Vile creature

"My wife is talking nonsense, please don't mind her" pleaded Xu Tang

"Was it the fact that she said I forced you to sign the papers or that she treated my daughter well over the years?" Mr Lu who has been quiet all these while finally spoke up.

"You Xus are really bold" he snickered.

"You thought I was a fool. You think I wouldn't know all you did to my daughter? The joke is on you.

Your lousy son, pushed my daughter into the pool when she was just five years old. You didn't help her out, the girl servant who did was beaten by your son and you Mrs Xu fired her.

She was beaten by you Madam Xu when she was ten years old and was left in the hospital for months after your worker sent her there. You didn't even payed her a visit nor pay her hospital bills.

You refused to support her schooling even when she was so brilliant, your attitude towards her study forced her to study hard and finally got into Misty high school with full scores, warranting her scholarship.

If Mr Xu does not buy her daily necessities and cloths, she won't have any.

You only allow her one time meal per day, wanting her to die of starvation. That way, you wouldn't have to see her anymore. That should be the treatment, love and care you are taking about, right?"

"What! " nobody knew who exclaimed, everyone was so shocked they forgot to breath for a moment.

Xu Tang felt so ashamed that he wanted to dig a hole and hide. It was not that he didn't know all his wife's doings, he just ignored them.

At this moment, Madam Xu knew she messed up. She should have hidden those proves well. She was not regretting it. In her hometown, they preferred boys over girls. They treated girls like dirt. That believe that girls were nothing but baby manufacturing machines was imbedded in her mind, which she subconsciously reacted to, not to talk of the fact that she felt nothing for Wei Yang as a mother. She thought it was normal until she met Lu Yan. She liked her at first sight.

"You... You.. You Vile creature!" Madam Lu screamed, pointing a shaking finger at Madam Xu "You still have the guts to show your ugly face to me after what you did to my daughter!" Her investigation didn't give her all these. "Get out before I loose my temper.

GET OUT!" She yelled.