
In the vip ward, Lu Kang Song walked in with Wei Yang behind him. Lawyer Cheng has already left for the court and Assistant Li left for the office.

"You are back, I have filled the discharge papers. We can leave the hospital now"

"Hmm. Where is Lu Yan? Have you told her?"

"She is in the bathroom. Yes I did" Madam Lu's eyes welled up in tears "She didn't throw a tantrum like I expected"

"That's good, she has always been a sensible child. Wei Yang, come, greet your mother" he stepped aside to reveal Wei Yang who was standing behind him.

The moment Madam Lu saw Wei Yang, she felt the strong bond between a mother and their child.

Don't get me wrong, its not that she didn't feel that way towards Lu Yan, but the feeling she is having now is totally different.

She immediately pushed her husband aside gently and approached her. "Wei Yang" she called and pulled her into a tight embrace, Wei Yang's backpack fell in the process. Madam Lu's shoulders shook from crying.

Wei Yang stiffened, she was not used to being hugged. She felt the woman's shoulders shaking from crying too much and patted her on the back to console her.

Meanwhile, Lu Yan who heard voiced from the bathroom came out to meet this scene. An indescribable feeling welled up in her heart. It wasn't a comfortable feeling, she didn't like it at all.

"Dad" she walked out of the bathroom door sheepishly to Lu Kang Song. "Mummy said..." She bit her lips that was quivering and her eyes reddened.

"It's ok child, we will sort it out. You won't suffer injustices" He said to her and she nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. Mr Lu helped her wipe them and kissed her on the center of her head.

This is what she has been afraid of. She had known Wei Yang since middle school. She had been trying different ways for Wei Yang and her family not to meet, unknowningly she became the one who united her with her family.

She gazed at Wei Yang who was still in her mother's embrace. Will Wei Yang tell them they had known each other for long? If she does her parents might hate her.

Wei Yang raised her head from the prolonged hug and saw Lu Yan looking at her. She curved her lips. Lu Yan's heart skipped a beat.

Madam Lu released Wei Yang and turned to Lu Yang who appeared to be lost in thought. "Yan'er, come meet Wei Yang, your sister" she said.

Lu Yan snapped out of her reverie and said in a small voice "Hi, Wei Yang" her tears well hidden.

"Hello" Wei Yang responded

This harmonious scene was what Madam Xu met with her husband and lawyer. If she was going to act a proper play, she has to do it well. That was why she called their lawyer, even though he wasn't really going to do anything.