
"I can't forgive you. Bring him back to the mansion" He turned to the rest of his men and said "Code four and five, take your team and go in search of her. Leave no place unturned and bring her back to me alive. You must not touch a hair on her head"

"Yes boss" code four and five chorused and left with their teams.

"You let me stay close to Yang Ran even though you knew how I felt about her" Code three said and laughed. "She hated you so much she had the thought of killing you many times. None of your subordinates are faithful to you. Code four and five will not be able to bring her back. Even if they find her, they will let her go" He smiled smugly.

"Call them back" Ximen said with a sly smile on his lips

Code three sighed softly in relief.

"You think I don't know you are trying to buy more time for her to escape? It's fine, even if she run, she cannot run away from me. I own country F. I will let her run all she wants and then catch her like a fish. The game will be fun" he laughed happily. "Take him away" he waved the gun in his hand .

Two of his subordinate came forward and dragged code three to the car and drove off.

Before Ximen left, he turned to look at where Yang Xi was hiding and smiled. "My little Lolita, hide all you want. you can't run away from me" he turned and left.

Yang Xi's heart skipped several beats when she thought she was caught. she sighed in relief when they left. She clenched her backpack stripe in her palm and called out " Ximen" through gritted teeth. Her eyes filled with hatred. She stood there for seconds before she turned and ran with all her might to the road to take a taxi to the airport.

When she got to the airport, she took out the envelope and looked at the passport with the name 'You Yue' written on it. She thought of which country to go for a while before she chose country A.


At Lu Kang Ming's residence, he left his study room with his heart in his throat. What was he to do? When he was ordered to change the two girls, he was warned severely not to touch her. He watched from the side as she was mistreated and how Lu Yan enjoyed what wasn't hers. Now that she is back, they wanted him to do something but cannot harm her. Then what else should he do? As he was thinking, he heard his daughter, Lu Rong roar, "mini stop creating a mess in my room! "

His brain jolted and he repeated "mess... Chaos" he felt enlightened and his eyes Brightened. he smiled happily.