Impending Fight

They were not stupid. There was no way Lu Yan wouldn't have known of Wei Yang's existence given that Wei Yang was a scholar and sometimes Ace her exams. Lu Kang Song looked at Lu Yan and frowned. He hoped she wouldn't be like her real mother, else he would send her packing.

After the awkward meal, Wei Yang was taken to her room by her mother. The room was decorated cream and a little touch of black.

"Do you like it? If you don't, I can have it changed to your favourite tomorrow" she didn't know what Wei Yang liked, she just decorated the room this way because of the white and black cloths she saw on her at the hospital.

The Butler decorated it pink. She knew Wei Yang wouldn't like such bright colours unlike Lu Yan who loved anything bright.

"I like the room. Thank you" she walked into the room and sat on the bed. She dropped her backpack on top of the bed and looked at Madam Lu who was still standing by the door and raised an eyebrow. 'Did she want to come in too? I am busy ah!' she lamented in her head. "Is there something I should help you with?" She asked.

" child" she walked in and sat down. " Am sorry about everything you have gone through. Please don't blame your dad and I" she paused "About Lu Yan, she did wrong by hiding your existence. I know you have all the reasons not to forgive her, but please, be the bigger person and forgive her ok" Madam Lu felt nervous, she didn't know Wei Yang too well. She didn't know if she was easy going. She love them both, but her love for Lu Yan still overpowered her love for Wei Yang who she just met. But she hope both girls can live happily.

Wei Yang smiled "I don't have a problem with that. She felt insecure and did what she felt was right. I don't blame her."

Madam Lu didn't feel relief after hearing that, she felt something big will happen between the two girls but she didn't know who would be whose nemesis. She hoped to be able to stop the impending fight.

"Why are you looking so sad?" asked Lu Kang Song who was sitting on the edge of the bed sorting out papers, as Madam Lu walked into their room.

"Lu Song I'm scared. Do you think Wei Yang will let it go? I mean Lu Yan did wrong..."

"Don't worry she will. Wei Yang is different. She isn't an emotional person. I feel she wouldn't even care if we had abandoned her, she is already used to being a loner. As for Lu Yan, we can't forgive what she did just like that else she will do something worse next time. I mean, she hid the truth for God knows how long. How old was she when she knew of Wei Yang but never said a thing? I hope she doesn't develop her mother's character"

"Sigh....! How did they even get switched? There shouldn't be one incubator room in the hospital. How careless could the nurse be?" She has been thinking of this since she found out this morning.

"I will get to the bottom of it. Go to bed, it's getting late"

"You too. Don't spend too much time on that "