Do Not Touch Her

At lu Kang Ming's residence. Lu Kang Ming rushed back from work that night and went straight to his study room. He opened his hidden compartment and unlocked the safe and brought out a burner phone. He sat on a chair behind his reading desk and quickly switched on the phone with shaky hands. After waiting for the phone to come on, he dialled the only number on it. After three attempts the call finally went through.

"What is it? Why don't you use your brain!?" The voice at the other end snapped irritatedly. He was busy with his little mistress and this idiot wouldn't let him have fun.

"I... I..." Lu Kang Ming cleared his throat to get over his shaky voice and continued "I am sorry your excellency. I have an urgent matter to report" he paused for a while to know if the other party is still there.

"Has the cat got your tongue now? If so get lost!" he humph and was about to end the call when Lu Kang Ming quickly continued

"My third brother has found his daughter" he said waiting for the other party to give him solution to the problem, but instead he heard a sinister laughter.

"Ahahahaha... you can't even handle such a small matter. I wonder what the organisation would do to you if they find out you are so useless" he clenched his jaw and said. " Lu. Kang. Ming. If you still want the CEO position and to be the Head of your Lu family, then find a solution to the mess you created yourself, do not bring me down with you" he said seriously. "Remember, do not touch her" he ended the call and cursed "This stupid and greedy Lu Kang Ming. He wants to ruin me" he angrily threw the phone onto the bed.

"What should I tell them now? how do I explain this? Damn you Lu Kang Ming!!!" he roared. "I am definitely going to kill you if your incompetency ruin my chances of being chosen this time" he said furiously and punched the bed.