke in a hoarse voice, "Mum, I don't care, you are my mother. I won't leave, nothing will change."

The mother smiled and pulled her into a hug, "Yes dear, nothing will change, you'll forever be my daughter. Whoever wants to take you away would be my enemy."

That was able to console Lu Yan for the moment, however, for how long? If her parents finds out she had been hiding the truth about their biological daughter for years, would they still want her?

Later that evening, Mr. Lu went back to the hospital after work, but this time, he wasn't there for Lu Yan. He went straight to Mr. Xu's ward. His arrival startled the couple and Madam Xu quickly bolted up to welcome him, however, the man was in no mood for courtesies.

"Save yourself the stress," he sat himself on a couch, followed by his lawyer and Assistant Li.

Mr and Mrs. Xu didn't expect the powerful man in Misty City to appear by himself to settle the accident troubles. He was elated, especially when he came with the well known Lawyer Cheng.

They must be here to compensate us, his wife thought as a beam spread across her lips.

"Welcome, CEO Lu. Forgive my inability to give you a proper welcome. Please don't take it to heart," said Mr. Xu.

Mr. Lu ignored that and went straight to the point. "My daughter's chauffeur hit you out of your own negligence to crossing rules, so for that you won't be compensated, however, my daughter is more deserving of compensation for your recklessness and the blood you drained out of her, which almost cost her life!"