Scheming Witch

Mr. Xu was stunned silly, he couldn't fathom what CEO Lu was talking about. This man was known for being a kind-hearted man. How could he say something so shameless? Did he force his daughter to donate her blood to him? Okay, he might be at fault for crossing at the blind bend, but it couldn't be helped, that was where he parked his car!

After being stunned for seconds, he cleared his throat and said, "CEO Lu, I know I caused the accident, but I didn't ask your daughter to donate her blood. Although I am very grateful to her."

"It's good enough you know this," Mr. Lu seemed like he wasn't there to haggle abosu the blood transfusion. He readjusted his sitting posture and changed the subject. "I came here for something else," without wasting time, he cut to the chase, "Wei Yang is not your daughter."

Thick silence hung in the air and theor breathes hitched in their throats.

"What did you say?" Madam Xu, who had been itching to speak since, suddenly chimed in with a look of confusion mixed with great joy.

At that moment, the door was pushed open and Wei Yang entered with a bouquet of flowers. Making eye contact with Mr. Lu, she acknowledged him with a curt nod before heading to the bedside to place the fresh flowers beside her father.

Mr. Lu, who was carried away with Wei Yan's appearance was roughly yanked back to reality as Madam Xu's ear shattering cry, "Then where is my real daughter?!"

With a subtle frown settled between his brows, Mr. Xu questioned, "CEO Lu, what do you mean by this?" He may not have been the best father to Wei Yang but she was still his flesh and blood. So, how could he not be upset, especially after him and his wife had just reached a conclusion that Wei Yang was a gem that would bring their family back from the brink if death?

"Wei Yang is my daughter. She was switched at birth with your daughter, Lu Yan!" Even as he said that, the man's anger flared rememberibg what he head the couple discuss hours ago.

Wei Yang glanced back at Mr. Lu, brows kissing each other, but she said nothing.

"Impossible, that is not possible...wait, you mean your daughter, Lu Yan is my biological daughter?" Madam Xu's face brightened and her voice carried a tinge of excitement.

She was ready to put up a resistance, not because she couldn't bear to part ways with Wei Yang, but because they've already made arrangement for Wei Yang to marry into the Yu family. However, when she heard that the beautiful and genius Lu Yan was her DM daughter, the woman immediately gave up the idea of making things difficult.

'I don't need the Yu family anymore, Lu Yan is enough as a pillar to hold our failing company', she thought.

The Woman's face disgusted Mr. Lu, so much so that staying another second could make him commit murder. With a voice thick with anger, he called, "Feng Li!"

Without needing to ask questions, Assistant Li took out a file from his bag and passed it to Mr. Xu who has no idea what he was feeling, or what he should be feeling.

Mr. Xu took the file and opened it. In it was a DNA result from a test conducted between him and Lu Yan. Reading through it, it was 99.99% match. Another DNA report, conducted by Lu Yan and Mr. Lu showed that it was 0%.

Mr. Xu raised his gaze from the papers, at Mr. Lu, feeling a heavy weight in his chest. He was smart enough to know that his blood was extracted for this DNA without his consent, after all, the hospital was owned by the Lu family.

What the man feared was that, Mr. Lu could accuse them of deliberately switching the kids, otherwise, why was the man looking as though he wanted to cut him into small pieces?

"Honey, what does the report say?!" Madam Xu rushed forward and snatched the results from her husband. After seeing the truth, her lips stretched into a smile, which she swiftly concealed.

The woman seemed to have a problem masking her true intentions.

Seeing that all eyes were on her, she cleared her throat awkwardly anf began, "How sure are you that Wei Yang is your daughter? What if your daughter is somewhere else with some other couple?" she didn't want Wei Yang to be their daughter. If she really was, won't the Lu family settle accounts with her for the way she treated their daughter over the years?

"Feng Li!" Mr. Lu roared without taking his eyes off the woman he dispised more than anything in the world. If he could, killing this woman on the spot would have relieved him a little.

Startled by Mr. Lu's cry, the woman shuffled backwards, her heart had almost leaped when the man's piercing glare settled on her.

With no time wasted, Assistant Li brought out a few photos and passed them to the couple.

Staring at the woman in the picture, the couple gasped and took another look at Wei Yang who had been staring at everyone since.

"I– is this Wei Yang?" Madam Xu asked like an idiot.

"That's my mother's photos, Wei Yang's grandmother...!" Mr. Lu paused for a second as his gaze shifted to Wei Yang, he asked, alas, the question was directed at the couple, "Do I need a stronger proof than this? If you are not convinced, await a DNA result." As he said that, he signalled Assistant Li to get the doctors, but Mrs Xu quickly stopped him.

"No need, no need, we believe it," she said, waving her hands weakly in the air. At this point, she was already starting to develop aheadache. She glanced at Wei Yang and saw the look of disinterest in her eyes.

Does this mean that Wei Yang won't tattle tale to her family? Just then, she remembered that Wei Yang wasn't one to tell stories as she'd rather play dead than cause drama. With that conclusion in mind, Madam Xu's greed spread out like an umbrella. And like a wanton, she blurted out, "We took care of your daughter and protected her like our own, surely, we deserve some– "

"Su Yin!" Mr Xu called worriedly, his wife's greed was becoming too excessive. She couldn't even conceal it properly. Could she not see that CEO Lu was angry at them?

"Honey, there is really no need for a DNA. Don't you already believe it yourself? Look at the photos and then Wei Yang, they are one and the same. They don't need a DNA to prove it." She turned to face Mr. Lu and asked, excitement washed over her, ignoring her husband whose face was already deadly pale. "CEO Lu, when can we get to see our daughter?"

"Su Yin! just keep quiet!" Mr. Xu roared causing him to be out of breath. After a few moments of trying to catch his breath, he pleaded, "Please, pardon my wife's behavior, I– "

Mr. Lu waved his off, "She has the right to ask about her daughter. You will get to be with your daughter after signing the kinship severing papers with Wei Yang."

He extended his stare to Wei Yang with the hopes of searching for opinion in her eyes or behavior, to his dismay, his daughter had a bored look in her eyes as she sat by the window staring indifferently at the street below.

He felt a full pain in his heart as his a heavy weight rested in his chest. How could a sixteen years old be this inclusive and eccentric? What had she gone through over the years with those villains who raised her?

Mr. Lu stood up and walked over to her, he raised his hand to pat her head out of habit but froze in mid air, because she turned around to look at him. He felt awkward and was about to drop his hand when she grabbed it and placed it on her head. His heart melted and he smiled. 'My daughter is so considerate,' he thought.

"Wei Yang, I'm sorry for just coming. I'm sorry for making you go through so much, I am sorry for...." his lips quivered for the first time in a long while.

"It's okay," Wei Yang patted his hand. She was tired of all these drama and needed to head out as soon as possible. She had been cooped up in the walls of the hospital since 8 AM, this was almost 4 PM. As it stands, anything to get these people off her case, she would give them.

Lawyer Cheng, who had been quiet all along, took out the drafted kingship severing papers and uttered, "Miss Wei Yang, Mr and Mrs Xu, please read and sign these."

After both parties signed them without hesitation, Mr. Lu left with Wei Yang.

After they left, Madam Xu was so elated that she almost flew out the window like an excited bird. "I can't believe my innermost wish came true! Wei Yang is truly not my daughter!" She grabbed her husband's arm and shook it with great joy, ignoring the needle that was piercing the man's hand.

"Honey, we can climb back to the top with Lu Yan. If I had known this day would come, I would have treated Wei Yang a little better, she would have been more useful than Lu Yan." she said regrettably with a deep sigh.

"Tone down your voice, your greedy idiot!" The man snapped and a moment later, he cleared his throat and continued, "What if someone hears you. Though, What you said is a good thing, however, will Lu Yan accept to help us? That girl has been pampered and spoilt for long, will she agree to come back to us?"

"She doesn't have to come back to us, she has to stay with the Lu family for us to achieve our goal," she said smiling.

"You– you, when did you come up with a scheme so soon?" without waiting for her to reply, he added under his breath, "scheming witch!"

"I heard that!" She barked.