I don't care what happens to you

Inside Wei Yang's room, she sat crossed legs on her bed and was typing furiously on her laptop when she heard a soft knock on her door. She felt a little annoyed at the disturbance, but didn't get up to answer the door. She couldn't leave what she was doing. She was almost done hacking into Frosty City's university's database, searching for Yihuan's information.

The knock came again and she grumbled. "Come in" but the person behind the door didn't come in but continued knocking. She sighed frustratedly and continued her work.

Seconds later, she had found what she wanted and left it whilst copying.She stood up and went to get the door.

The person behind the door has already turned her back and was about to leave. When she heard the sound of the door opening, she stopped and turned around only to see a face with half chilling smile staring straight at her.

Her heart froze from being frightened. "Don't just stand there, come in" she heard and saw her go back to her laptop, leaving the door ajar.

Lu yang patter her chest and breath out before she followed behind her. "Can I sit?" She asked.

Wei Yang looked up from her laptop "You were never like this. Do whatever you want, but don't touch my stuff" she turned her head back to her laptop.

Lu yang sat down on the comfy creamed coloured chair. "Sister, I am very sorry for what happened in school over the years. I know I have no genuine reason to treat you the way I did in school, I have no excuse whatsoever for hiding your existence from mum and dad for so long. please forgive me sister" she pleaded

"Wei Yang. Call me Wei Yang. You calling me sister is... creepy" She pressed some buttons on her laptop and shut it before keeping it aside to stare at Lu yang. "You don't like me so don't force it. Don't try to be who you are not. Stay within your limits and I won't make things difficult for you. I hate troubles and you know it, but that doesn't mean I will run away from it when it keeps coming at me. Don't forget to shut the door behind you. I'm sleepy" She was telling her to leave.

Lu Yan heaved a sigh and stood up. " Wei Yang. It is true that I don't have affection for you. Maybe it's because I am scared of losing all I have right now, but I will try my best to make things between us work. If not for ourselves, but for mum and dad" she walked to the door and was about to open it when she heard Wei Yang say.

"Beware of the person beside you. I don't really care what happens to you, but for your kind adopted parents, I wouldn't want them to be heartbroken. I can see they cherish you a lot even when you are such a disappointment" She lay on her side and closed her eyes.

Lu Yan's fingers paused on the door handle. She looked back at Wei Yang only to see her sleeping. She smiled and then said "Thank You" and walked out