Vile creature (2)

"What about my daughter?" Madam Xu frowned. Since she has been exposed, no need for her to act anymore. She would find other ways to make her plans work.

Madam Lu laughed angrily and said "You still think you can have Lu Yan? On what basis are you requesting her custody?"

"On the basis that I am her birth mother. On the basis that it is against the law to keep my daughter away from me when I already gave yours back" Madam Xu retorted.

"You want to use the law? Fine. I can as well tell the court you are not fit to be a mother. Guess what, your two sons will be taken away from you as well. You will be sent to the mental hospital. I can guarantee you that Su Yin" Madam Lu threatened.

"You. No, this is bullying, You are bullying us because you have the money and power!" Madam Xu screamed like a Mad woman.

"What if i'm bullying you, What can you do about it?"

"I brought my lawyer, he is a witness. She turned to her lawyer and pulled him forward unceremoniously. "Lawyer Wu, you heard that right? She is threatening me. I want to file a case" Madam Xu said.

Lawyer Wu shook himself of her strong hold and Cleared his throat before saying "em...Mrs Xu, we can't take this case to court. They have enough evidence against you for being a bad mother. Like Madam Lu said, they can fabricate more evidence to make you end up in the mental asylum which will not be good for your family. It is better we settle this matter behind closed doors" He tried to convince her. He is not stupid enough to go head on with the Lu family. He still wants his career as a lawyer.

"Yes, Lawyer Wu is right. Let's settle this matter out of court" Xu Tang quickly said. He glared at Madam Xu while saying in his mind 'This woman is definitely going to hear from me after this'

Madam Xu was stunned when she heard that. 'why didn't I think of that? this will not do, I cannot accept this, I can not' she thought.

Xu Tang saw that she was going to make things more difficult, he quickly said "Mr Lu, how are you planning to resolve the case?"

"We will be adopting Lu Yan. From this day on, she has nothing to do with your family" Madam Lu said.

"No way..." madam Xu was still saying when she felt a hand struck her in the face. She was struck into confusion.

"Haven't you done enough damage already? Haven't you brought enough shame to our family? When will you learn to have some shame? Because of you Wei Yang left and now Lu Yang has been taken away" he was really pissed off by this woman.

"Our lawyer will send you the necessary documents to sign later. You have overstayed your welcome, you all can leave now, don't start fighting in the presence of my daughter" Madam Lu drove them out. After they left, she said "Song, I can't let them off"

"Don't worry about it, their downfall will happen sooner than you expect" he gave her a peck on the forehead. "Let's go home. Wei Yang should be arriving at the Lu mansion soon."


Hello, My newest book, 'contract marriage: the replacement groom' is participating in a contest, please check it out, I promise you will like it. There are zero to no grammatical errors... Thank you.